Chapter 27

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I'm trying to think of ways on how nash can make it up to me.

I was thinking i will give him a list of things to do and if he completes them all them i will go on a date with him. If he is willing to do the things on the list it just shows that he really does love me and he wants to be with me:) i take a quick sip of my ice tea and go look for paper and pen

...10 minutes later..

I finally found a good pen and paper so im going to start writing down ideas.

                    NASH LIST

(Nash's POV)

*ring.... ring*

Nash:    Hello?

Bart:    ok so Magcon is having a show in a week and a half and i thought i should tell you so you know.

Nash: ok! Is it ok if i bring another guest? Hayes is basically in Magcon so hes not really my guest?

Bart: who were you thinking?

Nash:  well i was wondering if i could bring my girlfriend?

Bart:  iiiiii.... I dont know let me think about it!

Nash: oooook.. where is the show?

Bart: its in Chicago ill give you more details like tomorrow and i guess you can bring your girlfriend whats her name?

Nash:  her name is Aubrey. Most of the guys know her already!

Bart: ok! Well i have to get going so ill talk to you in the next few days ok!

Nash:  ok sounds good bye!

Bart: bye


The call ended and i immediately called Kathy


Nash: Hi is this Kathy?

Kathy: yes? Who am i speaking to?

Nash: its Nash!

Kathy: oh hi Nash! What can i do for you?

Nash: ok well im going to Chicago for a show. And i wanted to know if Aubrey could come?

Kathy: when is it? And for how long?

Nash: well its in about a week and its about 5 days. I just wanted to ask you to make sure it is ok first before i say anything

Kathy: thats very responsible of you! And ya i will let her go as long as you keep my baby safe!

Nash: trust me i most definitely will! Thank you!!

Kathy: ya!

Nash: bye



There.. i finally finished my list i have only 10 items for him to do but there really hard.. i hope he is willing to do them.. i really do like him and if he can't earn my trust back i done think i can ever date him again.

Ok so #1 is...

*Ring.  Ring*

I check my phone to see its nash. I anwser it and say

Aubrey: hi

Nash: can we go for a walk and talk ?

Aubrey: sure when?

Nash: up right now..? Meey me outside

We both hung up i quickly put deodorant and perfume on. And walk out of the door to see nash about to knock on it.

"Someone's eager" i joked

He laughed.

As we walked we talked about randome stuff untill we got the nice park,  were we sat down and enjoyed everything.

"Ok so i had a question?"

"Shoot" i replied

"Well bart called me about a show next week..."

Im not sure what hes asking me right now but i just look at mt shoes.

"Cool!" I anwsered unenthusiasticly.

"And i was wondering if you would like to come with me?"

My head shot straight up and i couldn't stop smiling.  I pulled Nash in to a big hug then whispered

"I would love to!"

"I just hace to check with my mom!"

"Don't worw about tbat its already done!"nash smiled Cheekily.

We start to walk back and Nash trys to hold my hand.

I accept  but then say

"Remember you have to earn me back if you really love me."

He walked me uo to my do and said bye them went to his house.

I ran to my room to grab my ipad.  I went on facetime and called Kaitlyn.  She anwsered and we both had big smiles

We counted and said what we were excited about.


Aubrey:wait what are you excited?



Aubrey: WHAT?!?!? I cant stop thinking

Im goimg too! Nash just asked me not to lomg ago!

Kaitlyn: i cant believe this is happening !! EEEEPPP

we facetimed for the rest of the day untill we said good bye. I layed  down starting to think about my list and what im going to bring to magcon. Until i fell asleep

Im sooo sorry i haven't updated in a week I've been so stressed!  I am sorry it is a really sucky chapter i might be able to update tomorrow! We will see! Love you guys thank you for being so supportive! 

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