I Do?

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Regina's POV*
Emma please wait! I chase after her and she looks me in the eye and says "I can't marry you because I lied Dorothy and me had sex."
"No baby. Emma you didn't lie, someone's been stalking us and I've seen the video, you didn't want it but she did, that was rape baby, that was rape."
"No but it just felt so right!"
"Baby who gives a crap. we will talk about this later but in the meantime we have a wedding to get to!"
I grab Emma's hand and rush to the aisle.

Emma gets walked out first by her father David, he wasn't really in her life growing up but she still loved him.

They closed the doors and Emma finally made it to the alter. A short while after my mom came up to me. And she whispered "are you sure this is the appropriate choice."
"Yes mother! why are you all in my love life...now hurry up and walk me down the Aisle."
"Well Regina dear if you insist but don't think I didn't find you a prince of your own."
"Mother what the hell are you talking about?"
"The prince of England wants to marry you, that's gonna make you the queen in a few years."
"Mother can't you get this in your mind I'm a lesbian. NOW WALK ME DOWN THE AISLE."
"Okay dear but don't say I didn't tell you this Emma was trouble."
I'm not hearing a word that comes out her mouth anymore and the wedding doors open. I glance to my left and hear the song "hear comes the bride." And I look up to see Emma standing there in her beautiful dress smiling with tears coming down her cheeks.

I smile at her and finally make it up to the alter. Cora sits down in the chair right in front of us and the sole-minister gave us the look and began to read the wedding vows.

A few minutes went by and we heard the words
"Do you regina mills take Emma swan to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
everyone looks up at me silently and mother is smiling in the front row. I look up at Emma frowning and then say. "I do."
"Okay. And do you Emma swan take Regina Mills to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do ."
"Okay I now pronounce you wife and wife. YOU may KISS the bride."
I grab Emma by the cheek and pull her into a warm kiss and I glance down to see mother gone.
I go back to the kiss and then I pull away.
I look to crowd to see everyone with their hands up and I turn my back and throw the bouquet.
I hear people shouting and turn around to see who caught it. "RUBY!" And then Emma throws hers and she turns to see who caught it. "NOBBIN!" Also known as Robbin, we just call her nobbin because new, Robbin. But Robbin died in a terrible fire last year, leaving his daughter Robbin behind....and my sister sister Zelena.
Ruby turns to nobbin and then they kiss.
Me and Emma look at each other and then it hits me, "Emma babe I have to find my mother."
She looks at me and nods and then I walk off to find mother.
"Regina dear I'm right here."
"Mom why didn't you stay for the whole thing?"
"Because I don't approve of this marriage."
"For gods sake mother it's my marriage!"
"Regina don't talk to me that way or god forbid me I WILL ruin your marriage."
"Mother! Was that a threat? Cuz if it was I will ruin your happiness if it's the last thing I do."
"Are you sure it's not in reverse dear cuz last time I checked I have that power!"
"Regina! I loved you with every little piece in my heart. I just want the best for you."
"Well see mother heres where the issue is. 'I LOVED you', you don't love me you LOVED me. So maybe let me live my life and go run off with Zelena like you do EVERY-TIME!"
I turned my back and walked away.

I finally get back to the wedding palace and it's time for the party. We all go out and start having fun and I grab Emma and have our first dance. The song was "take me back to the night we met."
We cried, we laughed, we danced. And soon enough everyone left. We decided to stay for one last dance. The song "never enough" came on and we danced until our legs hurt.
Emma looked really tired but the night wasn't over. I took her to my car and drove.
I pulled up to the school parking lot told Emma to wait in the car. Went to the restrooms and changed into the most sexiest thing a female teacher could wear. I walked back out with fake glasses on, a pencil in my hair, a 3ft ruler in my hand, and my long black stilettos. Emma looks at me and she takes off her dress to reveal some nice wedding lingerie. She gets out the car closes the door, runs towards me and jumps onto my waist. I hold on to her and pull her into the school. I set her down as we walk to the classroom. We finally get to the CR and I grab her hand and pull her into the room. I pick her back up and set her on the desk.
I look her dead in the eye and tilt my head down and say "Miss swan, you've been a Very Very Bad girl."
She looks at me and grins.
"What are you gonna do? Punish me?"
I grab her by her waist and whisper "bend over and I'll show u just what might happen."
She quickly got off the desk and bent over on the desk doggy style.
I pick up the ruler and whip her with it, causing her to moan multiple times. She then turns back over and whispers, "I want you in me baby."
I look at her with evil in my eyes. "That's miss mills for you."
"I want you in me miss mills."
"We play by my rules, now go to your desk."
She quickly got up and walked to her old desk when she was in school.
I walked towards her dragging each and every step behind me. "Miss swan, it's highly inappropriate to look at your teacher and bite your lip like that."
"Well miss mills what are you gonna do about it?"
I grab her cheeks and say,
"Well I'm going to fuck the shit out of you of course."
Emma grins and gets out of her chair.
I take off my tie and tie her hands together.
I pull down her white glossy stockings and kiss her thighs until I reach her vagina. "Regina? Did you hear that?"
"MISS MILLS! and no I didn't miss swan it's probably in your mind now lay back."
I start to flick my tongue and with every stroke there's a moan out of Emma's tiny little mouth.
She starts sweating and I move my lips up her body, and put my ring finger and middle finger inside her tight little pussy. She moans and then bites her lip. "Regina...  I mean miss mills I swear I think I hear something."
"Miss swan chill! no ones here."
She nods then her legs start shaking and her vagina walls start to tighten."
And she moans out in delight.
"Your turn?"
"No not today. You've done enough for me tonight, I've already orgasmed 7 times in one hour just by hearing you moan."
"Are you sure miss mills?"
"I'm sur...."
the door swings open it's Roxanne.
She's looking down and then Emma rolls off her desk onto the floor.
"Um hey roxy what are you doing here?"
"same for what what the hell are you doing here?"
"This is my class room I could go in it whenever I please, now tell me what you're doing here!"
Emma sneezed and roxy looked down.
"Well clearly I could see what you were doing, Emma get up."
Emma stands up and Roxanne clears her throat.
"I'm here because rumple wanted me to deliver this to you and he said you were here so I decided to walk into the class and check rather than just sliding it under the door."
"Well what is it?"
"Well I don't know but it says for your eyes only so probably his nudes."
Emma starts to giggle and so then Roxanne.
"Ugh stop being immature he knows I'm gay!"
"Well that doesn't stop a man from pleasuring himself, I mean they watch lesbian porn all the time."
Emma burst out in laughter. And then sits down.
I then start chuckling. "Stop laughing."
"Well guys have fun and hopefully it's not a bomb. Lol."
I open the package to see a bunch of letters and notes and then I decide to take everything out of the package. I see a picture of Alices grave. And then another picture of her grave dug up. And then another picture of Alice's coffin. And then another picture of alice missing from her coffin.
I jump in fear and point at the pictures with my hand trembling.
all I could think about was where's Alice, and who's taking these videos and pictures.
Emma looks up at me grabs my hand and rushes me out the door.

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