Chapter 12

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*a week later*


Ok so this past week typical Nash was getting in trouble all the time so I couldn't hang out with him. So I hung out with kaitlyn! I found out she is only 14 so a year younger but, shes going into grade 11 just like me! I feel like shes and I are going to become really close, and I just hope shes going to be my bestfriend here. Kaitlyn and I went to a movie in the theatres, I gave her  a tour of the city with Hayes, we went for slurpies and ice cream, and we also just hung out at each others houses! Im also kind of glad she moved closer to the begging of summer so im not completely taking Nash away from his friends.

But today Nash, Hayes, kaitlyn, Drew, Zack, and I are going to six flags. I Love rollercoasters so its perfect. It was about a 20 minute drive there and the whole time everyone was jaming out to Katy Perry.  When I opened my door I noticed it was a perfect day. It was warm and there wasnt very many people, so now we dont have to wait to long in lines.

... I was about to buy my bracelet when Nash cuts in and says make that 2 and he handed her $90!

The lady smiled and put the wristbands on our wrists.

"Nash! Why did you do that, I have to pay you ba...

I was cut of my Nash smashing his lips onto mine. It was such a sweet and gentle kiss I never wanted it to end. We  pulled apart and he starred into my eyes

"ill tell you later!" He whispered and winked at the end.

once everyone got their bracelets we all went to the first roller coaster we could see from the entrance. there was a really short line considering it was like 11am

Nash looked a little nervous, as also hayes and kaitlyn. But there was no turning back now. we were already heading up onto the ride. Each row has four seats in it so we sat in the very front. it went Nash, me , kaitlyn, and then Hayes. Drew and Zack were in the row behind us. They guy came around making sure eveyone was secured and ready to go. I heard 5.. 4..3 then boom we went shooting staright forward! they forgot the 2..1. I am having so much fun I could feel my face being pulled back, and Nash squeezing my hand hard, or maybe thats me. theres a really big loopty loop and there is 3 in a row coming and all I can here is Hayes screaming like hes getting murdered. The ride was over:/ and we had to get off and I look up and Hayes peed his pants a little.. I told Nash and we walked right behind Hayes so no one could see and told him. he went bolting to the bathroom.

*3 O'clock*

every one was getting tired and wanted to take a brake so Nash suggested to go on the ferris wheel.

"Do you want to go on by out selfs?" Nash asked me

"ya sure!" I smiled.

it was our turn to get in the cart so we did, Nash out his arm around me and I snuggled into him. we were about at the top when I said

"Nash why did you by my wristband ! I owe you big time you really didny have to do that!"

"do you want to know why I did that?" he replied


he looked down and paused for a second then looked back up and he looked kind of nervous.

"it because.. because I love You."

(Hey guys im so sorry I havent updated in a long time I was just kind of getting ready for school and everything! Ahhh school starts tomorrow but im really sorry its short I will update again tonorrow night:) love you all

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