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End of POV*
Days go by and Emma's starting to get control over her addiction. She decides to leave August. Her and Emma aren't together yet but she hopes they can in the future. Regina got a
New Job as a creative writing CLUB teacher so she could take as many days as she wants off without getting fired. Weeks go by and Regina's start to feel this sharp pain in her chest and she notices she's getting more tired than usual. She schedules a doctors appointment but never shows up because she's afraid of what will happen. She thinks she knows what the problem is and she doesn't have the courage to own up to it yet.

4:50pm... 2 months later at Reginas apartment...

Regina's POV*
While Emma's in the shower and I'm laying on the bed I decide to tell her.
"Emma. August called. He was wondering if you want to go out with him later."
"Regina. Tell him I want a divorce."
"You could tell him yourself."
"We should move back into your other house."
"I think I got cozy here."
"Yeah. Well I'm not. There's crickets that come from the drain when I'm showering and don't get me wrong I like crickets but Jiminy Being a little perve."
I get up and walk to the house phone and suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my chest.
I fall to the floor and Emma runs out of the shower.
"Regina that the 3rd time this month. When are you going to get it checked out."
"Emma I'm sure it's nothing."
I then throw Emma's wet naked body on the bed and kissing her. Suddenly the door swings open.
"Oops am I interrupting something?"
"No jade. What's up."
"Well I can't take you seriously right now hehe."
"I'm going to brush my teeth."
Emma kisses my forehead and goes back into the restroom.
"Regina. Um. Addison called me and she wants to talk to you. To make sure I'm doing well. So can you just put in the good word."
"Yeah! Definitely."
She hands me the phone and a hot almost seductive English voice answers.
"Hello is this Miss mills."
I hold the phone way from my mouth and whisper to jade
"Tell me about it!"
"Oh hi sorry. Is this Addison."
"Yes it is. I was just calling to see how jades doing."
"She's amazing! She shows no signs of drug usage."
"Very well. How's her relationship going."
"Fine. Excellent I believe. He calls her every night."
"Oh.... okay. Um well thank you very much."
"K bye bye."
I hand jade back her phone and lift one eyebrow.
"She seems to fancy you."
"Addy? No!"
"Come on! Once I said your relationship was fine she tried to rush the conversation and she sounded a bit saddened."
"Come on. Addys bi but she knows I'm a married woman."
"Mm well she seems sexy. Tell me how does she look!"
"She's tall. She had an amazing facial structure! Her jaw line is incredible. She has red hair and she always wears these pick scrubs cuz she's a surgeon. She tries to put on this dazzling red lipstick every second she can. And she's just amazing."
"Seems like you fancy her too. I've never seen someone go into that much detail about a woman."
"Gina I'm a married woman.!"
She giggled and I gasped. We starting bursting out in laughter and then it hit me again the pain.
I form a fist and place it against my chest.
"Are you okay?"
"No. But don't tell Emma. I need you to take me to the hospital next week. I can't this weekend cuz I have work. Next week I could take Wednesday off. Make sure you're up before Emma!"
"What do you think is wrong?"
"I don't know but whatever it is I hope it's nothing too serious."

Emma's POV*
I walk out the restroom to find Regina completely asleep and snoring. I write a note.
"Went to go pick up Henry from school. See you soon!"
I put on my red leather jacket some combat boots and walk out the door. I get in my car and start to head over to Henry's school.

6:30pm Henry's school...

Henry's POV*
"Hey kid ready to go home!"
"Uh.. DUH!"
"My bad. What's with the attitude."
"Mom I'm 12 years old now I hate school. So you asking if I'm ready to go home is pointless because the answer is yes."
I walk to the passenger side of the car and get in.
"So Mom There is this girl... and she wanted to know if we could go to the movie theaters next Wednesday."
"Uh sure. Is she like a girlfriend....."
"Eww mom no!"
"Hehe sureee!"

We get to the house and I walk in to see Regina cooking.
I walk up to her and hug her.
"Need some help mom?"
"No but if you want to help you could cut the rest of the potatoes!"
I start cutting the potatoes and then I hear and loud bang I look down to see mom on the floor.
Jade and Emma rush down the stairs and see Regina on the floor holding her chest.
Jade looks up at me and we hold eye contact for a couple seconds she looks back down at regina and says,
"That's it regina we're going to the hospital today and that's final!"
"Hospital! Mom are you going to be okay?"
"Moms going to be fine kid."
"Emma stay home with Henry. Jades gonna take me to the hospital I'm sure I'm fine."
I run upstairs and tears start rolling down my cheeks.

I look up to a blank and empty tv.
I turn it on and sit and watch keeping up with the Kardashian's.
Emma walks in and looks at me.
"Could I join?"
"Sure. It's the part when Kim tells kourtney that she's the least fun to look at."
"Okay. Ugh sister drama am I right?"

Regina's POV*
"Regina Mills.. your scans are ready."
"Jade Wait here Ill be back."
She nods her head and goes back to watching a football game.
The doctor takes me into a room and proceeded to say.
"Regina. I'm so sorry but you have stage 2 breast cancer. At this point the only thing you can do is surgery and chemo therapy."
"Stage 2?..."
"Yes ma'am stage 2."
"Okay and what if I don't take the surgery?"
"Then that gives you about one month maybe less to live."
"Oh... okay."
"So. Are you going to do the surgery?"
"Is it risky?"
"Every surgery is risky."
"Oh.. okay."
"Um. No. I don't want the surgery."
"Regina Mills. You have a beautiful son. An amazing best friend an awesome love life. Take the surgery."
"I can't just fight it."
"That's not an option at this point."
"Oh.. okay."
"Miss mills all you've been saying is "okay." We need a answer on what your choice is."
"Okay. I'll do the surgery. But I want to sign a DNR form."
"Do not resuscitate?"
"Um okay."
"Okay bring me the form and book my surgery for Wednesday afternoon."
"You got it."
Hours go by and the doctors come out with a DNR form. I read through it and sign it. I walk out to the lobby to see jade smiling.
"Jade let's go."
"Regina are you okay."
"No but..."
"Gina. I'm your best friend. You could tell me. If you don't want anyone else to know I got you."
"Okay jade.. you can't tell Emma or Henry. I have stage 2 breast cancer. They're doing surgery Wednesday afternoon. And I signed a DNR form just Incase anything goes wrong."
"Okay okay okay... you did WHAT!"
Tears start to pour from her eyes all the way down to her cheek. We sit in a car ride of silence and crying and soon enough at the end both our shirts were soaked by tears.
I walk in the house to see Emma and Henry sleeping.

10:30 pm...
Emma makes her way in the room.
"Gina why aren't you sleeping?"
"Oh some things are on my mind..."
"What did the hospital tell you."
"I'm fine.. I go back on Wednesday for a check up."
"Oh okay."
"Wait Emma..."
"What are we?"
"Um. Sex friends."
"Goodnight em."

(Authors note: okay so sorry for the sudden switch in story line. I was gonna continue the drug base out by making jade relapse but i didn't really like the idea of it so I deleted it and started over. So that's that. But if there's any specific thing you want to see before I end the book you should PROBABLY tell me.)

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