Wake up call

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Fast forward>
Regina's POV*
It's been 6 years since I last seen Emma,.. I see her around town but never face to face anymore. I broke her heart by running off with Alice and I think I may have broke mines too. Alice is such an ass I can't believe I ever married her!
end of regina's POV-

"Gina!!! GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE NOW" . Called Alice
Regina flinched in pain as she made her way to the living room. "Yes dear." Yelled Regina with her voice trembling like if she had just seen a ghost.
"Gina your friend belle happened to call. She asked if you were ready!.... now Regina imma ask you this one time and I want the truth! 'WHERE THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING."
Regina went into panic as she heard every voice wave from Alice's mighty voice being shouted out at her.
"No where babe I'm going no where" said Regina hold back rivers of tears
"That's what I thought, now go upstairs and get undressed this instant."
Regina was frighted
"Why" she asked
Alice shouted and said "Becuase I said so when we fuck, we fuck I own you and your slutty body! You are my property and if I ever find out you've tried to go somewhere without my permission again I swear to you Gina I will get you and your family killed.! You got that!!"
Regina ran upstairs got undressed and lied on the bed with her tensed up and her face staring blankly at the wall. She began to panic when she heard Alice Stomping up the stairs one by one like if she was trying to frighten her.
"Reginnnnnnaaaaa" Alice Calls out "time for me to fuck youuuu" she shouts.
Regina sits there and takes every bruise and beat and never moans at all.  She's basically like a dead body.
Alice punches her and tells her to loosen up and Regina does just that. Tears start rolling down her face and start burning mid way from all the wounds on her cheeks. Finally Alice finished. Alice got up put on a red flannel and walk out to the bar and stayed there for hours drinking.
As soon as Regina heard the door open she got up got dressed looked at her face in the mirror and cried. She did her makeup, (it looked very watery though), she put in sunglasses and she left to go teach her lovely senior classes. Everyday was a battle for Regina. so one night when Alice was sound asleep Regina got a knife from the kitchen and began cutting her wrist and day by day she added more and more cuts until her body was completely sore. Alice knew what she was doing to herself and still did what she was doing to Regina.
Regina decided she needed a girls night and told Alice ahead of time what her plans were, Alice agreed to let her go with some friends. Regina ended up going to the bar and drinking away her pain. as she was 5 shots in she heard the jingles of the doorbell go off and in came a beautiful blonde woman who was no other than Emma. Emma decided to sit right next to Regina. Emma took 2 shots before she started talking to Regina. They talked about life love and joy until the bar was half way empty. Emma decided to leave and Regina followed shouting "EMMA WAIT UP!"
Emma quickly turned and asked "what's up Reggie?"
Regina asked "do you mind if I stay the night with you?"
Emma was hugely perplexed and said "well I guess so!"
Regina got to Emma's house and Emma closed the door behind them. And Regina began smiling. "Aren't you a little to schoolie to be drunk." Said Emma. "Aren't you a little to sexy to be a therapist?" Asked Regina "o and schoolie isn't a word, come on!  I thought I taught you better than that." Said Regina. "Okay Reggie that's enough" said Emma.
The conversation stopped and Regina threw up and then stumbled to the bathtub. Emma said "here Regina let me help you." As she grabbed Regina's arm Regina flinched and Emma looked confused and concerned, but continued to help her out. Regina told Emma that she could handle it from the point they got to the restroom but Emma refused and help Regina get undressed. Emma saw cuts and bruises and gasped for air. Tears started rolling down Emma's face as she was helping Regina into the bath. Regina turned to Emma and said "look Emma it's not what it looks like. I... it's.... she said she loves me and she was sorry." Emma looked saddened and told her "it is never okay to be abused by anyone. EVER." She then carried on to say, "Regina from the day I met you I've been madly In love and now that I'm 25 we could finally be together." Regina looked at her with her big hopeful cocoa brown eyes and pulled her into a passionate kiss. Emma pulled Regina  up and out of the tub and threw her on the bed. Regina began kissing Emma's neck causing Emma to moan. Emma starts making her way  down to Regina's lady parts and she put 3 fingers in Regina's vagina hole and Regina Let out a loud moan. Causing Emma to go faster and faster and finally Regina's walls tensed up. Emma felt that and removed her fingers causing Regina to moan even louder than before. Regina looks at Emma and says "it's your turn." But suddenly there's a knock at the door and it appears to be... Alice.?

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