Warming up

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Regina POV*
As soon as Emma walked in my jaw almost hit the floor. I couldn't show any reaction because well obviously I'm a teacher and the students were watching but seriously did I really have to call her out and have her stay after class for no reason she probably HATES my guts. Ugh...!! My mind takes over:
God damn Regina why was I so stupid! Why would I do such a thing Jesus Christ I need to take my mind off her. I need to grade these poems. Okay I really need to stop over thinking and actually grade these poems. I sigh and get to work. As I'm reading over poems I come across Emma's, as I'm reading tears start pouring down my cheeks. I've never seen something so deep before in my entire English career. I'm debating over weather or not I should call her. But I don't because that would be wrong right? Definitely Regina what are you thinking get in your work zone girl! I'm grading all these papers and I can't even read them because nothing appears as good as Emma's and she's in my mind it's like she permanently left her her mark in my brain.

*fast forward >
It's the next day and Emma is drop dead gorgeous I'm staring at her smirk as she keeps making eye contact with me I can't help but feel my women areas get dripping wet just by a face and suddenly a hand raises holy crap it's Emma should I ignore it. CRAP what do I do. What do I do! Imma just answer her. "Miss swan?"
"Miss mills I have a question about today's assignment. If a poem is made up of lines and stanzas why does the most famous poets right In paragraph form?"
For once I've been struck by non knowledge I simply replied "good question Emma I have no idea but I would like to talk to you after school about a recent poem you submitted if that's fine with you."
"Totally miss mills but when did you stop calling me miss swan? I like it it makes me feel in control like a dominant *wink"
As my body is shaking out of my skin Emma grabs my hand and whispers "drink water it's most likely dehydration."
"Uh Emma can you sit down Now I'.. I'm having a bit of a panic attack."
"Want some water"
"No Emma just sit down."
Oh my lord. did I just orgasm! JESUS CHRIST REGINA WTF IS WRONG WITH ME!
"Emma on second thought can you wait 10 to 30 minutes so I could run home after school I have to uh change my outfit"
"Sure thing miss."

Emma's POV*
Holy shit what am I doing why am I awkwardly flirting OUT loud with this HOTTIE I bet you Ella was lying I bet you she's as straight as a pole. Why the hell did she have a panic attack I think I made her uncomfortable. I shouldn't ask but her BODY is amazing and I was just trying to help.!

*after school
"So miss swan I'm concerned about your poem it's deep and I just wanna say... you know what imma just be really open in the moment. I just want to say you have no reason to feel like this because I love you I think you're the most beautiful girl I met and no I'm not straight I'm one hundred percent lesbian and I'm hearing myself right now and I sound like a complete idiot please don't hate me.!"
Oh my gosh did she confess her love for me I'm dead I can't breathe well here goes nothing.
"Miss mills I feel the same way and I want to kiss your pink lips right now but I know what wouldn't be safe and it would be risky so I'm sorry but we can't make this thing a thing."
"Emma" *Regina pulls me in by the waist and kisses me*
Her lips are soft and her touch is warm, her lips taste like apple and her breath smelled like cinnamon. Am I falling in love with my teacher?
Im running, oh god what just happened I can't
I quickly grab my stuff and run out the room I hear a faint voice in the back
"Emma! Wait please"
Ignore it and keep running. I finally get home and I enter the door "hey mom I'm home."
"Hey baby your teacher miss mills called me and says that you had a panic moment today mind sharing."
"No mom it's all good"
"Okay babe just know that whatever you need I'm here for you."
I just need some sleep at this point imma just sleep. CLOSE YOUR EYES. sleep god damnit I need sleep miss mills is probably sleeping like a baby after what she just pulled.

Regina POV*
Jesus Christ. I can't sleep I'm scared what if she tells her mother. I can't help it that I'm literally obsessed with this girl who may ruin my life and.... UGHHHG I can't deal with this right now. I open up my laptop and go to face book and search Emma Swan and her profile pops up I couldn't help but to stare at her pictures in utterly desire. I ran across this one with half her ass showing through her shorts and I couldn't help but get turned on. As I sat there biting my lip all day all I wanted to do was throw her on top of the desk and lick her from bottom to top and hear her slowly beg for more. AND OML REGINA PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER SHES YOUR STUDENT!! why does she have me so provoked.... I THINK ITS TIME FOR ME TO TAKE SOME RISK

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