Chapter 4

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I'm about to go upstairs to my room to unpack when my mom calls me


"were going to see your cousins in about an hour, so be ready ok." She said while she was putting plastic containers away.

"But mom! Me and zack were going to hang out with some people!" I say almost as if I'm panicked.

"I'm sorry sweet heart, your going to have to do that another day. We haven't seen your cousins in like 4 years. So we are going to see them no matter what got it?" She said sternly

"Ok mom." I sigh

I walk into my room towards my bed, I flop down like a fish. Now how I supposed to be friends with Nash and hang out with him! I guess I will figure that out later. I go to my own personal bathroom, and I take a quick shower. I have about 45 minutes left until were supposed to leave so I decide to put on my normal foundation and mascara then my Aeropostale flower high waisted skirt, with my black crop top, I pick my black vans. Well I have a good half hour so I'm going to blow dry my hair and do some loose curls.

"Zack, Aubrey it's time to go!" I could hear my mom yell from down the hall

Oh no ok if just have to put some perfume on and them I'm good to go.

I am just walking out the door and my brother is standing there.

"Woah enough perfume?"as he pretended to cough.

"Is it to much?"

"Hah no I'm just kidding! But mom wants you!"He chuckled


I should probably go tell nash and Hayes we can't hang out, I quickly run by the kitchen

"Mom I'll be right back ok I'm just going outside!"

I walk outside, oh I love that feeling. When you come from a cold building and you walk outside to breeze of warmth. I walk down the side walk looking at the houses trying to remember what house is theirs. Oh my god, their house is huge. I knock on there door and a little girl answers the door followed someone who looks like there mom.

"Hi is Nash or Hayes here?" I asked shyly

"Oh ya! Nash, Hayes door! Are you one of the new neighbors? She said with a big smile

"Ya I'm Zack!"

"Well I'm Elizabeth, it's nice to meet you!"

Just then I see Nash come into the door way.

"Hey Zack!"

"Hey! I'm sorry me and Aubrey can't come over tonight. We are going to see our cousins that we haven't seen in like 4 years."

"Oh. well here let me put my number in your phone and ill text you so we can hang out!"

I handed Nash my phone and he put his number in and texted himself.

"Ok I will text you later so we can hangout soon!"

I started walking away and waved good bye. I could tell nash was upset about us not being able to come over. But he looked really upset when I said Aubrey couldn't come either, I think he might like her or maybe I'm loosing it. I went to the car, mom and Aubrey were already waiting in there. I opened the door to our black mustang convertible and sat down. Just as I sat down my phone vibrated.

From Nash: hey!

*next morning*


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