The second day

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Regina's POV*
It's the second day I still haven't made a choice. I'm still sitting on the bed watching people come in and out of my hospital room. Emma looks devastated she's been here for hours but I'm not sure I want to be here anymore. I've already been  through to much already. And although it's going to hurt the people around me if I choose to leave it's also going to hurt me. But time is critical. I look in the shadows of a dark hospital room and see Mary Margaret. "Is that you I see?"
"Sure is.."
"Talk to me."
"If you choose to stay you'll break Emma. She's have no hope for love at all. She'll break. And go crazy. Everyone you know will break. Hell im breaking. I miss him.."
"Weren't you guys divorced?"
"Separated Because he became a raging drunk. But then he got sober. And I started to miss him. But before I could even tell him I love him. I guess I ended up here.."
"Didn't you have a choice?"
"Nope. I was meant to die. You weren't the surgeons saved you. Now it's all up to you."
"What if I don't know what I want."
"It will come. Just hopefully not to late."
I pull her in for a hug and she slowly faded away.

Emma's POV*
I get in the bed and cuddle with Regina.
"Knock knock."
"Hey doc how's she doing."
"She's stable for now but we have no idea about how she's going to be later."
"She just needs to stay strong at this point."
The doctor leaves the room and I look at Regina's pale pale face. I brushed my finger against her scar on her lip and whispered "you never told me the story about this scar. There is so much you haven't told me and I would like to just i don't know be with you my whole life and know everything about you. So please baby don't give up now."
Tears started to form in my eyes and then the door clicked open. "Hey mom."
"Hey kiddo."
"How's Gina doing?"
"Um she's stable for now. We all just  have to have hope she'll get through it."
"She will momma."
he walks over to the opposite side of the bed and lays down by her. "Mom?"
"I love you."
My heart dropped I don't think he's ever said I love you to me before!
" you too."
He smiled and the wrapped his arm around Regina's waist. He closed his eyes and soon enough he was sound asleep.

Jades POV*
What would regina say about my huge crush on Addison.
My thoughts we taking over my body. What's there left to lose.
I pick up the phone and dial Addisons number.
About a couple minutes into ringing she answered.
"Addison stark, who's this?"
"Hey addy it's jade!"
"Hey jade! You changed your number so I've been worried sick about you for a while now! You're not on drugs again are you?"
"Nope! Not since I left rehab years ago."
"That's good.. how's the lucky man?"
"Oh he's in Washington working for the president."
"Oh. That's great! So what's the occasion!"
"Um nothing just wanted to call and see how you were doing and also my best friend is in the hospital and she might die. So I guess I needed to do something Incase she does die so I could inform her before she dies. I don't know."
"Oh... what did you need to do?"
"Hear your voice.."
wow that was really bold should I have said that!
"Awww that's sweet."
"Addy I want to say this before it's too late. I'm in love with you. I've been in love with you for a while now. And I know you might think I'm just influenced by everyone around me because they're all gay or apart of the lgbt community but no it's not that. It's just I love you. I completely and utterly love you. And I know that's a little far fetched... you know what never mind."
"No! I understand. I had a crush on you too. It's just I don't think I could be with a married woman... sorry."
She hangs up the phone and my heart shattered. I picked up my bag and my keys and headed to my car. I got in a started driving. I finally reached the bar. And I must have drank for hours because I could barely remember what I talked about with the bar tender. I took a taxi to the hospital because the bar tender didn't let me drive. I arrive at the hospital and walk up to Regina's room.
"Oh hey Cora!"
"Are you drunk?"
"What! No hehe."
"I don't want you going into my daughters room like that. Aren't you an addict?"
"I'm not an alcoholic! I could drink... I think.."
"No I'm positive you're not."
"Eh welp I'll call up addy and check!"
I take out my phone and sit down on a chair in the hallway.
"It's you again?"
"Heyyyyy addy!"
"Are you drunk?!"
"What! Your silly. I've only downed a couple."
"Jesus Ruby you're not suppose to drink or do drugs! Are you high on something as well!"
"What? No! Of course not."
"At this point I don't know what to believe."
"Addison trust me! I'm only a little tipsy."
"Well I'm coming to Maine next week!"
"You are!?"
"Yes! I'm your sponsor! Have you even been going to your meetings!"
"Totally. I go every now and then."
"Ahh.. okay. I guess.. you should go more."
"Okay addy."
"You won't remember this so I'm gonna say it... I... i... i... miss you!"
"I miss you too!"
She hung up the phone and suddenly I found myself drifting asleep.

Addisons POV*
What in God's name was I doing! I almost told her I love her.
I pick up my phone debating if whether or not I should call her back and tell her how I really feel about her. I'm setting myself up for failure.
I go to the phone app and I call her husband.
No answer so I leave a voicemail.
" hey this is Addison. Jades sponsor, um jades been feeling pretty lonely lately. And I don't know nor care what you're doing. Just call her please. Or surprise her."
I hang up and get a call 5 minutes later.
"Hey Addison?"
"Can you um.. tell jade I found someone new. Plus I don't think I'll be going back to Maine anytime soon."
"Oh.. you can't tell her yourself?"
"No I don't want to hurt her."
"She's gonna be more hurt if I tell her.."
"I have to go.."
he hung up. And thoughts came rushing through my mind. What if she starts doing drugs again. I couldn't think about anything else other than the fact that jades husband just broke up with her. Of course I would never go after her. But how am I going to tell her, her husband is in love with someone new and her sponsor/friend/me LOVES HER!

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