Chapter 11

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"I like your name!" kaitlyn smiled

"Thanks I like yours to!" I replied

"oh my god is that Nash and Hayess Grier?" she said excitedly.

Just then they came over to say hi. after talking for a bit kaitlyn and her brother Drew got called in to finish packing.

"Hey do you guys wabt to come over tonight at 7 and watch a movie so we can get to know each other?" I questioned

"ya sure! we will see you then!" kaitlyn replied. and went inside.

Me,Nash, Hayes, and Zack kept playing basketball for a while. but we played 21 instead. Hayes and Nash went home to have supper and i went insidewith zack to have chicken Alfredo with Cesar  salad. It was Zacks turn to wash dishes so I went upstairs to have a quick shower. Once I get out I put on some highwasted short shorts and my grey ten tree sweater.  I put on some foundation and mascara, and a did a little spray of my wonderstruck perfume by taylor swift. I add a little red lipgloss and I walk out of my room. I walked down the stairs and everyone is there already talking in the theatre room. I go and sit by Nash.

"So how long have you guys live here?" Drew questioned

"Me and Hayes have lived here since we were born!" nash replied.

"we just moved here like 2 weeks ago!" I said.

kaitlyn smiled.

"were totally gunna get through school together then!" she chuckled.

Nash then stood uo and grabbed my hand.

"I need someone to help me make popcorn." he smiled

I followed him into the kitchen and he wouldnt keep his eyes off me. he then pinned me up against the cupboard and leaned his forehead against mine.

"I also wanted yoy in here so we could do this. and he kissed me softly. "im sorry I just couldn't resist your just so beautiful! " he said not moving his his head. I then fill the gap and we kiss a very passionate kiss. we made out for a good 7minutes and then we decided to actually make popcorn.

we brought 3 bowls of popcorn hoping we could share. Zack and Drew were sitting on the couch. and hayes was sitting on the end of the theatre chairs. and kaitlyn was sitting kn one beside him and they looked like the were flirting. I sat in the chair beside kaitlyn and Nash sat beside me. After a while we decided to watch 22 jump street, so zack went and put it in. and we turn out the lights and started the show.

I was now holding nashes hand and leaning on his shoulder when I look over ans Hayes is trying to hold Kaitlyns hand! and he succeeded.  My eyes started to get sleeping because ive seen this movie like 10 times already so I slowing fal asleep on Nashes shoulding thing about how cute hayes and kaitlyn ate and hoping me and kaitlyn will become great friends.

(heyy so im really sorry I havent updated in a long time! ok so the was supposed to be part of the last chapter , and I gues sit didnt save and publish so I had to type it out all over again! im really sorry and I hopefully with uodate again tonight or tomorrow☺ love you all)

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