Chapter 26

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......a week later......

I have been sitting in my room every since things got complicated.  I would go and have showers and come out and have meals but other than that i have been sitting in my room crying or watch tv/movies to keep my mind off things. one day i slept all day i was just so exhausted.

Aubrey has texted me like 7 times.. 

Trying to figure out what happened. i never anwsered I find it funny how she doesn't even know what she did to me. Shes making me seem like the bad guy. Like i cant understand why this happened.

My thoughts were interuppted by someone knocking on the door.

"Nash get you butt out here now!"

I slowly got up and opened my door.

"You have been sitting in there for over a week. You have 10 minutes to have a shower and then you coming to play basketball with me." Hayes said.

I didnt argue i went and had a shower then put on a t-shirt and my favorite ball shorts. I put on some calone  then met hayes in the living room.

"Good now do you want to invite zack and Aubrey to play with us?"

"NO" i said quickly

"Ok ok!" We went outside and Skylynn came to keep track of points.  Really just to play with her horses

...30 minutes later...

Im about to make a lay-up when hayes goes running over to Aubrey's house saying

"OH MY GOD what happened to you?¿"

I turn aroumd and see Aubrey and zack outside with a basketball too. I dont know what hayes is talking about.... untill he moved out of the way and i seen Aubrey's head i was in shock so i kept shooting.

Aubrey started walking over to me, i just pretended i didnt notice.

"Nash?" She said quietly

I turned around and said


She looks sad ..

"C-can we talk?"

"What are we doing?" I said sassily

I know im being kind of rude but im heart broken because of her.

"I-i mean like go for a walk and talk alone?"

I sigh then roll the basketball towards the house.

"Fine!" I said looking at the ground.

We walked for a block just in awkwardness and silence. When she found the courage to say something.

"What happened?" She looked at me seriously.

"What do you mean what happen.. dont play dumb.. you hurt me.."

"Nash please just tell me what happened.  I am honestly so lost right now.." i tear fell down her cheek.

"You cheated on me..."

I can feel myself tearing up

She looked at me shocked

"n-nash i would never do that! Why would you think that!?!"

"With shawn.. there was pictures on twitter everywhere.."

I was now crying slightly.

She stoped and held my arm so i would stop to

Nash that night i went shopping with all the girls. We went to Boston Pizza for supper and they showed up  behind us so kaitlyn invited them to sit with us! They both sat on both sides of the table so i just sat were ever! after Leayne asked them what they were doing and they said nothing so she invited them to come with us to the movies. ."

She paused and another tear fell on her cheek.

" we didnt plan to sit by each other. It just happened  then during the movie i got scared and i forgot it was shawn and was thinking of you. And kind of hid myself into him. I right away shifted away then i said was sorry to him and i never talked to him again. During the movie if i got scared i hid into Kaitlyn." There was fans following us from Boston pizza and to the movies and we even told them that were all just friends hanging out. But they must have took pictures and made somthing up that isnt true.." she was now full on crying.

"Then you dont talk to me and i was at the fair on the Farris wheel with my brother when you called!"


"Wait.. then you broke up with me so i came back right away.. and i tryed to talk to you. You wouldnt even tell me what happened or let me explain.. you just kicked me off your bed and i hit my head.."

I cut her off

"Is that what you cut is from?" I asked concerned...

She looked at me letting more tears fall as she nodded her head yes.

How could i do that to her.

I wasnt even thinking but i pulled her into me and hugged her. She then wrapped her arms around me and hugged me back.

"Aubrey im so sorry!! I never meant to hurt you"

i was now full out crying again. How could i have done that to her!!

"Im sure you didn't mean to!"

She said releasing from the hug.

"Aubrey i swear i have to make it up to you ill do anything! I-I love you!"

She smiled slightly

"Well your going to have to let me think about it first, but maybe."

I smiled i then grabbed her face starred into her eyes.

I was centimetres away from her  lips when i quickly make my way up to her cut and kissed all around it.

"Your such a tease!" She chuckled

I smiled and we started walking back. We got back and Aubrey went to her house to get a drink.

I went to talk to zack.

"Hey man look im really sorry what i did to Aubrey. I Honestly didnt mean to hurt her in anyway! I was hurt and heart broken and i thought she cheated on me and i was a wreck! I guess im trying to say is will you give me a second chance with your sister?" I asked him with hope

"Let me think about it, but if you every physically hurt her again your done!" He said walking past me patting my back." Aubrey came back out and we all played basketball together untill it got dark.  There mom called them in so we said our good byes and we all went inside.  Hayes and i put in a movie and i fell asleep thinking about Aubrey.

(Im know sucky chapter! I just wasnt motivated today im sorry! But i will hopefully make the next one better:) sorry about not updateing till now i will hopefully update tomorrow!  Or in the next 3 days love you all)

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