Mother issues.

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The next morning.
Henry walks into the psychs office and sits down. They get to a couple questions and Archie asked Henry what was wrong in his life causing him to have these thoughts.

Henry's POV*
"I know mom still doesn't trust me around her, and it really sucks. But I feel like it's something deeper, like going on before I slapped her. I... I don't know I just feel like there's a missing puzzle piece in my life right now and I'm trying to find where that is and every time I try i only get back one step."
"Well Henry, puzzles take time. But if you don't mind me asking why did you slap your mother?"
"I zoned out and when I was zoning out all I could picture is how my other foster mom use to beat me and bruise me and when Regina bumped me it reminded me of her and without thinking I impulsively slapped her."
"Does Emma and Regina know about this?"
"No and I would like it to stay that way, they don't need anymore abuse cases in there life. Momma already has Alice. Mom has Dorothy. And I just want to be the strong one in the family even though I have Cora."
"Oh yeah.... I guess I forgot to mention that part."
"Well I guess that REALLY explains the slap! Regina and Cora sounds like and act alike most of the time!"
"Yeah. Except Regina's the light in a dark path and Cora's the dark in a light path."
"I know I worked with her once. But Henry you need to sit down with Regina and tell her. And then next month you'll come back and we'll discuss if you did it or not, and on that missing piece, maybe it will come to you naturally, maybe you have to do some searching, but whatever it is, it probably revolves around the system."
"Thanks Archie! I think our times up now!"
"That it is! Have a great day Henry and don't forget to speak with Regina."
I walk out and start to panic. What if Regina doesn't believe me! What if she calls her mom! What if they send me back!"
I then decided that I'll tell Regina and accept what come after because even if she sends me back at least I have put one puzzle piece together.
I get back in Emma's car and turn around to a big grin.
"How was it kid?"
"It was amazing! I think I know what I need to do with my life at the moment, so mom could you drive me to mommas school."
"Uh... Sure?"
"Oh and stay in the car, have momma tell you later!"
"Um okay.?"
Emma makes a u-turn and we head to Regina's high school.
It takes us a while due to traffic but we finally get there.
I get out the car and head inside. I look at the room numbers and the windows to find Gina's class.
Room 408! FOUND YOU!
I open the door and find an empty class with no one in but Roxanne and my mom.
"Hey rox... what.. why.?"
"Henry calm down! She's in here for detention!"
"Isn't that what you said about my mom?"
"Um... most days. But it's not like that I swear!"
"Okay momma I need to talk to you, and you'd probably not want others to hear this."
"Um okay.... Roxanne you're free to leave."
"Okay so... I don't care if you send me back or think I'm lying but I have the evidence to prove it. And Archie said it would be a good idea to tell you so here I go..."
I take a deep breath in and proceeded.
"When I use to be in the system I got a really pretty foster mother. She looked just like you and sounded just like you at times. Except she was the dark in a light path and you are the light in a dark path. That lady.... was your mother .... Cora. She use to beat me and bruise me and after she stopped getting money for me she sent me back. So I'm use to being sent back! Just know that that's the reason why I slapped you I had a bad thought about it and you just.... YOU JUST REMIND ME SO MUCH OF HER! But like an opposite version!" Before I could go on I get interrupted.
"Henry, Stop! I guess I believe you my mother was quite the monster, but it's strange because she never beat me or zelena so why would she beat you. You're not going back to the foster system. I just wanna do some more research before I point fingers. Until then, run off with Emma. See you soon."
She walks to the door and opens it. She does a hand gesture telling me to leave and I start crying and run out.
I get in the car with Emma.
"Take be back... take me back to the foster system!"
"Henry no!"
I start crying harder than I've ever cried before.
"Henry what happened."
"Cora... Cora.. use to abuse me and I told regina cuz Archie said it would be a good thing in life, to move on. And she...sheee...didn't believe me and I have proof."
"Baby I believe you! let me see the proof."
I pull out my phone and go to gallery. I pull up a video of Cora beating me and then I pull up multiple pictures of bruises and scars."
"Honey. Give me the phone."
I give her the phone she walks out the car and slams the door on the way out. I wait for her to come back and drift off to sleep.

Emma's POV*
"Regina what the hell!"
"Emma I believe him!"
I pull out the phone and scroll through the pictures and I get to the video and pause.
"Yea well maybe not enough."
I put the phone on her desk and press play.
She sits and watches it and tears start to roll down her cheeks.
"Emma turn it off. Please."
"No because if you don't believe him maybe this will help!"
"EMMA I BELIEVE HIM FOR FUCKS SAKE! This video is... it's triggering! My mother is a wicked evil person, she's insane and deadly and has the power to end anyone or anything!"
"Regina what the hell are you talking about!"
"My... my mom. I'm talking about my mom! My moms a fucking satanic worshiper! She does witchcraft and rituals! And all that shit!"
I kiss her and she pushes away.
"Emma I love you. But we need to protect Henry. Forget about our issues or put them in the past! He's our priority at the moment! Henry is not Alice. He is not my mother. And he's not Dorothy. I understand the slap now. And I just need to get over it."
"Okay baby lets go home."
We walk out to the car to see Henry sound asleep and then we hear a giggle.
I turn to see rumple. He's smiling and then says.
"So dearie, I could see the child's asleep. Get in the car and drive we're going to Vancouver."
he pulls out a gun
"I said we're going to Vancouver!"
We quickly get in the car and so does rumple. And we start driving.
It's a never ending car ride.
"Rumple I don't know what you're doing but please don't have our son involved."
"Oh dearie it's to late!"

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