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Regina POV*
Risk taking... risk taking is a part of human nature so here I am taking a risk. I'm sitting at my desk taking role and see Emma's picture day photo and I can't help but to Flood with emotions because she's beautiful. I decided to leave a note on the top of her desk she hasn't yet opened it because I'm watching and I think she thinks a friend gave it to her. So imma look away and let Emma read it. Did she read it??
Ehh whatever I tried; but anyways I can't believe I literally wrote that;
O FUCK WHAT IF SHE DOSNT KNOW WHOS IT FROM I DIDN'T WRITE MY NAME IT! fuck here she comes with her short shorts and black crop top. DAMN I can't keep my eyes off her.
"Miss mills? I got this note and it says, 'to Emma swan I'm sorry for kissing you the other day but I'm willing to take that risk because I think you're the most gorgeous woman in my life and I truly love you so much and if you let me have a chance I will treat you like the QUEEN that you are.' And miss mills I wanna take that risk with you but I'm afraid to love I have a bad experience it with. Can we talk after class?"
"Sure sweetie, we could make that possible although I had a doctors appointment today after school because of left foot but it's okay I'll cancel.
" no it's fine just go. Let me think about taking this risk with you. Give me time. Uh. Miss mills what's your first name?"
"Regina dear, my names regina. Feel free to use it if you want."
"Okay Regina give me time."
Fast forward >
Emma POV*
It's been 3 months i think I'm ready, I'm going to tell her my choice today that I want to be with her and hold her and love her because she is all that I could ever think about and she's the only woman I could want in life.
I arrive to class a little earlier than usual just to find out Regina doesn't make eye contact with me at least once she's grading papers and drinking her coffee and she won't even acknowledge my existence after I said hi. So I decided to walk up to her desk and ask her if she knew what today was. And she ignored me. So I went and sat back down the whole day she acknowledged everyone else but me. I was starting to get confused as to why she was acting this way I mean isn't she the one who kissed me after all?! The bell rings for second period and I decide to stay after class and I close the door and ask her to acknowledge that I'm here. And nothing happens so I say "REGINA I've been trying to catch your eye all day I wore red lipstick and a black tennis skirt and a white crop top and you get the point I DRESSED THIS WAY for YOU NO ONE else but you.
"Miss swans what makes you think it's okay to leave me on read for 3 months going onto 4 and then expect me to feel the same way about you . WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU CAN BREAK MY HEART EVERYDAY AND THINK IM GOING TO WANT YOU. Miss Swan what makes you think you can let me LOVE YOU and just leave. DAMN MISS SWAN I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BUT I CANT SAY THE SAME FOR YOU. You don't love me like I love you Emma. And you most likely will never see me in any other way but as a teacher figure."
"Damn it Regina, I LOVE YOU". I cuff her cheeks in my hands and pull her closer and kiss her passionately I don't stop until I hear a bang on the door. We QUICKLY jump out of order and open the door and it's Regina's Girlfriend?!

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