The choosing

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Regina's POV*
My world went black and then suddenly white again. I got up out of the hospital bed and turned around. I saw my body laying there with about 100 doctors surrounding me. I turned to see Henry crying and Emma staring at me blankly. I haven't gave her a answer.
I look up to see a bright light. Hmm maybe heaven is real? I turn my head towards the bed. And then I hear a soft angelic voice behind me. "Regina. Do what feels right. For you."
"Holy cow I must be dreaming, Mary?"
"Yes regina and this is no dream. You get to choose to stay with your family or leave. But if you stay you'd probably never recover and if you do it will be a slow process."
I look up at the bright light shining above me and down my family.

Emma's POV*
Come on Regina. "Charge to 350. Clear."
They suddenly stop compressions.
"Miss swan I'm sorry but there is nothing left for us to do."
My heart shattered and I fell to the floor shaking and crying. Jade runs into my arms and squeezes me tightly. "Emma she's in a better place now."
That just made me cry even more.
Henry walked up to me.
"Mom. Don't cry."
I look at him and smile. I get up and walk to the restroom to clean my face up.
I walk back out and see a bunch of nurses calling the doctors into the room. They rush in to see that Regina's heart beat was normal and she was breathing again. But still unconscious.
"What happened?"
"She stabilized but is still unconscious and unaware."
My heart filled with a little hope. So I ran into the room and got in the bed with her and just laid there. I slowly felt myself drifting to sleep.

Henry's POV*
Both of my moms are sleeping and one of them might be sleeping forever. I walk into Regina's room and lay my hand on her heart.
"Mom. If you're not going to fight for Emma. Fight for me. I need you more than anyone and anything else. You made me the boy I am today."
I go closer to Regina's ear and whisper "and sorry to say but Cora is making me quite anxious so if you could PLEASE fight to stay alive."
I kiss her on her forehead and leave the room to go eat lunch. Jade follows behind me.
"So how do you feel about all this?"
She gives me a puzzled face.
"I feel nothing."
I said.
"Well you'd have to feel something."
"Jade I feel nothing. So could we please just eat ice cream and talk about something else other than mom."
She looks at me with hope in her eyes and walks me down to the cafeteria.
"So how are your grades in school."
"They're okay. They could be better."
"What are you struggling in?"
"English mainly."
"Dude! Your moms a whole ass English teacher!"
"Well... if she dies she gonna be no help now is she.."
"Wow. Okay. I'm pretty good at English. I mean I graduated with a B- but that's still pretty good."
"Okay maybe you could help me in the future."
"So have you heard from August or Dorothy or David."
"David's in traffic. Mom hates Dorothy and Emma's not allowed to see August because of the drug situation."
"Ahh I see."
"Enough with me! How's your husband."
"He's fine."
I look at her and smile.
"How about that hot sponsor you have... what's her name? Oh Addison! Hehe."
"What are you talking about?"
"Don't play me jade I read your diary! You totally have a crush on her! If you like her why didn't you just tell her?"
"Because Henry life isn't that simple when you have conservative parents and a rich husband."
"But what's that conservative parent gonna do if you're already moved out and what's the point of being married if you never see your spouse."
"Henry I won't ever see her either! She's at Johns Hopkins working to be a gynecologist."
"Oh.. so she likes looking at vaginas!"
"No don't tell me I'm wrong! She likes to study vaginas! That's one instant indicator of GAY!"
"You're silly! We should head up to the room now."
"I like my humor! And I don't know. Whatever you wanna do jade."

We walk back up to the room to see David holding Emma. He's comforting her more than ever.

Jades POV*
Well Henry knows about my huge lesbian crush on my sponsor. That's great!
I walked him up to the room to see David and Emma holding each other. I close the door to Regina's room and sit on the bed.
"Hey Gina. I have tea. So I guess I'm in love with Addison. And I don't know how to tell her. I mean I could start using drugs again. But that would just make things worse for me. She's just so beautiful! And it confuses me because I'm married. Ehh who am I kidding you probably can't even hear this. So i guess it's whatever.... me and Henry had your favorite. ICE CREAM! The kids really concerned and the whole time I couldn't stop thinking about you. I hope you don't ever leave us here on this wicked screwed up evil world. Ehh if you do I won't be mad. I don't know what I'll feel."
The door opened and it was Cora.
"Do you mind giving me and zelena a minute with her?"
"No go for it. I'll be in the hall."

Cora's POV*
"Hey baby. I know you must hate me for all the stuff I've done to you but I have to say I'm sorry."
"Really mother that's all you have to say! She's dying for heaven sakes!"
"Zelena if you have something better to say then say it!"
"Regina! I know you most likely will never hear this but I want you to know I truely love you. And I know we never really talked growing up which was very hard for me. But over time I feel like I got to know you. You've been the best big sis I could ever have and it makes me so happy to have someone like you in my life. If you die I swear I will probably kill myself. I can't bare to go through another death."
"Now mother can you get out!"
"Uh whatever."
I walk out and close the door behind me. I walk into the hall to see everyone crying. I walk past them to the elevator.

Zelena POV*
"Sis I know I haven't been around much but when Robbin died I lost my mind. I didn't eat for a whole year causing me to lose so much weight. The only thing that helped me survive was therapy and hospitality. And that's why I haven't been around much. I'm sorry but if you die I will truely lose my mind. The only reason I'm still alive is because I fighter for you! You made me me fight. Now I need you to do the same and fight."
I walk out the room and close the door. I grab an chair and sit in the hallway with the rest of the people.

Regina's POV*
I'm sitting on the bed but I'm not. I can't seem to figure out where I want to go. I hear people venting to me telling me to be strong and fight. But it really isn't a matter of fighting. It's a matter of choosing. And right now I don't know what I want to choose. I look forward to see a shadowy figure. "Dad?"
"It's me!"
"Daddy! I've missed you."
"Yeah and so does your family."
"I know it's just so hard choosing."
"Trust me I know."
"So you choose to die?"
"No I took to long to make a decision. Brain damage. You have 3 days left to choose where you want to go."
"What should I do dad!"
"Do what your heart desires but as soon as day 4 hits you'll be permanently brain dead. You'll die regardless if you want to or not."

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