Search party

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Emma's POV*
I grabbed Regina's hand as I rushed out to the parking lot. I open the passenger side for Regina and then close it. I get in the drives side and start speeding down to rumple and belles house.
Regina is just sitting in the car in tears.

We finally get to their house and belle opens the door. "I didn't expect to see you guys here? Are you okay?"
"No we would like to talk to your husband!"
"He's not here right now..... but.... i am so wanna talk to me?"
"Fuck It why not."
"Okay guys so what's the problem? Has rumple done something?"
I look at belle in complete diss belief.
"rumples done everything! That mans a wicked, dirty, nasty, human being."
"Wow okay guys!"
"Sorry belle it's just that rumple has been stalking me and Regina for a while now like a LONG while now."
"Wow I mean I knew he was a little bit obsessed with your relationship but I didn't know this was happening."
"Well fix it!"
"I would love to but I haven't seen rumple in days... welp you know what they say 'Beauty And The Beast'."
"Yea... well you deserve way better than that creep."
"Okay Emma that's enough!"
I look at her and smile.
"Sorry belle, I'll get out of your hair now. Stay pretty."
She smiles. I hear a loud bang to see she's dropped a tea cup causing it to chip.
"Jesus I'm sorry Emma I'm a bit clumsy."
"No worries belle."
I began walking out.

Regina POV*
"Emma it's fine dear, I could learn to live with this."
"Um no regina we have no idea what he's doing to Alice's corps!"
"He's probably humping it. who knows!"
"Regina it's not the time or place for games he could be doing that creepy voodoo magic he always does."
"Emma get over you self."
I let out a little giggle and turn to see Emma's face dead ass serious.
I cough and then ask her what was the matter.
"Baby he's an evil man and.."
"Look I could care less what he's doing to Alice. All i know is I don't want to be anywhere near it. But now that I'm putting all the pieces together. It was rumple all those times!"
"Baby what are you talking about?"
"The time Alice found me in San Francisco, and the time the cops came to the porch, AND the videos and pictures in my gallery. It was all him!"
"Because rumple is a bad man and who knows what can happen if he gets ahold of me OR YOU!"
"Oh shit true!"
"Let's just stop this search party and go do something exciting!"
"Like what?"
"Well not sex I'm kinda bored with it at the moment."
"YOU'RE BORED OF SEX?! Is it how I'm performing! Why didn't you tell me regina."
"No emma it's not you! It's just we do it all the time EVERYWHERE. I want something new and exciting!..... LETS ADOPT!"
"Kids Regina! Kids! OH IM SO GLAD YOU WANT THEM!"
"We will go to the adoption center first thing tomorrow!"
We turn the car around and head towards my house.
"I can't believe we're adopting!"
"Well you better believe it!"

We finally get home and get out the car. We open the door and head straight towards the room. I lay down in bed and then Emma. I roll over and kiss her forehead "goodnight Emma."
"Goodnight Regina."

Belles POV*
I've been waiting on rumple to come home ever since Regina and Emma came to the house. I haven't got a single hour of sleep. And then the door clicks.
"Yes dear I'm back."
"Rumple what the bloody hell have you been doing!"
"Belle what I've been doing doesn't concern you at all."
"Rumple actually it does! I'm your wife! And if you can't Handle the fact that Regina and Emma are a couple then maybe we shouldn't be together because I'm a people lover and you obviously have some weird hate thing going on!"
"BELLE I'm not homophobic! It's just, it's Emma! I've been assigned by Cora to ruin their marriage in every way I could possibly do."
"Because she said if I don't she'll ruin my life and trust me belle she has that power."
"But rumple you have to do what's right for you! Thats their marriage! We are right here. rumple i swear to you if you continue doing what you're doing I will end this beautiful love we have."
"Belle please you have to understand!"
"No actually rumple; I don't. Now I'm going to go to sleep and you're going to think, it's either me or your obsession... OH and one more thing! What the hell did you do to Alice's grave!"
"I dug it up to scared Regina with it. Alice is safe in her coffin!"
"Goodnight belle!"
I started walking up the stairs and then heard a loud bang on the counter.
I turn back down and see rumple sitting there crying with his fist on the kitchen counter.
"Rumple are you okay!?"
"You chipped my tea cup."
"Oh I'm sorry rumple you know I'm a bit clumsy."
"Belle it's fine. Just go away."
I turn away and run up the stairs, I jump in bed and start crying. I then doze off to sleep.
I wake up and go downstairs to see a morning breakfast and rumple sitting at the table waiting.
"Rumple what is this?"
"It's breakfast belle. Now come eat before it gets even colder."
I look at him and sit down. I start eating and then when I'm done I look up and say "rumple that was amazing."
"Well I learned from the best."
I giggled and then realized I need to get ready for work.
I'm an ball dance instructor for weddings and parties and all that fun stuff. "Well I guess I better get ready."
"Okay belle."
I walk upstairs to get ready and then hear the front door open and close.
I see rumple on the phone and then he walks back inside.

Regina's POV*
"Emma! Hurry we're going to be late!"
"No I'm going to be late."
"What the hell do you mean, I'm driving?"
"Baby a queen is never late everyone else is simply early."
"Yeah Emma it's all cute and fun until I'm actually late. Plus I'm not even royalty I turned that offer down a while ago."
"Baby your royalty to everyone around you!"
"Very funny Emma! Just hurry up we're genuinely going to be late! And we have to impress the adoption agency."
"We will."
I look at her and smile. "OKAY NOW LETS GO!"
"Sure thing!"
Emma runs down the stairs with me and we get in the car and start speeding away."

We finally arrive at the adoption center and walk in to see a little boy about 3 years old run up to us and hug us.
"HI you must be my new mommies! I'm Henry. I don't have a last name yet so.... that's that but IM HENERY what's your name?"
"I'm Emma Swan. And this is my wife."
"Well what's your wife's name?"
"Hi Henry my names regina mills and we might just be adopting you today."

I look up at the system leader and she looks up at me hands me some papers and says "fill out the paper work and the kids yours."

Me and Emma go through each and every paper and Henry starts packing his stuff.
We get to the question of what's his last name going to be. I look up and Emma and Emma looks up at me. "Henry swan?" She asked.
"Um... that doesn't sound right... we could do Henry mills?"
"Deal! I like your last name. BUT he is as much as my son as he is of yours."
"Emma I know!"
"Okay just making sure."

We sign the papers "Henry Mills."
And hand them over to the adoption people.
They look at us and say "there will be a house check every other Friday, and if we fell like Henry is safe enough we'll stop going so often."
"Okay. That's fine."
We look up to see Henry running towards us and hugs us.
"Hi I'm Henry mills!"
We looked down at him with tears in our eyes and emma smiled at me and said "come on, let's take this little guy home."

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