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Jades POV*
Jade to her husband on the phone:

"It's been a few months now and Regina still hasn't gotten over the wedding or the fact that Emma's happy. She's been taking baths and ditching work for the past 5 weeks. I even offered to get her some more chips or ice cream or watch movies with her but she just won't move.
The only thing she does is take Henry to Archie. Play games with him. Buy food and sleep.
She never says anything to anyone but me. And it's hard for me to see her this way. She told me she made a promise to Emma in the past but since there not together the promise shouldn't matter. So she started to self harm again. Gina's just a big mess and I don't know how to fix her."
"Well baby you can't fix a tore up piece of grip tape."
"What? Explain."
"Grip tape is the tape you put on the top of a skate board to grip you while you skate. Regina's like grip tape in a way because she was so gripped to Emma and she felt like she improved Emma's skill. But once that grip tape tears or is worn out there's no fixing it. The person who tore it or faded it out had to buy new grip tape."
"Oh okay. So basically what you explained is that Regina is heart broken forever."
"Yes. Unless Emma buys the same grip tape. And puts it over the broken layer. Same person different personality. Only different personality because of the fact she's been broken underneath. So no one can fix Regina but Emma."
"Ahhh baby that made no sense but it was inspiring. So whatever." I got to go talk to tomorrow!"
"K baby I love you."
"Love you too."
I grin and hang up the phone. I turn around to a smiling Regina face.
"Who was that?"
"Oh it was mark. My hubby."
"You look better today."
Yeah well thats because I found out that August and Emma got into a fight. They are still together but Henry said that there's not way they are going to make it for a whole nother year."
"Well.. hows Emma gonna know you want her back."
"I wrote her a letter. When Henry tells me they broke up I'm going to mail it to her."
"Well what does it say."
"Dear Emma, I still love you and it important for you know. When he breaks your heart like lovers do I'll be here waiting for you. And if you don't want me back that's fine but I just want you to know my mother was behind the crime. I always loved you very much and you'll get you answers if you let me tap that butt."
"Wow Regina "if you let me tap that butt!"
"WHAT! she'd giggle."
"Or think you want her back for the sex!"
"I'm still gonna send it to her regardless. If she doesn't come back then that's when I'll move on. But I know somewhere Inside her there is still a piece of me left."
"Whatever you say Gina. Whatever you say. So what are we gonna do today.?"
"I don't know? Wanna Go to nobbins and Ruby's?"
"Then fuck yea I wanna go!"
I put on my shoes and Regina walks out the door and gets in the car. I get in the passenger seat and Regina starts to drive.
We pull up to this big red house. It's very warm and homey she walks up to the door and knocks.
"Nobbin!.. let me introduce my friend jade!"
"She's very attractive!"
"Who's very attractive?"
"Oh hey bae!"
"Robbin WHOS very attractive..!"
"Hey that would be me!.... I'm jade, and you bust be ruby. And you are very attractive, your girl has good taste."
"I know I do."
Robbin kisses ruby and they let us in.
"So what's new guys?"
"Well me and ruby."
"Ruby and i*"
"This is why you should go back to work!"
"Regina you haven't been at work?"
"Nope she hasn't. And the principal could literally care less."
"Oh yeah jade.. ruby works with me."
"kinda got that point she looks a little bit too mature to be a high schooler."

My phones starts ringing at its a call from Emma.
"Em? Are you okay why are you crying?"
"Don't tell Regina but I fucking miss her! .. can you please take her away to a different state or something. I'm married and I'm trying to be happy and i just can't because her being her makes me FALL. It makes me crack."
"What does that even mean?"
"It means if you fall in love you break. And I don't want to break anymore."
"Emma... Regina has a lot of answers to your questions. So if you give her a chance you could get them answered."
"No loving her has consequences. And I'm married. "Mom!" I got to go! Just please. Please make her do something to make me not love her anymore."
She hangs up and I call out to Regina.
"Gina lets go. I have some news for you!"
Regina gets her bags and walks out the door with me.
"Bye guys it was nice to get to know you."
We get into the car.
"So what's the tea?"
"Emma just called me and told me that she missed you. She was crying and panting and I don't know but she seemed fucked up. Like if she was on drugs or something."
"Oh. But she's not on drugs and I'm not gonna be a home wreaker so when she figures out she wants me and she married the rebound she'll come back."
"Okay Gina Whatever you say."

