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I sat there in complete silence and then suddenly I hear the door click open.
"Not Emma mom but Henry."
"Oh hey love what's up?"
"I don't know you tell me. You've been so distant from everything and everyone lately. Work. Mom. Love. Jade. ME. I'm starting to get worried. So what's wrong."
"I don't know, it's just every time I try to love it all falls apart. I won't be surprised if I snap and turn evil one of these days."
"Dude. Mom totally loves you."
"Well that's not what I saw."
"Well maybe you need to hold onto her a little bit harder. She needs someone in her life right now and that persons you."
"I know but, remember... if you hold onto someone too hard, that doesn't make them love  you."
"I know momma I know. It's just I feel like you aren't even trying anymore."
"Henry I just tried. She ran out as soon as I asked if we could be more than friends."
He looked down and grabbed my arms and pulled me into a hug.
"She freaked out. She's at home freaking out. She's venting to jade about how much she loves you and how she's not ready to hurt you again."
He said In a soft caring voice.
"Let's go home bud."
He smiled and grabbed my hand on the way out I looked at sister Mary praying.
I walk over to her and kneel down.
"I'm sorry sister Mary. I didn't mean to startle you. I would kneel down and pray with you but as many people in this town know I'm strictly atheist." She looked up and smile. "I forgive you."
She went back to praying and I took Henry's hand and walked out.

Fast forward > we got to the house to see Emma crying and jade smiling.
"Regina Mills I love you so much and I want you to give me a second chance. You've made me the happiest woman alive and I'm going to ask again because we've already been through thick and thin with each other."
She got down on one knee and pulled out a ring.
"Regina Mills. Will you make me the happiest woman alive AGAIN and marry AGAIN."
My heart jumped for joy but before I could answer my chest ached in pain and I collapsed to the floor.

Emma's POV*
I could see the reaction on Regina's face. She seems so happy! I waited for an answer but instead she hit the floor.
"Jade call 911!"
Jade picked up the phone and called 911.
"Hello yes we need an ambulance my friend Regina Mills has stage 2 breast cancer and she just collapsed."
Jade walks outside and tears start to fill my eyes.
"Gina don't die on me. We have a beautiful son. And I can't live without you. You've helped me through a lot of things starting from Dorothy to August. You cannot give up now."
A few seconds later the ambulance arrived. They pulled out a stretcher and Henry started crying. "Can I come?"
"Yes but you'll need to buckle up."
I grab my things including the ring and walk out and into the ambulance.
"So how long had your wife had cancer?"
"Um I'm no sure I'm barley finding this out today."
"Oh thats strange okay."
"I should have knew something was wrong she's been acting strange all week."
"It's not your fault sometimes people just don't want their people to know certain things about them out of fear."
"Yeah i know."
I sighed and looked down.

We finally arrived at the hospital where a whole lot of doctors took her away into the operating room. I waited in the waiting room. Hoping I would get a positive response back.
The doctor comes out and removes his scrub cap. "Miss swan?"
"That's me."
"Regina is in critical condition. You could see her but let me warn you she's attached to a bunch of tubes and wires. We managed to get all the cancer out but if she recovers is all up to her and her heart and body."
"So she could die? Like right now."
"Correct. So I'd say contact any and everyone she has."
He leads me to her room where I see her unconscious and attached to a huge breathing tube. If only I were to stay in the library with her, I would have got some more time. I need more time.
Thoughts cleared my head and I quickly picked up my phone to dial Henry.
"Hey kiddo!"
"Hey mom hows momma?"
"Uh. She might not make it. So tell jade and yeah."
I hung up before he could say anymore and dialed the next person.
"Hey! Cora. It's Emma. Your daughters in the hospital she might not make it. So yeah."
I hung up before she could even say anything else.
I dialed David.
"Hey. I know I haven't called you dad in a while but Regina might die."
"Hey baby. Would you like me to come comfort you?"
Tears start pouring down my face and he hangs up. 
A few minutes later jade and Henry arrive.
"How's mom?"
Henry asked.
I looked at him and didn't answer. He walked over to Regina, pulled up a chair, and held her hand. Jade looked at me and then looked away.
A few seconds later Cora arrived with zelena.
She yelled as tears started pouring out of her eyes.
A few Seconds after that s
The monitor went flat.
"Code blue, we have a code blue."
I heard over the inter-come. doctors came rushing in and immediately started CPR.
"Charge to 240. CLEAR!"

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