The End

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Emma's POV*
I woke up the next morning with Henry's arm wrapped around Regina and me. The door opens up and about 12 doctors walked in.
"Sorry we're doing rounds.. so who can tell me about the patient."
A doctor in the back raised her hand.
I smiled at her.
"Um. Regina Mills post op. Last day of treatment and if she doesn't wake we unplug her."
That did not settle well with my stomach at all.
I look over to see Henry yawning and stretching. "Hey kid!"
"Morning Mom."
"You hungry?"
I look over at the doctors smiling.
"I'm just gonna take him to get food. Keep me posted?"
"Of course Miss swan."

Henry's POV*
I over heard the doctors talking. I knew that momma had a 1% chance of survival now. I wanted to scream and cry but I knew that mom needed a strong person at the moment. "Mom can we get ice cream to take our mind off of things?"
"Sure kid. Glad you asked!"
"Hmm jades still asleep on the chair.. should we wake her?"
"Nah she had a pretty rough night I'm assuming."
"How could you tell?"
"She has smeared mascara on her face and smells like vodka."
I let out a giggle and then choose to leave her to sleep.
"Hey mom?"
"What are we gonna do if mom dies?"
"Um.. well... we're gonna live. We're going to move on and be somewhat happy no matter what it takes. Well throw a beautiful funeral and we'll probably adopt a baby. She's always wanted a girl. Well go marching for cancer awareness and stuff. Well love and laugh and smile."
"But what's the purpose of doing all that if mom's not right there to do it with us. The holidays won't feel the same without her. The laughs and giggles are not gonna be as fun without her. Everything will be different mom. Are we ready for that change?"
"I... I don't know.."
tears started to roll down my cheeks.
"Henry don't cry. Whatever happens we have each other... we'll hold each other. We'll have each other for support. But for now on just eat your ice cream."
I picked up a spoon and started to eat my ice cream. I just knew things might gonna be different and it was literally all I could think about.

Jades POV*
I woke up with a pounding head ache and 4 missed calls from Addison. I walk to the restroom to clean my face up before I went back up to the room. I open the stall door and start to pee. I pick up my phone and call Addison back.
"Hey.. addy! As you could tell I'm super tired and you called me 4 times. Not sure if I told you something concerning. But if I did give me a call back."
I hang up wipe flush and then go to wash my hands. A few minutes later David walks in.
"Oh I'm sorry is this the ladies room?"
"Yes but wait."
"Um... okay.?"
"Okay so how did you tell Mary you loved her. If I remember correctly you were the otp of this town."
"Well. I simply told her I loved her. She was having a bad day. So I walked to her house knocked on the door smiled and she looked puzzled. I asked her if we could watch a movie and I had a bucket of popcorn, candy, and 4 different movies in my hands. Along with some snowbells.. god she loved snowbells. Well she let me in we watched movies and at the end I turned to her kissed her and told her I loved her. It was amazing and beautiful but life got to me and I messed things up. And Jesus I wish I didn't. But I did. And well now she's dead and now I have no hope for any other form of love."
"Did you ever apologize?"
"No.. I thought I would make me less of a man if I apologized for my behavior. So I moved on with life still MADLY in love with her. Well. I guess it was fate.. who knows. But all I know is that the universe obviously didn't want us together."
I felt myself getting emotional.
"You should probably leave now, before someone catches us."
"Yeah.. I should. But jade..."
"Tell her you love her. Tomorrow is never promised."
He walks out the ladies restroom and I go back into the stall. I pick up my phone and call mark.
"Hey babe.."
"No shh.. let me talk. We haven't spoken in like months. My best friend is laying in a hospital bed and she has under 24 hours to wake up or else they unplug her. Now what I realized in this whole situation is easy. I have feelings for someone else. Someone available. Someone amazing who understands me. And I'm so sorry to tell you this way but tomorrow is almost never promised. So hopefully we could stay friends but I want a divorce."
"Thank god!"
"I have feelings for someone else too. I will gladly sign those papers. I want you to be happy and I want me to be happy as well."
"Well mark. Are you sleeping with the woman?"
"Um.. yes."
"So you're cheating.. you couldn't even ask me for a divorce first. You had to go out and cheat. At least I haven't acted on my feelings! I got turned down because of you. And you mean to tell me you're screwing the woman!"
"I thought we were on the same page.!"
"No mark we were. But now we're not. Just send the god damn divorce papers so u could go on and get married to the new woman."
I hang up and call Addison.
"Hey addy."
"Jade look I have to tell you something."
"Save it. Look. Mark is cheating and in a way I'm mad but I'm not. Because I want out of the relationship so we're getting a divorce. And I want to tell you this because I don't know weather or not I'm going to be alive tomorrow. Addison stark I freaking love you. Like the annoying go to your house and watch novellas with you typa love. If you don't love me. Tell me so I could get out your hair. I can't have false hope on something that's not going to happen."
"Jade... I love you. So much. Like so much."
Suddenly my life filled with joy.

Regina's POV*
It's 11:30pm I have less than a hour to choose and I think I made a decision.

Emma's POV*
"Mom has 4 minutes to wake up."
I look down and do that smile thing where your not smiling but you do the smile face. Then my phone rings.
"Miss swan you should get here as fast as possible."
"Okay I'm on my way."
"Henry lets go something's up with mom."
I grab Henry's hand and run to the hospital.


"It's time..."
tears start forming in my eyes.
"Could I have a minute."
"A minute is all you have."
I walk into her room and hold her hand. I pull her head in for a kiss. "Regina. I love you. And I will miss you. And.... Jesus Christ I will miss you." I started to break down and cry. Henry ran up to me and squeezed me tightly. We are ready.
We closed our eyes and then the doctor walked over to turn off the monitors.
"That's strange.. she's still breathing and has a heart beat on her own."
My face lit up. And I pulled her in and whispered. "Gina if you're alive. Now would probably be the time to wake up."

Still no sign of life other than breathing and heart beat. "Okay I think it's time."
I hold Henry and we both start crying.
"Wait.. hold bagging!"
"She's opening her eyes!"
Me and Henry look up and jade rushes into the room along with Cora and zelena followed by David.
The doctor walked out and grabs her charts.
Regina looks up.

12:00 am
"Gina. Oh my god you're alive!"
Tears started pouring down my cheeks and I heard a soft whisper.
"Emma my answer is yes. I wanna remarry you."
I pulled her in for a kiss and everyone in the room cheered.

4 years later.

End of POV*
Regina and Emma of course got married and adopted a adorable baby girl named hope. Henry started high school and was EXCELLING. Regina and Emma lived on to be happy and humble. They were everyone's otp. A couple months later David ended up dying. Reuniting with Mary Margaret. And jade and Addison lived on. Belle and rumple had a complicating relationship but they figured things out and became the most amazing couple in town. Ruby and Robbin are of course still working on the relationship. Cora, Zelena and Regina United And became one big happy family. The rest of the story is history. But everyone in that little town named Storybrooke ended up getting their happy ending. Or beginning as some like to call it. Who knows what the future will bring to Storybrooke but for now on farewell!

Written by Jamae Ellison.

Authors note hopefully you enjoyed! I know it was probably crap. But it's my first fan fic thing can you really judge :) we'll anyways I really hope you liked it. <3 I'll probably do a sequel with Henry and hope and jade and addy and some of the other characters. But that will just be determined by how well this  turns out. BUT THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO READ THIS FAR! I appreciate it sooo much!

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