He hit me!

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7 years later. In Emma's POV*
"Henry! Get down stairs it's time to do your homework."
"Okay mom but where's momma?"
"She's still at work. I don't know it's some type of teacher/staff meeting."
"Oh well that's nice, i guess. But mom how have you been? You still having dreams about Dorothy?"
"Not as often as last time."
"Does momma still have dreams of Alice?"
"All the time kiddo, allllll the time."
"Should we be worried?"
"No, momma could handle herself. And you my dear are only 9 years old so sorry about kid stuff and I'll handle the adult duties."
"Okay mom it's just.... it's so hard to watch momma fall apart sometimes."
"I know kiddo, I know."....
I call Regina to make sure she's okay.
"Um.. that's my name! What's up with you!"
"I just missed hearing your voice!"
"Regina what's really up?"
"Okay fineeee. Emma we're both in are 30's we are both hot and young! And.."
"Okay can we pleaseeee have hot wild sex tonight?... we haven't had sex in about a year!"
"Yes I know baby it's just I've been so busy!"
"Fine we'll see... what made you think of sex?"
"I got turned on by this blonde wearing the exact same red leather jacket you have hanging in the closet.... hmmm I wonder if she's sexual active."
"I'll be home when your home."
Regina hangs up the phone and I rush out the door. I meet up with Dorothy.
"Hey D long time no see."
"Yeah hey em."
"Okay look... why did you do what you did to me that night?... you made me fear everyone I meet. You made me fear my wife's mother! You made me fear my wife. My wife's sister. My father! You made me look like some... some sorta psycho!"
"I'm sorry Emma but I don't think right now is the time or place. I did it because I thought you wanted it, but apparently I was wrong."
"No no no no you knew I didn't want it I told you to stop I tried to fight and you kept going! NOW TELL ME WHY!"
"Emma I'm sorry Okay! I was just going through some things!"
I got up look her in her eyes dust off my jeans and say "well that's no excuse for rape."
And I walk away fiercely but calmly.
I get home around 5pm to see Regina sitting on the floor shaking and crying. I drop my bags and rush over to her.
"Regina baby! What happened!"
"He... I.... help."
I held her close to my chest as she broke down.
"Yes baby?"
"Never mind."
"Okay baby."
Regina's POV*
I got home to see Emma gone and Henry sitting at the table doing his math homework.
"Hey. Where mom?"
"Um I believe she went to talk to Dorothy?"
"Um why? Is she cheating on me again!"
"Um momma no!  I'm pretty sure she just went to talk to her or something."
"Oh.. okay."
"So momma how have the dreams been?"
"Like hell but I'm pushing through it."
"Oh, okay well I got work to do so I'll catch up with you later."
I then turned on the TV and clicked to the discovery channel. It was a story about this wife and husband and how they would break up and get back together and it would be a never ending loop.
I get up and run into Henry on accident and he slapped me.
"WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!..........Oh my god, mom I'm so sorry I zoned out for a bit. .......Jesus Christ I'm so so sorry!"
I run back to the living room and start crying. It reminded me of when Alice use to beat me and say sorry. I felt fear rush through my body.....the door open and Emma quickly walked in and saw me.
I didn't want to tell her because I was so traumatized and I looked over to Henry. He was gone.
"Baby go find Henry tell him I would like to speak to him."
"Um okay what did he do."
I clear my throat and say "he slapped me but don't worry it's no big deal!"
"Regina what do you mean no big deal you... he... HE KNOWS BETTER!"
"Emma just find him!"
I sit on the couch and wait for Emma to come back with Henry.  She doesn't come back until hours later.
"Emma where have been?!"
"Taking to Henry; I think he has something to say.."
"Momma, I'm sorry."
"Hen. It's fine go to room."
Henry walks off.
"So Gina do u forgive him?"
"I don't know em. I'll forgive him when I could look him dead in the eye without flinching."
Emma smiles and nods, "k Gina imma go take a shower."
I'm sitting there in complete shock with no emotion in my body and no words coming out my mouth the only thing I could think of was Alice.
I walk upstairs and into the bedroom...
"Emma, we need to talk!"
"Are you cheating on me again?"
"NO. Baby I promise!"
"Yeah... well that's what you said last time."
"No Regina I'm super serious I'm not cheating on you I went to go confront Dorothy, I needed closure...."
And that I didn't get."
"If you meant to mumble the last part you're a horrible mumbler."
"Yeah I know."
We giggle and I pull her closer into me. "Baby I missed you."
"Me too Gina."
I throw her onto the bed and start kissing her. "Emma... wanna spice things up?"

We start kissing and I get off her and go into the closet.
I come out with a sexy police officer outfit and a big grin. "Miss Swan, you've been a very bad gi.."
we hear the door bust open and it's Henry crying. He looks up and then asks "um I'm sorry did I interrupt? I just need someone to talk to.."
I look down and start to tear up... "well yeah, talk to Emma."
I felt sooo horrible as I walk out the room and left the two to talk.

Emma POV*
"Hen what's up?"
"Look I know momma doesn't want to talk to me and I understand that but I'm feeling really, really bad and I want to hug her but all she's going to do is flinch and look away."
"Awe baby, look I'm sure mom doesn't hate you. I'm sure she wants you to hug her, it's just that you brought back some really emotional memories."
"I know but that's just.... look mom I want to take the gun out the chest and shot myself."
"Henry YOU ARE NINE YEARS OLD....... Of course you are a very intelligent nine year old kid, but that doesn't change the fact that you have a whole entire life to live and this... this... this.. feeling is just temporary."
"Mom, momma might never look at me the same anymore. I don't wanna be seen as the emulator of Alice."
"I'll work on it kid, I'll work on it."
"Um okay mom, tell mom I love her? And go back to doing whatever it was you were doing."
"Okay I will, and nah I don't think I'm in the mood anymore."
"Sorry mom."
Henry walks out and back into his room. Regina then walks in and asks "so how did that go."
"Babe he said he loves you, and all this is really getting to his head.. he was talking about killing him self."
"Ugh. I just don't know what to do it's not like I'm doing it on purpose, it's just the way my mind and body reacts to an abuse trigger."
"Baby Henry is NOT Alice."
"Okay and my mother is NOT Dorothy. Or I'm not Dorothy. So stop being so afraid to touch me or have sex and stop flinching towards my mom she doesn't have anything against you."
"Baby..... ugh.... let's just go to sleep."
"Okay Emma. Okay."

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