Leaving maine

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Emma POV*
I ran home. Tears in my eyes wondering if she had felt the same way I did, wondering if what everything We went through was for nothing, Wondering if all the secret meetings after class and the cops was for no reason! I needed to clear my head. It was about 2:30 am Then it hit me "VACATION"! I should go on a vacay to Hawaii or California just some where far, far away from here. I grabbed my phone and took a leave of absence. I packed my bag hopped in my mustang and DROVE to the airport. It felt like hours before finally reaching San Francisco. I got a hotel room around 7:00 pm and went to sleep. I woke up and got a missed call from Alice just to find out Regina was in the hospital. She had committed suicide and there was nothing no one could do about it. My life flashed between my eyes. Every question every story every book, it all hit me like a train. In that moment I felt my whole world fall apart. I got in my car and drove to the nearest airport. I begged to get a plane ticket last minute but they could t give me one because the plane from Maine had already took off. I ran back to my car and then boom it hit me, •BEEP BEEP BEEP•
I jumped out of bed "oh thank good it was a dream!" I grabbed my phone and called Regina. As soon as I heard her voice I broke down. She asked me if I was okay I told her no and hung up. I decided imma go to the beach today. So I grabbed my surf board and left the hotel.

Regina's POV*
The thoughts they're going through my head. THE WIRES. The nerves. The thoughts. NO CONTROL YOURSELF. You made a promise and if you can commit to this you can commit to Emma. Suddenly the thoughts stop. Everything was fine. It was at that moment that I realized I can't live without her. My heart filled with vengeance and rage and I called up Alice and yelled at her " TAKE MY MONEY, TAKE MY HOUSE, BUT FUCK YOU. IM FILING FOR A DIVORCE SO GET YOUR ASS HOME AND SIGN THESE PAPERS BEFORE I START SLAPPING THE SHIT OUT OF YOU..... A TASTE OF YOUR OWN MEDICINE AM I RIGHT!"
I get in my car and drive. I make it to the airport just in time to catch my flight to SF. Time goes by, I get air sick. Etc. I find Emma's hotel and storm in saying " have you seen a girl, pale skins blonde total babe." the lady at the desk asked for her name . "Emma, her names Emma"
"Okay Miss..."
"And miss mills what are you to Emma? Friend, family?"
"Oh Emma's my girl friend."
As soon as I said that I heard a gasp and I turn around and see Emma in a bikini that makes Mark Sloan look like a nobody.
Emma came walking towards me, grabbed my hand and lead me into her hotel room. "What are you doing here?"
"I came to see you because I realized I lost the only person in my life that I've ever loved and I want you to love me back. We've been through thick and thin and we can't give up now."
Emma pulls me in by the waist and starts passionately kissing me. I kiss back and she pushes me up against the bathroom door. She opens it while I'm still being help by her hands the she set me on down on the sink counter. She starts a hot shower and strips. I immediately get horny and take off my shirt she closes the door and then pulls off my shorts and panties. She starts kissing around my thighs. She makes her way to my vagina and starts licking my clit slowly but enough to make me moan in pleasure, she grabs me and sets me down on the shower bench she forces my legs open as she starts fingering me viscously. a couple of minutes go by about 58. I moan and I can feel that I'm about to finish. "EMMAAAA; EMMAAA FASTER BABY FASTER"
Emma starts going faster as I'm moaning. I finally finished and my whole body was shaking in pleasure. I traded places with Emma and said "my turn Miss swan." She gave a playful wink and I did my thing.

Emma's POV*
I seen Regina in the lobby and my jaw almost hit the floor she was looking mad stunning And it made me wanna strip her down piece by piece. Looking at her made me get over my big crush on ruby rose. I paused for a couple seconds and then I finally gave into her. I grabbed her hand and took her into my room. She kept talking but all I could stare at was her lips and boobs. I suddenly got turned on. I pull her in by waist and start making out. The next thing you know were in the shower I'm doing my thing; and then it gets to my turn. Regina sits on my lap so where we're facing each other and starts to kiss my neck causing me to throw out a little moan. She makes her down to my chest and then lower kissing every single pressure point on my body. She gets to my legs and spreads them open. The shower water hits my clit and then her tongue. I moan and she looks up and giggles I tell her to keep going and she says "are you sure?"
And I simply say "when have I ever asked you to stop during sex?"
She then proceeded to say "okay miss swan, but let me warn you; you have no idea what I'm capable of."
In that moment I wanted to cum so bad, but she was taking her time causing it to feel extra good. She then inserts 2 fingers at a curved angle hitting my G spot. I moan out very loudly and she goes faster and deeper every time. I yell "Ahhhaaga I'm abouttttt to cummm." Regina then stops fingering me and changes to oral clit stimulation and I cum in about a second after that. She licks up my cum and washes her body I do a quick rise and get out as well. I then ask so what are we gonna do now.
"I don't know miss swan, it's up to you."
Then Regina gets a call from Alice and it's not very pleasant.

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