Chapter 21

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I woke up in a very uncomfortable position. I looked over and i was holding hands with Nash, but who was i leaning on? The person had there hands around my waist.. I look up to see its Shawn!?! I slowly get loose and let go of nash's hand and go to the kitchen. I grab a drink of water and go on Instagram and see a picture of my brother and hayes. They look like there having fun!

I then remebered that they will be home tonight. I should probably clean the house up so nash doesnt get in trouble. I check the time and its 11:27, i decided to make breakfast.


It's now 1:06 and Kaitlyn and leayne and Jillian are up helping me clean up a bit. When I hear the front door opening all the guys are leaveing except cameron and Nash.

"Ok we'll meet you guys there!" Nash said

I wonder what they're doing later. We headed downstairs and i sat right beside Nash and snuggled into him. He smiled and kissed my forehead. We sat there and watched this show called brain games. Once it finished i spoke up

"So whats thes plans for the day?"

"Well later tonight were going to the movies with everyone." Cameron replied.

"Sweet!" Kaitlyn said flirtatiously.

"Well we should get going." Leayne stood up while saying.

"Ya i should to!" Cameron and Kaitlyn both said.

Nash and i walked them to the door and said good bye. I closed the door and nash pinned me against the walk and kissed me gently nash said inbetween kisses.  U stood on my tipy toes and wrapped my arms around him and kissed him passionately. We made out for a good 7 minutes when Nash's phone rang. I went off to finish cleaning the house up

(Nash's POV)

I look at my phone at its Shawn calling, i answer quickly

"Hey man... um look im outside right now so can you come out here so i can talk to you alone?"

"Ya sure? Ill be right out!"

I hang up the phone

"Ill be right back!" I yell so Aubrey can hear. 

I walk out the door and sure enough there us shawn but he looks worried.

"Ok so...." he started

"Please dont get mad at me. Lately i have been having feelings for Aubrey...." he looked at his shoes.

"I wont do anything i promise!  I just really wanted to tell you and get it off my chest."

I feel bad, i have an idea tho!

" thank you for telling me. I just cant have you being a Mr. Stealyogirl." We both chuckled at that.

"But i had an idea! Ok so i know this girl and she really likes you, sooo i was thinking i could invite her to the movies and she could be your date!"

"Do you have a picture of her?"

I pull out my phone and show him and picture on instagram.

"Her name is Ashley!"

"Thanks man! Im sorry i didnt mean to have feelings for Aubrey and i hope i can stop! I promise i wont try anything!"

"Ok good!" I smiled

"Ok well see you tonight!" Shawn waved goodbye

"See you!" I said back

.........At the movies. .....

We decided to go see Ouija.

I bought Aubrey and i a ticket and we waited in the arcade area.  We started to play air hockey and of course Aubrey is kicking my ass. Its 7-2...

Aubrey won so i gave her a congratulations kiss. Everyone was here and all bought their tickets then we went in. Aubrey sat to the right of my and Cam sat to my left.  I lifted the bar and Aubrey came an snuggled with me. She gets scared really easily. She was hiding her face, holding my hand (more like squeezing), and staying really close. God is she ever cute!

She was getting uncomfortable so she sat up and put the bar down to rest on. I put my hand up to my chest as if i am heartbroken.  I couldnt do it any longer so i reach out and grabbed her delicate hand. She leans in and kisses my cheek.

I look over and i see Shawn?!?!?! Hes sitting right beside Aubrey. Ok so i know he talked to me but now that i know im worried that his charm with have an effect on her and she wont like me anymore. I then reached over and caressed Aubrey's cheek and kissed her softly making sure Shawn saw. So he remembers that shes my woman.

...After the movie we all said good bye and left.

I was drivig Aubrey and i home when my phone started to ring. I anwser red and put ut on speaker.

"Hey honey! Um we wont be hone untill tomorrow around 2 in the afternoon! So behave!"" Said mqu mom

"Ok love you!"

We showed up at home and i followed Aubrey to her room so i can say goodnight. When she asked me

"Nash can you stay with me tonight?"

"Of corse i will protect you! We both chuckled.

I took of my shirt and pants so i was just in boxers and layed down in the bed. Aubrey went t

The bathroom ans changed into a t-shirt and Spandex.  She came back  and snuggled into me. As soon as i could tell Aubrey we was sleeping i kisses Aubrey's forehead and went asleep!

(IM SOOO SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED ALL WEEK! i have just been so busy its crazy!  I had to study for alot of thingings and i helped at a haunted house. Im so sorry ita short to! Anyways LOVE YOU GUYS ill try to update in the next few days !

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