Emma's POV*
"Henry I was on the phone!"
"Sorry.... Mom! What the fuck."
"Henry don't use that language!"
"No mom! You have about 20 needle holes on your arm. And don't think I don't see August's arms either!"
"Henry please! Don't tell your mom."
"Why are you doing this!"
"I just.. I'm hooked okay I'll get help."
"Fine bit of you don't get help fast I'm calling mom and telling her."

Henry leaves the room and I pull out a bag of OxyContin. I put it on a spoon and lite a candle. I hold the spoon over the candle get out a syringe and medicine needle. I blow out the candle and start to pour the melted oxy into the syringe. I put the bag back into the draw and the lighter. I get out a rubber band tie it around my arm and start to shoot up.
About 40 minutes into my high my phone rings.
"Hey... who is this?"
"It's Regina.. Emma are you okay? You sound very startled."
"Yeah Gina I'm fine. I have to go though."
"Um okay. Tell Henry I called. He's Been ignore my phone calls."
"Sure thing."
"Kk bye."
I Hang up and then August walks in.
"Hey baby guess what?"
"I scored big."
"What do you mean?"
"I got enough money today from gambling to buy us cocaine."
"YESS baby I'm so proud of you!"
"Do you have a straw I can't wait to snort this with you."
"Baby I just shot up."
"It's fine. Oxy gives off a little high anyways."
I pull out 2 rolled up pieces of paper from the dresser and August began to make 2 long lines.
"I'll get this line you get the right one."
I put the paper to my right nostril and start to snort the line.
"Baby this is the best high I've ever felt."
"Yeah me too. Oh shit I have to go to the mail box I'll see you soon. Don't have too much fun."
I grab my shoes and walk out the house. I start walk toward the mails box and see Regina and jade.... jade stays back and Regina approaches me.
"Hey Gina!"
"Emma you've gotten thinner. Have you been eating?"
Then her friend jade starts to approach me.
"Emma. Are you okay?"
"Better than ever!"
Then I start to get the shivers and itches.
"Hon. Why are you scratching so much. Are you anxious or cold?"
"Oh it's just an allergic reaction."
"Emma extend your arm with your forearm facing up."
"Oh my god! JADE! Emma you don't have to listen to her."
"No emma yes you do. Now do what I say or I'll call the cops."
I start to shake and then I extend my arm.
"Emma? Have you been to the hospital? If so what hospital cuz I would definitely not want them to do my iv."
Before I could even answer jade says.
"Regina. Emma's on drugs. That's either from heroin or oxy. Maybe meth. Em if you need help I could get you it!"
"No I don't need help!"
Then my nose starts to bleed.
"Oh so you've also been snorting things. What was that? Oxy?. Crack?. Cocaine?"
"Emma! You've been doing drugs?"
"Does Henry know!"
"FUCK YEAH! And he could care less! One day I'll let him shoot with me or snort!"
"Regina that's just the high. Let's drive her home to make sure she gets there safely."

Jades POV*
In that moment I felt like if I had just been exposed. I couldn't let regina know about my previous drug addiction. I tell emma to get in the car and we drive her home.
I get to Emma's door and Henry opens it.
"So I'm guessing you guys know?"
"How's mom taking it."
"Well since she decided to stay in the car I would say she's not taking it very well."
"Mm well I guess I got to go now. August is cooking dinner so that's that. Bye!"
"Bye kid."

I head back to the car and Regina looks at me.
"What did she mean by 'it takes one to know one'?"
"No tell the truth because you were really fucking sure so either you spent your life around drug addiction or you have a drug addiction."
"Gina... I... I'm sorry. But I can't do this today."
"JADE! I am your best friend I just want to know if you and Emma are going to be okay!"
"Worry about Emma not me!"
"Jade tell me NOW!"
"Okay Gina! I use to be addicted to oxy. I struggled with it for 10 years and I found sobriety after my brother died. Now being in this situation made me regret ever going sober because I remember what it was like to feel like high. TO FEEL LIKE IM ON TOP OF THE GOD DAMN WORLD."
"Jade, I love you! And I want the best for you. So please don't break your sobriety.You've obviously worked to hard!"
"I know Gina. I know. But what are we going to do about emma?"
"We'll figure that out tomorrow. Right now I think we both could use some rest."
We get in the car and drive.

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