Oz lust

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Regina's POV*
Days go by and Emma still doesn't know who I am. it's super surprising because how do you not remember the LOVE OF YOUR LIFE. I sat there puzzled and then Tears started rolling down my cheeks. I quickly get prepared for school. I go into class and do my usual speech "welcome"... dah dah dah dah dah. The day goes on and nothing excites me. So I end up changing the lesson. "Guys put your pencils down, instead of poems we're going to be talking. What I mean by that is sharing things we like to write about or sharing things that make us feel a certain emotion." All the kids look up drop there pencils and then start raising there hands. I call on one kid names James.
"Hey my names James, and something that makes me happy is watching real life surgeries on YouTube."
"Ahhh so you want to be a surgeon?"
"No I just like thought of organs being cut open. Also I really like blood."
I look at him COMPLETELY puzzled. And proceed to say well we all have our differences don't we.
The next thing you know Emma walks in.
"Emma?... what are you doi....
before I could even finish she says
"I don't know who you are or how you know my name but I've been placed to watch this class cuz apparently I'm the new class aid."
Everyone looks at me as tears are pouring from my face and one kid raises her hand. I call on her and she says, "well I know what makes you happy." She paused and everyone's attention went to her and she then said "oh my god how clueless are you, EMMA MAKES MISS MILLS HAPPY CANT YOU FOOLS SEE." "This is why I hate being the only girl in the class."
I look at her and smile and then get back to the lesson. Emma sits down on the student chair right next to mines and opens my laptop to see a bunch of pictures of us. She looks at me confused and puzzled and continues to scroll through the pictures. She then closes the laptop and starts working. I look at her making it obvious I'm checking her out. I then put my hand on her thigh and she looks at me in complete desire. I move my hand up slowly, and slowly, and slowly, until I finally reach her center. She takes a deep breath in and out and then I proceeded to put my hand down her pants. She then moans and everyone looks up to see me smiling and Emma sweating "GET BACK TO WORK I SAID." And they continue to talk about the things that make them happy. I start moving my hand in a circular motion and then  Emma  shouts "REGINNNA" I quickly look up at the students who look sooo perplexed. And then I say " I accidentally kicked her calm down." They start giggling and continue to talk. Emma then whispers "I'm finished." In my ear and goes to the restroom to get cleaned up. I just use hand sanitizer and then get back to grading papers.

