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Emma's POV*
I drive to the airport and wake Henry up.
"Baby wake up!"
"Hey where momma? And rumple."
"Rumples On the train and me and Regina aren't a thing anymore. She claims she never loved me."
"Wait what? No you have to go back. Cora probably manipulated her! She does that ya know."
"Manipulated or not regina sounded pretty fucking sincere."
"So are you gonna keep me or send me back."
Tears start rolling down my cheeks.
"I'm gonna keep you kid. It's what Regina would have wanted and it's what I want."
"Okay. But mom I really think we should go back for momma."
"No. No we shouldn't."
Tears start to form in his eyes and he's cheeks get really puffy.
"Henry don't cry. Regina always ALWAYS loved you. She just never loved me."
"No momma loved you mom and that's what you're not seeing she loved you more than words can tell. And I've seen her look at you for hours with hope on her eyes and love in her soul while you would be watching a movie or playing video games or even cook! That's how I know she loves you."
"Yea kid well looks can be deceiving. Let's just go home."
"Yeah... well where is home...?"
"Wanna stay in Reginas house or move in with my dad?"
"I kinda want to stay and mommas just Incase she decides to come back."
"Kiddo... she probably won't."
"Okay... OKAY.. we have a plane to board so hurry get your bags and let's go."

Next day...

Regina's POV*
"Mother where the hell are we going."
"To get your hope back."
"Yea well I kinda lost all my hope yesterday so I rather stay home."
"No Regina! We're going to the spa and that's final."
"Oh well I could use a spa day."
"So hurry and get dressed they're waiting for us."

I get dressed and put on the prettiest red lipstick I could find. Even though I'm broken I still demand to look nice.
I walk down the stairs and out to the porch.
"I'm in the car dear."
I walk to the car and get in.

Emma's POV*
So we finally made it to Maine. Henry looks tired so I call an Uber because my car is still in the car plane.. and I tell it to drive us to Regina's house. Since she's pretty popular around Maine everyone immediately knows where to go.
"So where is regina?"
"You're the Uber why would you care?"
"Because she's gone MIA before. It was before she started her teaching job. I believe it was because robbin died... but I'm not sure."
"Oh well.. I'm not sure how long Reginas going to be gone because well she divorced me and she let me keep everything. She hasn't sent the papers but apparently she's sending them today, so that's that."
"Wow! That sucks. Well you'll find new love. They're are plenty of attractive men and woman in this town."
"I know. It's just. Things felt right with her."
"Well what went wrong?"
"Dorothy and me and her mom. Just life. My mother always told me to 'never fall in love because everything that falls gets broken' but I thought that maybe, just maybe I could be that one plate that falls without cracking. But I guess she was right. Mother knows best am I right?!"
"Damn right. But you two were the great love story. You looked like you'd last a life time with her... Emma sorry to cut this drive short but we're at Reginas house."
"Thanks for the ride and letting me vent.. what's your name?"
"August... August booth."
"Well thank you August. See you around?"
I giggle and pick Henry up and out of the car.
I unlock the door and place him on the couch. I write a note:
"Dear Henry, I'll be back soon. I just went out for some drinks but I promise nothing extreme. Maybe after I'm done at granny's I'll go to the store and pick up some toys or books or things for us to do!"
I put on my shoes and head out the door.

Regina's POV*
"A little lower."
"Is right here good?"
"So are you married? Have kids?"
"Oh.. um.. it's complicated."
"Oh I'm sorry. I use to be a therapist so maybe I could help?"
"She use to be a therapist too....
Ugh fine. I just ended things with a girl im completely in love with and I guess I'm in the process of getting over her."
"Well why'd you end things if you love her?"
"That's the complicated part. And I can't really talk about it with anyone because she CANT come back."
"Oh... alright well I'll go back to doing my current job."
"Thank you.... actually you could stop. I'm just going to go back to my mothers house. If a woman named Cora comes looking for you tell her I left. Here's $400 have a nice life."
"But the fare is only $50."
"Ehh you deserve it."

Emma's POV*
I walk into granny's sit down and start drinking.
"One more!"
"Sorry Emma we cant give you more. We have a limit for broken people and beer."
"I'm not broken. I'm just bloody sad."
"Same thing more less. No more."
I walk out and start walking to the store. I hear a voice behind me say
"Hey em? Need a ride?"
"Uh August?"
I turn around and see it's August he's smiling and laughing.
"What's so funny."
"You're drunk its adorable."
"You're adorable!"
I throw myself onto him and start making out.
"Emma aren't you gay?"
"Who ever said that?"
"You did..."
"no I'm bisexual. And right now all I want is you inside me."
"Yeah..... that's not going to happen! But you can try again when your not drunk! So where you headed?"
"Just take me home."
"Hey August?"
"Can I have your number... ya know for next time?"
He picks up a note pad and a pen and writes his number down.
"Call me anytime."
"Well miss swan here is your stop!"
"August... thanks again."
He smiles then drives away. I turn to see Henry at the door.
"Mom! What happened to I'm not having to much to drink."
"Things happen kid!"
"Okay whatever. Momma called and I asked If she wanted to talk to you. She said no.. but I talked to her. It was nice hearing her voice."
"Oh yeah. What did you guys talk about?"
"Yeah she kept asking how you were...oh! and she asked if you could tell the school that she's taken a major leave of absence."
"Okay I'll go tomorrow right now all I want to do is sleep. So you could do whatever just don't be loud."
"Okay mom."
I walk upstairs and pick up a piece of paper and a pen.
"Dear Regina, I yet to know why you left but at this point I could care less. I have so many questions for you and it's so hard and confusing for me right now. But you left me."
I hear a knock on the door.
"I'll open it mom!"

Henry's POV*
"Papers for Emma swan!"
"Oh of course."
"Mom it's for you. Divorce papers.
She'll be here in a moment."
"Okay. Well here you take them I'm going to the next house."
"K have a nice day."
She leaves and I close the door.
"Henry I'll be there just set them on the table."

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