Alone Again

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Regina POV*
I quickly throw on some clothes and I start shaking like crazy what in God's name is Alice doing here and how did she know I was even here!
I tremble and cried out for help
The next thing you know Alice was in the house. She took a beer bottle and knocked Emma out and grabbed me by the hand she shouted "GET YOUR ASS IN THAT CAR."
I did exactly what I was told. I ended up getting slapped and told to never see Emma again or else I would get murdered. I did just that. A few months go by and I've decided to show no emotion towards anyone. The next thing you know my door bell rang. "BELLE" I said excitedly. "Regina no time for chat I have to pee, me and rumple are on our way to Seattle to spend time with Neal."
"Oh" I said in disappointment "okay well the bathroom is up the stairs to the left."
I really got my hopes up that belle might have been my escape. I hear running down the stairs and a loud "thank you" and the next thing you know the door slammed.

Belles POV*
Hmm so where is this restroom? Ou what's this? I found thousands of letter all addressed to Emma, but they haven't been sent out yet. I decided to take a big majority of them and stuff them in my purse. I curved going to the restroom and ran down as fast as I could so Regina wouldn't notice. I got in the car and turned to rumple and said "rumple we need to make one more stop before going to Seattle. Take me to Emma's I'm highly concerned about Regina and they seem to have some sort of relationship'." So rumple started driving and we soon arrived at Em's. I quickly got out the car. I opened Emma's door and I threw each and every letter on her table and said "when u have a chance read them. I think you may want too." She looked shocked like if I had robbed a bank or something but I just walked out and back to my car. SEATTLE HERE I COME!

Emma's POV*
What the hell did belle just drop off. I walk to the table to see letters all addressed to me. I picked one up and started reading.

Dear Emma the love of my life,
I'm writing these letters to yo because I want you to know how much I miss hearing your voice, how much I missing kissing you. I want to be able to touch you again and hold you and cry on you. I felt the most safe around you and yes I know that made no sense because I am a teacher and I know trust me. But school starts next week and maybe we could meet up there. From- Regina mills

My eyes filled with tears as I kept reading more and more letters. One by one every letter was deeper and sadder and more stronger. I decided to take a break and call Regina. I called her a it went to voice mail. I guess I could manage.... but if she loves me so much why did she leave?

Regina POV*
Jesus, Emma called. I can't talk to her Alice is going to kill me, literally;  and I'm afraid what she might do; Not only to me, but to Emma. But god I miss Emma so much! What's one silly phone call going to do?. The next thing I know Alice storms in the room and pulls my hair beating me until I bleed from every hole on my face. "I know about the letters you stupid slut. I know Regina I KNOW. I know. I know. I KNOW." I quickly gasp and assume it was belle who told and I sat there and took the beating I deserved but Alice has gone mad. I thought what happened before was her worst but it just keeps getting worse. And everyday I feel like dying. "HOW DID I EVER FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU" I shouted. She kicked me in my face and that was the last thing I remembered seeing before waking up at 10:00am late for class naked, bare, bruised to the point I can't cover it up. I quickly remind myself I missed to much days of work and the students need me. If they ask it's a allergic reaction. God damn Regina there not elementary schoolers they're seniors who already went through the abuse unit in health.
Fuck. I guess imma have to wing it.
Something quickly made me calm. I remember the first time I met Emma. The first day of school. Her smile worth a MILLION words.
I quickly snapped out of it grabbed my stuff and went to school.
"GOOD MORNING CLASS my name is Miss Mills and I'm your 12th grade creative writing teacher!"
I see a concerned red headed teen in the back raise her hand I call on her and she asked "why do you have so much bruises, sorry if that's such a personal question?"
I ignore the question she asked again and some boy in the back with his hood over his head said "she's hot, she's young, she has a wife, her wife is a drunk, she gets abused! Why else there's no other medical reason or explanation for that much bruising."
I quickly turn to him and yell "MY ROOM AFTER SCHOOL." And then send him to the hall.
Everyone looks so shocked. And one kid asked "is that why your sunglasses are on in the room?" And another kid asked. "How does he know so much about you?"
And another kid says "he was the school psych remember!"
And then a very attractive girl in the back asked "so are you a lesbian, and since we know so much but so little tell us about yourself!" I walk over to my desk, moved my papers and said. "Well my name is Regina Mills, I'm 27, I've been teaching for 6 years going on to 7. I am in fact a lesbian, I don't have any children. I'm Married to a beautiful woman......" ahhh that one hurt. Some kid stops me and says "no your not, your face tells you away is your wife ugly? I also studied psych; of course I'm not as good as Tom but I know body language pretty well."
"Well my wife is... she's..... uh... she's complicated but as I was saying I'm married, I live in a huge house, it probably has more space than i need. I own 3 cars. I have a cat named Robbin. And I am excited about teaching a class who tries to figure me out."
The students giggle and then I say the same thing as every year before "we are writing poems; raw emotion." And so on and so on. The days finally over and I finished my talk with that psych kid Tom. He's cool, but weird.
I get home and see Alice laying on the floor I pick her up and take her to the bed. I tuck her in and kiss her head. How could I love such evil. How could I THINK I love such evil. I need to go on a walk. I get a note pad and write "went on a walk catch you later."
As I was walking I ran into granny she asked me if I wanted to go to her bar and talk I said no and continued walking. The whole town is now concerned for me. I get home and Alice is sitting up on the bed drunk as HELL! She screams at me and tells me how much of a whore I am. I slap her for calling me a whore and she grabs me by my neck and chokes me until I knock out. I wake up and I am undressed again, this time I'm really sore I get dressed and run down stairs and ask Alice what she had done. "nothing that concerns you, you are my body. You are mines I own you. But since you ask I got something I promised I would never get; a dildo because I know you never had a dick in that tight hole of yours."
I immediately break down she knew I wanted to never ever have a penis or even a artificial penis down there. I run up the stairs turn on the tub and start slicing my wrist with my new razor. I get a phone call from Emma but decide to throw my phone down the toilet. I take a nap and wake up on the bed fully clothed for once. I go down stairs and see Emma. I'm puzzled as to why she's here and I ask where's Alice. "Oh I'm guess Alice didn't tell you, she went to Washington. It's killian's funeral..... her dad?!"
I was amazed cuz I didn't even know she had a dad let alone he was dead. The conversation goes on and Emma stops she quickly noticed my wrist and breaks down. "Regina. Again, baby you have to promise me that you won't cut anymore. I love you way to much and I don't ever want you to feel this way, I don't ever want you to feel like the only way to cope is to cut. I've been down this path before when I came out. It's not healthy nor safe."
I broke down crying and yelled "SHE MAKES ME HURT Mentally , physically and emotionally." "Regina you don't think I know that. I could see right through her and you. I don't know if you remember but I do recall bathing you."
I flinched and gasped "oh yess....."
I grabbed Emma and pulled her in for a  kiss. I stopped my self and told her she needed to leave. "I can't get to attached it hurts way to much!" Plus Alice has cameras in the masters now." Emma quickly left with tears rolling down her eyes,  I felt bad and said "Emma wait" before I could get it out "I...."i love you. .....

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