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Next day...

Regina's POV*
"Jade so what are we gonna do with Emma?"
"The same thing my sponsor Addison did with me!"
"What's that?"
"Have my husband let her in and she took all my drugs out of my dresser and my closet and out of my bed when I was at work."
"Okay so we tell August to let us in?."
"Nope cuz August is using too."
"How could you tell!"
"Yesterday when I saw him cooking he had scars on his arms. Meaning he's been scratching and he looks like he got thinner."
"Oh.. so who let's us in!"
"Shaking my head... YOU HAVE A SON REMEMBER!"
"Oh shit."

I call Henry up.
"Hey kid I have an operation."
"What's it about?"
"Saving mom?"
"Okay so operation cola?"
"Why that?"
"Because coke... a cola.... we can't have an operation named op. COKE."
"True. So op. Cola it is."
"So what's the mission?"
"Get August and Emma out the house and me and Jade will come and take the drugs."
"Okay good luck though. There is a lot of things in that dresser."
"Is that the only place they keep there drug tools?"
"Kk we'll be there around 12:30."

Henry's POV*
"Hey Mom, August. Wanna go out for ice cream? I'm kinda sad at the moment."
"Ugh sure kid."
"Have you shoot up today?"
"Yeah but we're okay to drive."
"No it's fine we can walk."
They grab there shoes and I grab mines they leave first and I pretend to lock the door.
I run upstairs and grab my phone and text Regina
"MISSION IN ACTION! We're heading out door is unlocked. First dresser to the right is EVERYTHING you need."
"K kid. Text me when you're on your way back to the house."
I run down the stairs and close the door.
"Did you Lock it?"
"You know Henry I've never seen a kid so supportive of our drug addiction in my life."
"Well I don't support it... it makes me mad. But I'm afraid of getting sent back."
"Good cuz if you Tell I will send you back."
"Oh.. okay."
We finally make it to the ice cream shop. I get a text from jade
"The eagle is in the nest."
"Aye aye captain."

Regina's POV*
"Jade are you coming in?"
"Uh no. Addison says it's not good for previous drug users to be near drugs that could trigger a relapse."
"Okay. Wait out here then."
I walk into the house rush up stairs with a trash bag and open the dresser. I'm amazed at how much drugs I see and how much fresh needles and bands I see.
So at least they're not the messy drug addicts.
I grab it all and put it in the trash bag I check the rest of the room for more drugs and then I run downstairs and lock the door on my way out the house.
I grab my phone and text Henry
"Eagle left the nest."
"Birds flying home."
I run to my car get in and drive to my apartment. I take the trash bag into the house and set it next to my bed.
"Jade call Henry and give me the phone my phone died. "
She gets her phone and dials Henry's number.
"Hen Gina wanted to talk to you."
"Okay so we did the first step. Now the second step is making sure they don't use again and getting them with withdrawal. Send them to my house."

Henry's POV*
"Mom. August can we stop by moms house?"
"I don't see why not."
"Okay. August are you coming."
"No I'm going to my sisters see you later though.. bye!"
Emma grabs my hand and starts walking towards Regina's apartment.
I knock and jade opens.
"Come in."
"Is gina here?"

Regina's POV*
"Hey Emma come with me."
"Um what's happening?"
I get undressed and get in the warm bath water. "Now it's your turn."
"Um I'm married Regina."
"He'll never know."
She takes off her shirt and pants and starts to strip. She gets in the tub and immediately starts to notice it burns.
"Ouch Regina why does the water sting!"
"I put alcohol in it."
"I'm trying to help now shut up and let your body soak."
"What this helping."
"It's cleaning out your wounds and rinsing away chemicals. Soon your going to start throwing up and shaking. But I'll be right there to help you through it."
"Regina no! I don't want help."
"Emma listening to me baby! You need help and you're going to take it from me regardless."
Her body starts to shake and and sweat...
"So this is the time you usually shoot up or snort?"
"Yeah... how did you know?.."
"You're body.. it's not use to not having drugs so it's freaking out."
"Regina the waters getting cold can you warm it up."
I turn the water to even hotter and her body finally loosens up.
"Gina this hurts! Please. Stop."
"Emma I'm Doing This Because I Love You!"
"Please stop loving me!"
"I can't. So shut up and let me help you."
She starts throwing up and I get out the tub and get dressed. I hold her hair back and help her with the toilet.
"Okay so this next parts going to really suck."
I give her Gatorade and tell her to drink it. And I bring crackers.
"Gina please I want drugs."
"No baby you don't want drugs. Your brain does."
"Please Gina let me do drugs one last time ."
"EMMA quit it. We've gotten this far and we're not giving up. You're staying with me for a month. You are going to get through this with me by your side whether you like it or not!"
"Gina.... I.... I... I love you."
"I love you too."

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