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A month later..

Emma's POV*
It's been a month since I've last seen Regina. It's also been a month since I've signed the divorce papers.
I decided to go out and mingle and August is honestly there for me when I need him. Regina's out in Canada living her life.
She told Henry she missed me but honestly I could care less about her. I put her in a tiny box and shipped her out my mind. I'm honestly happy with August and that's final.

I get a text from Henry.
"Hey mom when are you coming home jake wants to know?"
"Tell your friend I'll be there to take you to the movies in a bit. I'm out with August."
"So are you and August a thing now. And nah he's going home."
"Yea. And he honestly makes me really happy. I've never been happier. Okay."
"Do you know if mom is going to be coming home this month?"
"No baby I don't. She'll come when she's ready."
"Alright mom."
I turn off my phone and go back to eating ice cream with August.

Regina's POV*
"get my bags!"
"ma'am the belt moves at its own speed."
"God damn I have a son waiting for me.....Boom there it is."
"Have a nice day."
I put my bags in the car and drive to an apartment I decided to rent out until I could get Emma back. Mother finally let me live my life after a little bit of arguing and talking.
I put my bags in the apartment close the door and start walking down the street.
I turn the corner to see Emma eating ice cream with August and they're holding hands.
I quickly turn and hide behind the corner.
I try to process things as quickly as possible, it's literally only been a month. And she's already moved on.
I look up to see Emma and August.
"Oh hey em!"
"What are you doing here."
"Um I barely came back and I was headed to see Henry and um.. you look happier!"
"Oh.. um.. I. I am."
"Very well. I'll be on my way."
"Actually we were just headed to the house do you need a ride?"
"Oh um sure?!"
My heart shattered into a million pieces when I heard her confirm she's happier. I started shaking and crying silently.
We finally got to the house and I open the door.
Henry burst into tears and runs up to me.
"I've missed you too."
"So I see you met August."
"Been knowing him for a while now, it's nice to see Emma happy."
"Yeah well if it's between you and me. You were the better lover."
I giggle and ask if he wants to go out for ice cream.
"I'd love that!"
Henry grabs his shoes and runs out the door. I look and Emma grin and walk out.
"So Henry... has she really moved on?"
"I believe so.."
It's silent the whole way there and. Then Henry says,
"Momma don't tell mom but August plans on proposing today. So..."
I turn to see who it is.
"Oh my god GINA YOU'VE MATURED! You're a lady now. And have a very professional style! I love it!"
"Oh Henry this is jade she's been my best friend since I don't know how long. She's a traveler so that's why you haven't met her but we talk all the time!"
"Jade what are you doing in Maine?"
"Well exploration of course! You live here?"
"She does."
"I do."
"Well that's great! Cuz I'm staying for 2 years what's new with you?"
"Well I met someone. A long time ago. Married her. Divorced her. And nowww I'm gonna watch her marry someone else. And somehow I'm not okay with it. But I'm happy because she's happy."
"Well how about you?"
"Um. I'm married to a wonderful man. I can't give birth because I'm infertile. My mother hates me. Russia won't except my visa! Oh and my wonderful man is in wonderful Washington working for the ever so dumb president."
"Eh. I have it worse. Well anyways wanna join me and hen for ice cream."
"I think we'll make great friends!"

Emma's POV*
"Emma. I know we've only been together for a month but I truly know you are the one. Will you marry me!"
I stop to breathe and suddenly it all goes blank.
Tears start rolling down our cheeks and we kiss.
"Oh how am I suppose to tell Henry!"
"Oh he knows I asked before I proposed!"
"Oh my god I have to call David!"
"I'll call my mom!"
Then the door opens and we hear laughing and jokes. We look up to see Regina, Henry and this tall brunette girl walk in.
"Regina? Who's that?"
I said with a cute elementary schooler crush voice.
"Ew Emma no! That's like my sister. And her names jade."
"Hey I'm jade! And you must be Emma!"
"Yeah nice to meet you!"
I suddenly hear a gasp.
"Is that an engagement ring I see?"
"Oh yea August proposed."
Henry runs upstairs and then I hear a soft voice say,
"Emma, I'm happy for you. I really am."
She pulls me in for a hug and then asks when the wedding is
"Oh I don't know yet."
"Its next month baby!"
"Okay! Well there's your answer."
"That's great well I guess I better get going... jade? You coming."
"Duh.. I wanna see where you live. Why would you give up this big ass house!"

Regina's POV*
"Regina don't worry happiness will come again. If it's not with her it will be with someone else!"
"Yeah... well she's the only one I want happiness with. I'm happy for her but I know I was happier with her."
We finally make it to my new house.
"Wow! Regina! You gave that away for this!"
"Well I didn't know "THIS" was going to be permanent."
"O sorry Gina....I'm gonna eat your chips now! I feel like grieving with you."
"Okay jade ."
I walk into a corner in the room, everything I see starts reminding me of Emma. I pick up a bottle of whiskey I had in my suitcase and soon before 30 minutes it's empty.
I keep reminding myself Emma's happier.
"So do you really think the girls happy?"
"I don't know."
"Okay well I'll drink with you."
"No I'm fine."
"Mmm NOPE."
She pours a glass.
So you drink whiskey straight...."
I hear giggling
"Jade what the hell?"
"Hehe you drink whiskey straight but you're not even straight."
"No regina I only had one glass."
I pick her up and put her on the couch.
"Get some sleep."
"Get her back."

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