Mother Wants best

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Emma's POV*
I told regina to marry me tomorrow. Did I tell her to marry me out of grief? If I did or didn't were still getting married regardless. because I love her.
So while we wait for tomorrow, I'm calling people and I'm starting an party.
"Regina baby? Wanna have a party?"
"No babe but you can go out and have fun, just don't do anything that puts are marriage at risk."
"Okay baby I won't trust me on this."
"Okay baby imma just sleep and we can have as more fun at the afterparty."
So I grab my jacket call up friends and get in my car to pick them up. And then we make our way to the best party spot in Maine. Granny's diner.
I walk in and I see Dorothy sitting at the bar. I start walking towards her and finally steal the seat next to her.
"Is this spot taken?"
"No, but I don't think you should sit here."
"Well why not?"
"Emma because you're about to be married and I love you way to much for you to be near me, because every time I look at you I picture you naked and every time I see Regina I picture you on top of her, and I wish I was her."
"Look D I mean that's cute and all but I really, really love my fiancé, and I really want to be with her, but just because she's my almost wife doesn't mean you have to hate me."
"No it doesn't but it does mean I have to stop looking at you that way, so Emma enjoy your party see you sometime."
"Dorothy wait!"
Dorothy came back in. I grabbed her by the hand and walked out with her.

Fast forward >

Regina's POV*
Well Ig Emma didn't come back but okay. In the meantime I have to call my mom.
I pick up cell phone and call my mom.
"Yes regina."
"I'm getting married today and I know you never knew or met my last spouse but I would like you to meet this one."
"Oh okay. Wow that's fast, who is he?
"Um.... you'll find out at today.
"Regina why can't you just tell me who he is?"
"Mommy be patient you'll love them."
I hadn't came out to mom yet so I have to keep it a secret until later. Regina don't fool yourself she's gonna do everything in her power to ruin you. Just be strong when that happens.
No no no that cannot happen. I started crying and Emma walked in.
" hey baby where have you been."
"I've been out talking to Dorothy until she left."
"Talking? Emma please tell me you guys were just talking."
"Hey, hey, hey. Yes baby we were just talking no need to panic."
"Okay, I'm going to go shower, and you should too."
"Yea! Um see you at the wedding?"
"Of course!"
Emma walks to the guest bathroom and I take the masters.
I shower with vanilla honey body wash and Rinse it all off.
I get out the restroom and open my laptop to see 3 more videos.
I click first one out of the 3 and automatically see it was from the other night when me and Emma made passionate love. I then click the second one and it was of course Emma just master bating while I was at work. And click on the third one to see Emma grab Dorothy's hand walk out with her and pull her into a kiss, I kept watching to see what would happen and Emma pulled away and told Dorothy that she can't. And Dorothy then pulled her in to kiss her again, Emma was begging for Dorothy to stop and then Dorothy sticks a finger in Emma's vagina and places her hand over Emma's mouth. Emma tries to pull away and hope someone would catch her but Dorothy had to strong of a grip.

I close my laptop and immediately think Emma's been raped. because I mean she has. She fought and said no but Dorothy wouldn't let her go.
I didn't want to bring it up cuz I didn't want the wedding to be at risk but at the same time I wanted to just hold her and tell her that I'm here for her and how I've been through that before.

Fast forward to 2 hours before the wedding>
ugh these people are stressing me out.
I turn my head to see mommy
"Ahhh baby, I could see you did quite the number here. But forget the chit chat where can I find your special man."
"Um mom about that...."
I get cut off by a British accent.
"ZELENA... okay"
Um okay now that you're both here, I would like to say. I'm a lesbian and I'm marrying an beautiful girl named Emma Swan and she's amazing and talented and so beautiful and I don't want you guys to be mad or upset because I'm happy and that's..."
Then I got cut off in unison
"Emma we know honey."
"How the hell did you guys know?"
"Someone linked your sex tape on pornhub,"
"Someone did what? We didn't even make a sex tape."
"Wellllll that's not what me and mom saw."
"Okay zelena enough chat where do we find your woman?"
"Upstairs 3rd room."
For once I actually felt happy, mom knew zelena knew the only thing that they don't know is how much trama me and Emma been through, so hopefully they don't do anything to trigger her.

Emma's POV*
"Hey are you sure this dress isn't to slutty belle?"
"Dear I'm sure."
I heard a knock and in came two stunning females.
"Hey our names is Cora and zelena, and you must be Emma."
"Yea I am and who are you?"
"We're Regina's mom and sister, and might I say Regina has quite the eye."
"Aw thank you, but we both kinda fell in love at the exact same moment."
"Well you both have quite the eye then."
"I'm sorry to ruin your little mood thing but I really have to back to hemming this dress."
"Oh we're sorry dear lemme help."
Cora then comes behind me and puts her arms around my waist causing me to jump in fear.
"Are you okay dear?"
"Um yea I'm sorry."
She smiled and then began to write the numbers on paper.
when she got down below the waste I jumped again and kinda did a mini scream.
"Are you sure you're okay dear because as beautiful as you are we all have our issues and I'm willing to hear yours."
"Okay well I'm okay and can you please leave."
"Sure thing."
She walks to the door and smiles before walking out.

Regina's POV*
"So how was she mother?"
"She was something else, um baby I don't think I want you marrying this woman."
"Mother why? She's perfect for me!"
"No baby she's not she had issues and I prefer you not to bring any of that in your life."

I turn my head and see Emma standing there in complete shock. She runs away crying and then the wedding bells ring.

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