Emma's POV*
I open Reginas laptop just to find pictures of us. I'm thinking well this is weird isn't it, but I assumed before I got shot she was my friend. I started to wonder what we were because I felt a connection that I hadn't felt with anyone else. I mean she is hella attractive, I thought to myself if she isn't my girlfriend I don't know who is. Regina starts walking towards her desk. I'm sitting right by it. I think nothing of it until she places her hand on my thigh and then starting moving more and more closer to my lady parts. I look at her with a amused but confused face and the next thing you know her hand slipped in my pants and I couldn't help but moan. The class looked up about 3 times. Finally I finished and went to wash up. As I was washing up it all came back to me. REGINA. "Regina is my girlfriend!" I yelled.
I rushed into her class and rolled her out from behind the desk. I grabbed her by her tie and kissed her passionately causing her left foot to do a little "ding." motion. The class looked up and started clapping and the girl in the back said "finally." I let out a giggle and Regina did too. I looked into her Coco brown eyes as they filled with hope and joy and said "BABE IM BACK!" She grabbed my hand without saying and word. Got down on one knee and then pulled out the most beautiful diamond ring I had ever seen. She then said "Emma swan, I was waiting for the right moment to do this and I think today is the day. We've been through far to much for me to let you go, you've made me the happiest woman alive ever since I met you in your senior year. Of course we went our separate ways, but we will always find each other. Now Emma would you make me the happiest woman alive right now and say yes to marrying me?"
I jumped for joy and started crying. With my voice shaking and my hands trembling I said "OF COURSE I WOULD. IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT MY WHOLE LIFE!"
she then grabs my waist and pulls me into another kiss and the whole class started crying and clapping. And then the girl in the back shouts "who knew boys had emotions!?"
We started laughing and I ran out the class called up mary and told her the exciting news. She was happy for me she said. But she sounded a bit worried. "Mom? What's the matter?" "Emma I'm happy for you, but I don't think I'll make it to see the wedding."
"Why?" I asked
"I have stage 3 breast cancer and they're giving me a month in a half to live."
My eyes flooded with tears. I never turned around to finish my shift. I got into my yellow mustang and just drove. Until I hit a dead end. I pulled over got out the car and sat on the edge of the street. I began sobbing and then the next thing you know a  bright and bubbly woman approached me. "Hey dearie are you okay?" I ignored her question and then she became very bothered and said "well ignore me then, but my names Dorothy."
I look at her and with blood shot eyes and say "sorry D but I'm not having a very pleasant day." She looks at me and then says "well maybe this will help."
She cuffs my cheeks in pulls me in for a kiss. I don't pull away and I know it isn't right but it just felt so good. I then stop myself and before I could even say anything she says "here's my number." Leaving it on my hand and then walks off.
I get back in my car and rush home to find Regina sitting on the couch upset as hell, "well miss swan where have you been?"
Did she just!! "Don't Miss swan me, we've been through far to much for you to use my name in vein."
"Hmm, alright. Well while you figure out your story I'm going to go run a hot bath. Hopefully you won't be sleeping on the couch tonight."
My mind began racing. I needed to find an excuse, while thinking I dozed off and went to sleep just to find myself covered with a warm blanket and sleeping on a pillow on the couch, Regina had left to work but it made me realize that even when she's mad she still loves me. So maybe I should tell her about yesterday. And then I notice the number on my hand and decide, what's one little phone call going to do?
I grab my iPhone and call the number. Dorothy answers and we talk for hours, I invite her over. And then I hang up. I ran upstairs and put on the sexiest outfit I could find and did my makeup. The doorbell rang and I answered it. Dorothy brought wine and we sat for a good 45 minutes drinking. She then grabs me for a kiss and I lift her up and walk her to the bed room. She get undressed as do I. She starts giving me a hickey on my neck and teasing me. We suddenly get into things very fast. After a while I finished and so did she. She grabs her stuff and kisses me one last time before she leaves. I quickly get dressed and go back to Laying on the couch. I look at the time and realized Regina gets back in a hour. I stated cleaning everything up and then Regina came in. "Hey hon I'm home!"
I panicked a bit and then said "hey babe." She then kissed me and gave me a look. She lifted an eyebrow and said "something's off, you smell a lot like cinnamon." And then she pulls a brown hair off my chest. She looks me in the eyes and runs up the stairs slamming the door behind her.
"Regina it's not what it...."
I felt so bad for lying but I proceeded to say "yes I had some friends over for lunch and they decided it would be fun to watch a movie."
I felt my throat drop and Regina opens the door she pulls me in and kisses me "thank god! I knew you were trust worthy." I cringe a little and then enter the room. She gets in her pj's and then cuddles me. In the morning Regina is still here. She decided to take off work. I unattached myself from her and walked to the restroom to brush my teeth I look in the mirror to find giant hickeys all over my body from Dorothy. Regina then walks in and doesn't look at me. She pees and then washes her hands and leaves. I close the door behind her and lock it trying to find whatever makeup Regina has to cover them. Of course Regina doesn't have my skin tones! I look up at the hickeys and walk down the stairs at lightening speed. Regina sees me and walks towards me. She's super tired so she doesn't yet notice. I'm starting to shake and then Regina puts her arms around me and holds me. She kisses my neck and takes one good look at it, she fierce fully turns me around and slaps me. "OUCH Gina WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!"
"EMMA YOU LIED TO ME. YOU SAID YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING, I TRUSTED YOU!! WHO WAS THE GIRL?!!! RUBY?, BELLE, ELLA, DOROTHY? As soon as she said D I looked down. She grabbed me by the chin making me look her in her eyes and said "I'm going to kill Dorothy."
"Regina stop, it was a mistake!"
I looked down at my shoes and back up at Reginas angry face "it's only happened twice. The night you proposed and then yesterday."
"I know Regina and I'm sor..."
"Save it Emma. You're sleeping on the floor tonight."
She ran upstairs grabbed her stuff came back down and said "I've decided to go to work today, see you tonight.. MISS SWAN."
My whole heart froze as I sat there in silence contemplating every kiss and touch and crying in heart break realizing....I broke my own heart.

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