Chapter 20

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Nash and i are out buying snacks for tonight. We decided to go with ketchup and salt and vinegar chips. Also pepsi and coke. And gummy worms and sour patch kids. We get back to the house and start to clean up a bit they are going to be here in about 2 hours

... we finished cleaning up a bit when i decide to have a quick shower.


I hear someone in the bathroom

"Nash??" I questioned there was no anwser i was about to look around the curtains when ice cold water was thrown over the curtains and all over me!!

"Ahhhhh!!" Its so cold i quickly get my towel then get out i put my bra and under wear on and a pair of my spandex i put my tie die t-shirt on and go out to chase nash. I run to the kitchen when he pops out from behind the wall and carries me somewhere. I get set down gently on the floor in the living room and nash starts tickling me like crazy. Im not ticklish so it didnt phase me.

"Gurl ur going to get it somehow!"

He said cutely

He is sitting on top of my waist. Nash leans in and kisses me passionately.  Nash now has my hands above my head like im captured.

"SUPP BITTC....omg get a room!" I hear Matt say laughing.  All yhe guys except Cameron were here so i decided to get ready i blowed dry my hair and did loose curls then put a pair of lulu lemon leggings on and a plain long white shirt with a brown infinity scarf.  I put on foundation to look natural and some red lipgloss.  I sprayed on my wonderstruck perfume by taylor swift and go down stairs.

"Wow!" Said shawn and Matt i giggled and walked out the door to get kaitlyn.  As soon as Kaitlyn opened the door we were wear pretty much the same outfit except just different scarfs and hair. We walk back and all the guys aren't the living room.. i see Cameron is here because his shoes or on the ground. We start looking when we got into my room I ask kaitlyn "so whats up with you and Cam?

"Well me and Hayes didnt really have a thing and then Cam came in and he made my world so much happier. We're just not dating" kaitlyn sighed

We kept looking, when we both thought of the theatre room! We walked down the stairs and there is rose petals all over the ground. We opened the door and there stood Cam with a rose smiling. Kaitlyn walked towards him. I went and stood by nash.

(Cameron's POV)

     Ok so Aubrey leaves i came when she was in the shower and i started to decorate. Today is the day im going to ask Kaitlyn Ann Bailey out. I hope she says yes. I really do like her.

The guys came down and said aubrey left to get her and so we scattered rose petals all over the stairs and floor leading to the theatre room. ..."its taking a lot longer than i thought, must be taking selfies!" I said quietly to the guys then i could someone coming down the stairs. Kaitlyn and Aubrey both opened the door  and Aubrey stood beside Nash and Kaitlyn came towards me, she stopped 3 feet infront of me.

"Kaitlyn Ann, ever since i started talking to you and hanging out with you my life has been soo much better. "I honestly dont know what i would do if you werent here. You make me the happiest person in the world." I could feel myself smiling like a freak!

"Kaitlyn,, would you like to be my girlfriend?" I asked shyly.

She got a big grin on her face and came and gave me a big hug then whispered in my ear

"Of corse i will" then she kissed me on the cheek.

Everyone started to clap and the guys started whistling, i just couldn't stop smiling.



Leayne, Jillian  and the Jacks showed up like 10 minutes after cam asked kaitlyn out. Now were all sitting around talking, but im just sitting here thinking.  I realy like Aubrey.. i dont know when this started but the past week its all i have been thinkig about is her. Im not going to ruin Nash and i's friendship over this but i know i will be there for her and if they break up i will be her should to cry on and ill comfort her when nash cant or if its because of nash.

I get ripped out of my thoughts when Aubrey asks me

"Shawn are you alright?"

"Ya im fine!" I say unsurly


We all decide to go see Annabelle in theatres. But the latest show at 9:50. Aubrey cuddled into me the whole time.  I am really happy i have this girl. We all got into our cars and drove to dairy queen.  We all got a blizzard then headed home. I dimed the lights and then then lit some candles. It was time to tell scary stories. Kaitlyn almost peed her pants in Jack Johnsons story. About and hour later we decided to play truth or dare and if you  dont do a dare you have to run down the street naked.


Jack Johnson ask Aubrey

"Truth or Dare? "


"Ok.. hmm i dare you to kiss Shawn right now!"

Aubreys eyes went wide  and she looked at me. I really dont want her to kiss shawn, but i no she is to self conscious to streak down the street

I thought about it for a few seconds when she was about to say something.  When i spoke up.

"Aubrey wait can i talk to you for one minute?" She got up really fast and we walked to the kitchen.

"Ok listen. I know you are self conscious and so i wont make you streak. I give you permission to do your dare. But you have to promise me one thing! Make sure it doesnt mean anything! Please?"

"Of corse it wont mean anything,  because i love you!" She smiled and kissed me.

We walked back and we sat down.

"Ok well since we hand to wait now its bumped up to a 30 second make out session!" She looks at me again and i hesitate but then nod yes that its ok.

They both leaned in and it was hard watching them make out. Just seeing her with another guy kills me. It was the longest 30 seconds of my life. I looked at Shawn and he gave me a sympathetic look, like he was trying to  say sorry,I accepted. 

...after about 2 more hour's of this  and it was already 3:52am

We decided to watch the conjuring and everyone fell asleep. It was me, Aubrey, shawn, Jack J, kaitlyn, Cameron, then on my left was leayne then matt and then Jillian and Jack G. Everyone was already asleep so i pulled Aubrey into me and i snuggled with her untill i drifted away..

(Im so sorry i havent updated in a while i have had so many thinks going on lately like tests and stuff! Im sorry its a sucky chapter! I will probably update on Wednesday because i hace ro study tonight:/ and then Tuesdays i have basketball I might be able to update tomorrow we'll see! Love you all have a great day!!)

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