chapter 5

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I get woken up to a big flash, I open my eyes and see my brother and my cousin Drew laughing. I sit up because I'm not sure what there laughing about and what just happened. Zack turned his phone toward me and I saw myself holding a pillow kissing it! Oh my god that's so embarrassing! I then notice I'm at my cousins, when did we come here? I look down to see what I'm wearing, I'm still wearing my Aeropostale flower skirt and my black crop top!


"That must have been one wicked dream to make you start kissing pillows!" Drew laughed.

Did I say that out loud! Ugh I don't know what to think about it! I wish that happened, but I know Nash would never like me. It's going to be hard for me because, I am crazy for him I don't know what I'm going to do!

"Soooo what did you dream about?" Zack asked curiously

"That's for me to know, and for you not to find out!" I smirked

I ran off the couch and to the kitchen were I found my mom and my aunt Jenn.

I sat at the table completely ignoring out their conversation. I look at the clock on the stove, it says 9:42. I then notice my mom is talking to me.

"Well I think it's getting late, since we have had a long day. Do you think we should head home?"

"Ya I'm pretty tired! It was nice seeing you again Aunt Jenn" I smiled and gave her a small hug.

"You guys can come over anytime! The door is always open" she smiled and we walked toward the front door.

Zack and Drew came to the door. We said our goodbyes and got in the car. Zack sat in the front so I was all by myself in the back. To build a Home came on the radio, and I slowly drifted to sleep.


I wonder what Aubrey was dreaming about? I type out on my phone. Then type the hashtags #sleeping#dreaming#kisses then hit post. There all my followers on Instagram can see aubrey dreaming like a crazy person. A few minutes has gone by and I'm surprised she hasn't killed me yet. I look back at her to see her laying against the car door, with her eyes closed. Well then she must be really tired! I turn forward and my moms pulling into the drive way.

"I have to go to the bathroom, can you grab Aubrey and bring her into the house? And don't wake her up you guys have had a long day, so just let her rest."

I open my door to get out. I walk to the side Aubrey is closest to. I look up and see Nash and Hayes playing lacrosse outside. I wave and they both wave back. I open

The door. Aubrey falls into my arms like a lifeless person. I could help but to laugh, she looks to funny. I pick her up bridal style and I'm trying to shut the door but I'm struggling. Aubrey isn't that light.


I notice Zack is lifting someone out of their car so I run over to see if he wants help. As I get up behind him I see him carrying Aubrey. She is sleeping, she looks really cute when she's sleeping.

"Do you want me to help you?" I asked

"Ya sure, here you hold her and I'll open the doors ok!" Zack replied

Zack handed Aubrey to me and I held her in my arms. I honestly think I'm falling for her. I followed Zack to the door and carefully held her as I walked into the house.

"You can just set her on the couch!"

" I think we should put her in her room, it's a bit more comfier!" I replied.

I followed Zack up the stairs to her room, he opened the door and I walked towards her bed.

"Ill be right back so just stay in here ok!" Zack said quietly

I lightly layed Aubrey on her bed and grabbed her blanket and pulled it over her. Wow is she ever beautiful, I push her hair out of her face And whispered good night Aubrey, sweet dreams. I then kissed her cheek.


I can feel someone carrying me up the stairs, good because I'm way to tired to walk all the way to my room. It's probably Zack because he's more muscular than mom. I hear my door open, then I hear what I think is my brothers voice say

"I'll be right back so just stay in here ok"

Ok so who is carrying me? I feel myself being layed down on my bed. Then my blanket being pulled over me. I am about to open my eyes to see who it is when I feel my hair being pushed out of my face.

"Goodnight Aubrey, sweet dreams." Oh my god it's Nash! He just keeps getting better and better. Then all of a sudden he kisses my cheek, ahh I'm like melting on the inside. I don't feel him get off my bed so I smile and slowly open my eyes. There is his bright blue eyes starring at me, it just got 10x hotter in here. I don't know what to do so I just smile And say

"Goodnight Nash"

He smiled at me again, then Zack came in and Nash got of my bed and walked towards the door and shut it behind him. I quickly plug my phone in and lay back down. I just keep replaying what just happened in my head until I slowly fell asleep.

Hey sorry it took me a while to update I will try my best to update like tomorrow afternoon or night:) I know it's kind of short but I'm really tired so I'm going to bed:) nut ooo did I get you! It was all a dream. Comment what you think of the book and what you think might happen😃

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