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Regina POV*
I wake up with a sharp pain again. Well at least I know what it is. I look at Emma and I just want to hold her in my arms.
"Morning Gina."
"Oh hey em."
"Okay I'm going to Robbins and Ruby's wedding today. Would you like to be my plus one?"
"Um. I'll have to see, what time is it at?"
"Um 5:00 pm."
"Okay. I'll take a half day to get ready."
"Alright! You know Gina I'm super happy that we're friends!"
My heart shattered and my eyes got watery I grinned.
"Yeah me too."
The whole time I felt as if everything I worked on to get Emma back was just crap.
"Hey em."
"Um.. never mind."
I'm still debating over weather or not I want to tell Emma about the cancer. I mean there's a 93% chance of survival with surgery and chemo. But she'll notice the scar on my breast. It's whatever.
"Hey em."
"Gina? Are you okay?"
"Totally! Um are you hungry?"
"Okay go get Henry and jade and tell them to get ready for Breakfast!"
She walks out the restroom and I call up my oncologist.
"Doctor Harper?"
"Yes. Is this Regina Mills?"
"Okay Regina you have a chemo round today! So get ready tell your wife or husband. You're going to need all the support you can have."
"Oh.... I'm single but my best friend will come with me."
"What about your kid. You have it written down as you have a son named Henry."
"Oh my family doesn't know. My ex wife had no clue and either does my son."
I suddenly hear Emma say.
"What doesn't me and Henry know?"
I quickly hang up the phone.
"Oh um. Nothing!"
"Gina I clearly heard you say we have no clue. Are you okay? What's going on?"
"EMMA I'm okay. You're not my wife anymore! You don't get to be involved in my issues."
"Yeah well Gina you're my friend and friends are supposed to be there for you at your lowest point."
"Well Emma this is a matter 'friends' can't Handle so get ready so we could hurry up and leave."
"Okay Gina..."
she walks in the room and I walk out.

Emma's POV*
I walk into the room and Regina walks out. I look over at the bed and sit on the edge of it. I want to be more than friends with Regina.. tears start to form in my eyes. I suddenly snap out of it and get dressed. I put on my red leather jacket and look out side the window. I open the room door. And walk down the stairs to the car. "Gina."
"Yeah Emma."
"You look stunning."
"I know."
She smiles and gets in the car.

We arive at the wedding.
"Hey ruby! Congratulations on the wedding!"
"Thanks did you guys bring that one girl? Jade..."
"No sorry.. We needed someone to stay home and watch henry."
"Oh okay!"
"Regina! You look stunning as always how have you been?"

Reginas pov*
I thought about rubys question and wanted to just burst out and say im sick. But instead i replied with a simple, "im doing well."
"You and emma a thing now?."
Very sternly and anxiously i replied with no.
"Aww that sucks emmas toally drueling over you."
I look over to emma doing this little movement with her legs like she has to pee or shes anxious she has her wine cup in her hand and a big smile on her cheeks as pepole are greeting her.
"So how has she been?."
"Um.. Shes been fine."
"Do u miss her?."
I look down at my fancy wine glass and look back up at rubys beautiful blueish green eyes. Tilt my head and give her an almost crooked smile. My eyes start to water up and i look back down to my shoes. "Its your wedding! Dont worry about me or emma."
She pulled me in for a hug and whispered, "i really hope things get better."
She turned and walked away and i started walking towards emma. "You ready? Our chair is waiting for us."
"Gina you look upset are you okay?"
"Yea just.... Never mind its nothing lets go."
I grab emmas hand and walk her towards the second row of the wedding chapel. We sit down and turn our heads to hear the song "here comes the bride."  Emma smiles and pulls out her camrea.
Ruby comes out smiling like shes never smiled before. Followed behind her is her niece sylvia throwing rose petals all over the place. Ruby finally made it to the alter and soon enough robbin came out behind her. Same song same flower girl. Robbins dress was beautiful! It was almost a pinkish color with sparkles on waistline. She looked so stunning. It reminded me of our wedding. How beautiful emma looked and how amazed i was by her besauty. Robbin fianlly made it up there and the preist did his thing. Soon enough it was time to kiss the bride. They kissed and we all cheered.
I look over to emma smiling bigger than ive ever seen her smile. "Emma are you crying!"
"How are you not!"
I gave off a giggle and she pulled me in and bit my ear. She then whisperd "wanna take this to your place or wanna take this to the church library."
I was in shock but at the same time turned on to even care. I whispered back "lets take this to the library i wanna see how quiet you could be when u absolutely have too."
She giggled grabbed our stuff took my hand and led me to the back of tbe church where 5 nuns were reading in one little circle. She took me into the back of the library and i sat down on the chair across from where she was at. "Come here 'miss Mills."
I grinned and walked over to her. She lifted me on top of the table and whispered "hold tight. Trust me youre going to need it."
I grinned and she moved her body closer and closer to mines kissing my neck causing me to moan. "Shh!"
I giggled and she went back to doing it. Her hand slowly went down my pants and she started to finger me. About 5 minuets into it we hear a book drop causing us to jump. Emma turns to see who it is. "Sister!"
Fuck did she just say sister?.
I quickly put myself together again and got off the table.
The nun looks terrified and quickly walks away to pray.
"Well that was fun while it lasted."
I giggle and turn to get my things together.
"So emma?...what are we?"
"Um.. Friends maybe?"
"Is it possible we could be more than just friends?"
Suddenly the room went silent. I turn back around to see emma walking away. I turned back around sat down and just stared into a book shelf with nothing but romance novels.

Authors note: To everyone whos reading this thank you it means alot! Ive been having a hard time finding inspiration to write only because the fact i think no ones reading it. I meant to post this chapter sooner but i got distracted with my creative writting class and just the fact that i cant find any motivation. But if you genuinely like it and is reading leave a vote. :)

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