Chapter 14

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I woke up beside Nash and quickly checked my phone.

12:39am I quickly woke up Zack, Kaitlyn, and Drew and we all left quietly.

The next mornig I packed a suit case, and brought it down stairs. Zack already had his ready and was saying goodbye to mom.

After I said my good byes we both waved good bye as the cab started to drive away. Zack locked the door and we walked over to the Griers.

We knock on the door and Hayes anwsers he is the only one there so he let us in and showed us each of our rooms. So I unpacked a few of my things. And head down to the living room, to find Hayes and Zack startimg a movie.

"Hurry up its about to start." zack said.

"Ok, Ok!" "Hayes were is Nash?"i questioned.

" I honeslty have no clue he left about  2 hours ago!"

Hmm I think I am goimg to text him.

To Nash: Hey so I just got to your house, when will you be home?

..... 30 minutes later

Elizabeth and Skylynn come through the door with a bunch of groceries.  I get up to help put everything away. Just as i felt my phone vibrate

From Nash: Hey. I have no clue when im going to be home. .. But I gtg ill see you later..

Woah.. I wonder whats his problem. Just then I walk in the kitchen and see Elizabeth unloading the last bag.

"Wow your fast, I was just coming in to help you unload everything!" I chuckled.

"Awh well thank you honey! I just wanted to get it done fast because I am very tired!" She chuckled back.

"Oh haha well do you know where Nash is? Those to nuckle heads are watching the most weirdest movie!"

"Im actually not to sure! Sorry sweetie! "

"Oh thats fine!" "Come on Sky ill always have you" i smiled as she hopped on my back to go upstairs.

"Aubrey can we watch vines?"

"Yes, of course we can!" I smiled.

..*15 minutes later*..

We scroll onto a vine Nash made today. Nash had said smack cam and hit this gorgeous girl with ice cream. He then kisses her on the check and runs away laughing. And befor it ended he said haha love you to her. And it ended.

Could Nash be cheating on me...? As i felt my eyes getting watery. But I hold back the tears because I really dont know what it was yet.

..supper time..

We are about half way threw our supper when Nash barges into the house knowing he was late for supper. He just sat down not even looking at anyone.

"What did you do to be late?" Elizabeth questioned.

"I had a really fun date with this girl" he smiled towards Elizabeth completely forgeting i was even here. I looked at him, then his eyes shot open even wider then befkr and then slowly looked at me. I felt one single tear slide down my face and then I looked away. I was already getting full so i said

"I dont really feel good may i be excused?" Not making eye contact with nash.

"Sure sweety! Don't worry about your plate or anything.  Ill take care of it!"she said

I look at Hayes and Zack and they both have looks of sympathy.  And i just sigh and got to mt guest room. I dont even bother changing just go straight to the bed and feel tears going down my face.  As i fall asleep..

Omg im truely sorry i havent updated in a while i know i said i was going to update the next day but then i was so busy i never has time! I will other update again tomorrow the next 2 days! Ok night Lovelies

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