Wonder glass

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Emma POV*
I can't believe I actually showed up to Regina's let me just fix my bra.. crap it shows to much oh well. I mean it is only for her to see. I get out my car and walk up to Regina's doorstep and knock Regina comes downstairs smiling like crazy and in that moment I felt my whole world stop. "Miss swan? Are you okay you seem a bit shocked?"
"Yes I'm fine regina it's just I've never seen a woman so beautiful in my life."
"Yea well this 'beautiful woman' almost lost her job today due to you, so why are you here?"
"I'm here for you."
"Well miss swan I think you should leave."
I was really disappointed but I got back into my yellow car and left. I was going to make her life magical but I could see she didn't want to be bothered. And I'm stupid to even think she would want to have sex.

Regina's POV*
Damn I couldn't help but to stare and although her body was fantastic I knew it was wrong, but her presence made me actually cum, that was the fantastic thing. But I must move on.
Emma knocked and I politely answered "Miss swan, are you okay you looked a little shocked.?" Maybe its cause the fact I had on nothing but a thong and bra on.  She said she was fine and how beautiful I was, and for a whole second I actually wanted to give into her but I knew it was impossible because she's my student. I told her I simply could have lost my job and asked her what she wanted. She was like "I'm here for you." In that moment I could have shit my pants. I told her to leave and closed the door. I felt my tears building up, and I just let them pour, I cried for hours and realized I need to put myself out there, so I signed up for tinder! I immediately matched with this beautiful woman named Alice.

Alice POV*
Tinder is shit there's no one on here who will value my wort.... who is this hottie

She's a complete BABE

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She's a complete BABE. I should hit her up. Alice: "hey my names Alice I feel like I've seen you around somewhere you are absolutely gorgeous and I would love to eat you out sometime." and Send!
Regina: "wow you're bold kid although I think that's a bit far fetched knowing I only saw one picture of you

 OH MY GOD AND MY PHONE JUST DIED! Regina: "wow you're bold kid although I think that's a bit far fetched knowing I only saw one picture of you

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I have to say you're hot and I do have a thing for blondes."
Did she text back yet! I'm scared I'm scared. Finally my phone wakes up. I go on tinder and immediately text.
Alice: " what I meant was take you out to eat sometime." I sent a winking face emoji to end it off and close my phone but before I do I send
"I'll pick ya up around 8:00pm be ready.

Regina POV*
OH MY GOD. I can't believe that just happened. I guess me and Emma are off. Imma just ghost her. Well I should start getting ready. She seems nice.

Fast forward > 9:00 pm
Alice POV*
Okay it's nine and I'm freaking out did I get stood up?! I start packing up my things and then I look to my left and I see a Beautiful woman with brunette hair. Oh Alice dear your gonna fuck this up. You always do you're drunk, abusive, and a mess.
"You're late" I shout
"A queen is never late, everyone else is simply early"
I spit out a little giggle and said "touché" .
The night was going good I felt a real connection and then she tried to leave and I felt the inner me pour out a bit and I held it back because I love her so much I would never hurt Regina; I'm trying. To change. Alice you've gone mad!
Maybe I have.

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