Chapter 29

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Aubrey walked in the kitchen.  We didnt want to wait any longer so we went inside for food.

"Make be food bish!"  I say jokingly

"What am i? Your slave!?" Aubrey replied

"Ya now chop to it!"

"What do you guys want?" Aubrey asked again

"No-nonono! Its what i want!"

"What about leayne and jillian? "

"They get the scraps" i said as a joke.

"Now make me slop!"

"What the hell is slop?"  Leayne gigled.

"Why is it so you can eat in the troughs with the piggies? " aubrey shot back playfully

We all burst out laughing. I then started to cook.  When the food was ready we went to the living room and we watched  The First Time.

...2 hours later...

We clean our dishes then got prettied  up again.  

We decided that we were going to the movies so thought to invite the guys

I call Cameron

Me:  Hey

Cameron: Hey cutie pie

(I giggled)

Me: do you  and the guys want to come to the movies?

Cameron: sure ill ask the guys what movie?

Me:Mocking Jay p.1

Cameron: ok 1 sec

There was muffling and i heard a few oooooo's

Cameron:ya a few of us can go we'll meet you there tonight.

Me:ok sounds good!

Cameron: as long as your there im in.

I couldnt help but to smile.

Me: me to! Bye Cam


Leayne already started to pre-order the tickets. So we each paid her $8.

Its about 5:27pm and the movie isnt untill 7:10.

So we decide to have a deep conversation. the movies....

Only Cameron, Nash, Matt, and Jack showed up.

They couldnt buy us tickets because we already bought them so they all decide to buy the snacks.

It went Jack G then Jillian, Leayne,  Matt, Nash, Aubrey , Me then Cameron. Cameron held my hand and it didnt even gef sweaty.

It was perfect and he is just perfect


After the movie  we all said our good byes and they guys said they would see us tomorrow to say bye to the girls. Then we went back to my house.

We did our nails and make up. We then all decided to watch Just Friends.  When Jillian came up with the perfect idea.

"We should prank call the guys!" Jillian said

"Aubrey you go firsr and say your pregnant! " Leayne suggested


Nash: hey beautiful

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