Fixing the heart

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Regina's POV*
I've been crying for hours and I don't know what to do about it. I think about self harming but I made a promise to Emma, and even though we're not together, together anymore I still love her. So for that reason and that reason only I'm not going to cut. I step out the restroom and walk to the couch to see that Emma texted me, I decided to ignore her text because I was mad at her of course. I still can't believe after that whole speech she decided to text me. My eyes filled with anger and my heart burst into pieces. I finally decide to text her back 27 hours later. "Emma I need some time."
For the love of god can she not get that into her head. I start getting ready for work I decided to curl my hair and put on a big smile. I looked in the mirror and walked out confidently. I went to open the door and grab my keys and who do I see... "MISS SWAN WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING AT MY HOUSE."
"No regina listen to me, and don't say a word until I'm finished. Okay I fucked up I made a mistake, I broke you but I mostly broke myself. Regina baby I'm so sorry words can't even explain it. And GOD I miss you sooo damn much. I miss so much Reggie and I want to come back I'm done with the break I'm done being alone. I'm done not feeling your body on me. Regina Mills I want you back and I'm hoping you will let me in your life 1 last time".
I stood there in complete shock, I've never heard Emma do a whole ass speech.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her in the house. "Baby go get your stuff from Mary's, BUT if you make one more mistake before the weeding we're not getting married and we won't be together."
"You made your amazing apologies and I have some trust back. Just don't Ruin it. Emma Swan I trust you'll do the right thing."

I walk out as if I made the best mistake in my life. I get in my car and turn the engine on. I drive for about 25 minutes and get to the school staff parking lot.
I see Roxanne sitting on the curb crying.
"Roxanne what's the matter honey?"
"I'm so sorry Regina but my mom is really crazy about Emma and I'm just not sure what's going to happen."
"Ah babes don't worry about it, I trust Emma enough at the moment to do the right thing for HER. Even if that 'right' thing isn't me."
"No miss mills that right thing is you. Emma knows it and my mom knows it that. She envy's you. She wants to be you."
"Well I don't see why, Emma hurt me more than once with that woman, and I'm done getting to attached to people."

We get up and start walking and talking
"You know I still have dreams about my ex Alice, and she hurt me really bad but I still stayed for 7 years in that relationship. I did it because I thought I loved her but I didn't. So all I'm saying is if Emma doesn't want me she doesn't have to have me because I know what it's like to be trapped in a lie."
"Miss mills Emma genuinely loves you. She texted my mom this morning that whatever was happening needed to stop and my mom got all sad and I simply told her 'thats what happens when you sleep with married people' boy was that the highlight of my day, but my mom is crazy."
"I could tell!"
The bell rings and the students all sit in their chairs. "Hey kiddos today we will write about the positive and negative sides of staying in a toxic relationship. So get to work and remember COMPLETELY RAW EMOTION!"
They all start writing and I go through my computer and see a file named "Gina's secrets" I click it in complete confusion and automatically I'm triggered. They're was sex tapes of me and Emma and me; and Alice with me and other people. There was pictures of my bruises and there was pictures of my hickeys. One side was completely positive and the other side was completely negative. I kept going through the photos and videos to come across the one video where Emma sleeps with Dorothy. I put my ear buds in and start watching it, I immediately notice how she looks at Dorothy, Emma doesn't look at me like that. I frowned and continued watching, their sex was so hopeful and so passionate and much more than I could possibly do. "No wonder why she likes sleeping with my finance." I whispered.
The bell rings and now it's 1 more period before going home, but that's my free period anyways. So I pack up my stuff and take my laptop home for today. I walk into the house to see Emma cooking a big fancy meal.
"Emma what is this?"
"Oh hey Reggie I decided to make us dinner if that's okay with you."
All I could think about was how passionate they were while having sex.
"Emma turn off the stove. We need to make love."
Emma gladly turns off the stove and starts kissing me. But it's not the same.
"Baby go slow."
She starts to slow down and then I felt the sparks. She picks me up and places me on the counter. I slowly start kissing her neck. Everything at this point is just slow and JESUS it feels so good.
I finish and Emma looks at me and grins evilly.
She then proceeded to give oral stimulation causing my whole entire body to shake. "Emma I finished 3 minutes ago."
"Oh I know but this makes it more fun."
At this point I'm moaning in pain and pleasure. I then start to squirt.
"Emma I've never squirted before, how did you learn that."
It was at that moment I regretted my whole entire existence.
"Um an ex in the past taught me... I've never used it before because I didn't know how you felt about pleasure after pleasure."
"Well I like it. And I want us to do it like this every time we make love."
"Okay Regina. But now it's my turn."
Emma grins we switch places on the counter. She starts kissing my neck and sucking so passionately. She then moved back up to my lips and starts kissing me. I remove her shirt leaving her tie on. I remove her jeans to find a pretty pink lace thong underneath. I look up at her and she winks at me. I then grin. I continue to move slowly and she finally finished. I look up and pull her closer to me and grab her tie with one hand and start fingering her with the other. She starts to moan and she gradually gets louder and louder. She then squirts and take a deep breath in with her voice shaking. "Reginaaaaa that wasssss the besttt sex I've hadddd in a longgg time."
I smile and help her off the counter.
She then goes up the stairs to clean up and I stay down stairs cleaning the mess we made.
Then Emma runs down the stairs and screams "MOMMY DIED!" Tears started to pour down her face. I walked towards her and took her upstairs. We got dressed and headed out to the hospital. We see Mary laying there completely dead. Emma starting crying and I waited there for moral support. I then started crying even though I barely knew Mary.
Emma then says "Regina let's go." And i grab her hand and we walk to the car in silence. We get home in silence and go to sleep in silence. Then Emma moves towards me and starts to cuddle and says "let's get married tomorrow."

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