Chapter 23

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I just got back from the beach and my mom and brother and sister and Zack are back.

"Hey everybody!" I said

Skylynn came running towards me

"NAAAAAAASSSHHHHHH" I Picked her up and spun her around

"How's my little princess!"

"Good!" She said with A big smile

"That's good!" I kissed her cheek

I set her down

then said "I'll be back, I'm just going to have a shower ok!"

"Ok Nashy!" She said with a big smile and skipped into the kitchen

I went downstairs and went into my shower. I washed my hair and body with Aubrey's favorite  shampoo and conditioner and body wash of mine.

I got out and dried myself off then put my khakis pants on with my magcon sweater. I went up stairs and into the kitchen. 

"Hey mom!"

"Hi Nash, um im going out tonight for a bit so can you make everyone supper!" She asked me

"Ya i will!"

"Ok thanks! Oo also Aubrey said she wont be back untill about 9 so dont worry about her im guessing! " she sais walking towards me

She walked out the front door.  Zo u decide to start making supper since its like 6:30  i make spagettie and meatballs around 7 it was down and hayes and zack came and got there food and then when to the table. I helped sky with her food and we also went to the table. While we were eating they were talking about what they did and how they seen penguins and giraffes and monkeys and a whole bunch of other animals. It sounds like they had fun.

I put the food away and cleaned up then i read Cinderella to Skylynn before bed. Half way through she cut me off and asked me

"Nash are you and Aubrey going to get married? "

I smiled at the thought of us getting married and i can even imagine her coming down the isle looking beautiful as ever

"Naassh?" Skylynn said bring me out of my thought

"Oh sorry! I hope so!" I smiled and kept reading the story

Once i finished the story i looked over at sky to see she was already asleep.  I tucked her in and kissed her forehead and turned out the light. I went to the living room with zack and hayes and we play halo and call of duty. Ita now 8 and My fingers started to hurt so i took a break. I went on Twitter and tweeted

@Nashgrier who knew your fingers could hurt so much just from a video game

I looked at tweets and noticed one tweet that was very popular.   I clicked on it

@jamiee123 i guess there a thing now (image×2) @aubrey101 @Shawnmendes  there was angr flowing threw me at this point. How could she do this to me ! And i hate Shawns guts right now! I cant believe them right now.

I can feel myself tearing up. I hold the tears back so Hayes and zack don't see me crying.

I throw my phone onto the other side of the couch and just sit there.

"Nash are you alright? " Zack asked

"Im fine."

"Do you want to play?"hayes asked also

Im so sad that i cant handle anything right now

"NO I JUST WANT TO SIT HERE AND WATCH.." i said raising my voice.

10 minutes later i notice that i did something wrong and its nit there fault

"Im sorry."

They both looked at me and its

"Its fine.." and they looked at the tv again.

...39 minutes later...

I hear the front door open. Next thing Aubrey comes walking into the room and sits right beside me... i dont look at her or say anything i just pretend i dont notice her.

Aubrey said something but im so mad i can't listen to her so i ignored her once again. 

"Nash?" She asked again

I get up and dont even look at her just the guys and say

"Im not feeling good.. im going to bed.. please leave me alone..." i then start walking out of the room and down stairs to my room. I open my door and slam it shut behind me. Im balling my eyes out right now i cant handle this. I plug my phone so music could play so no one can hear me cry. I lay down then cryed myself.

(Awh nash is heart broken!! i updated twice in one day i just really wanted to because i cant update untill like Wednesday which i will be! But i hope it was an ok chapter!! Love You all have a good night!)

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