Chapter 6

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I woke up to birds chirping outside my window. Wow I love my room, the sun shines through the window and lights everything up. Its perfect lightign for youtube videos! I have been thinking for a while if I want to start a youtube channel or not. I'm just so shy, I don't know if people will be interested. I grab my phone off the charger, omg its 7:42! I am getting up early lately, normally I sleep in until 11-12. It must be jet lag. I get out of my bed and put on my old school hoodie, and decide to put on some spandex and some red sweats for basketball. I walked out of my room down to the kitchen, were I found my mom reading the paper.

"Good morning mom!" I smiled.

"Good morning." She replied as she starts walking towards the sink to put her plate and coffee cup in.I hear a horn and walk towards the front door.

"Mom, grandmas here! I yell, I quickly put on my flip flops  and ran out the door. My grandma is just getting out of the car and run into her arms as fast as I can. I havent seen her since 2 christmas ago.

"Wow has your hair ever grown!" she exclaimed She known I hate my hair, and I just want it to grow down to almost my butt. "Thanks!" My mom walked out the door and towards the car.

"Aubrey I will be back around 6, so please dont mees up the house, and can you have supper ready? Thanks love you! If you need anything theres $20 on the counter and a store just down the street."

"ok Bye mom love you!" I waved good bye and walked toward the house. I got inside and walked back into the kitchen. I'm going to make myself some scrambled eggs and toast. Good thing my brother isn't up yet, other wise he would make me cook him some to!

As I ate my breakfast, I choose what I was going to do today. Hm ok I can other sit around and watch tv all day and just relax, or I am going to walk around the neighbor hood so i can find my way around part of my area. Oh my god! I haven't talked to Amanda since we left! Well I'm Definitly doing that today!

I put my dishes in the sink and went upstairs to my room. I quickly hop in the shower, because I feel gross... I quickly dry myself off and put on some crop black leggings, And  a pink and white loose fitting tank top. I apply my usual foundation with a little mascara, and let me hair dry naturally. I go to my bed and grab my ipad. I hit facetime and clicked Amanda

"Hey!! omg I miss you so much!"she said

" Omg I miss you to!" "But guess what!"

"What?' she replied

"Ok, so we have these people who live 3 houses down! guess who they are!"

"Um i have no clue, Who?"she asked curiously

"Ok are you ready... she nod her head. NASH and HAYES GRIER!"


"oh trust me, you can count on that!"

"Anyways I have to go, meand my mom are going shopping and then our flight leaves to Hawaii in like 6 hours so I will talk to you later? she questioned!

"Most definitly! have fun Bae! bye!

The facetime call ended, oh I miss Amanda so much. Im so jealous shes going to Hawaii today!

Just then My brother walks in my room, and just sits on my bed.

"Can I help you with something?'I chuckled

" I'm just bored and want to do something!"     "Oh haha ok, well can you help me with the dishes first?"

Just then my brother ran out of my room. I laughed and walk to the kitchen. I quickly did the dishes, there wasn't very many so it took about 10 minutes. I found Zack in his room texting on his phone

"Hey mom left us $20, so do you want to go find something to eat for lunch and then we can go explore the neighbor hood?

"ya sure Do you want to go see Purge 2 in theatres tonight?"

" ok sure!"


Nash: Hey dude, do you and Aubrey want to come see Purge 2 with me and Hayes tonight? At the 9:30 show?

Me: Hey! ya that sounds fun!:)

Nash: ok we can drive you guys there and back!

Me: Ok thanks man!

Wow, Aubrey is going to be so suprised when she finds out Nash is going to be there. I Know she likes him. And from what I saw last night it seems like he is kind of starting to like her back! So im going to make sure they sit beside each other about it and everything!

*later that day*


I just finished eating supper and put my dishes in the sink. I don't have to wash them, because its zacks turn. So I went to my room and decided to do loose curls to my hair and put some lip gloss on. I changed into white high wasted short shorts and a baby blue/ turqious crop top with a black shall over top. I then put on the same coloured vans as my crop top. There im ready to go, I walk downstairs and into the living room and decided to watch long island medium untill Zack says were going. Im not sure when the movie is so thats why im ready so early.

*43 minutes later*

the door bell rang so I got off the couch to anwser it. Zack Came to the door to, so we both anwsered the door.  when the door opened enough, I could see who it was and I smiled. It was Nash. Everytime I see him in person i fall for him even harder. He smiled back at me and twinkled his eyes towards me and I just melted.

" Hey you guys ready to go?" Nash asked

"where are we going?" I asked confused looking at Nash then back at Zack!

"oh didn't I tell you! we are going with Nash And Hayes!"

I just sat there with my open. Oh my god I'm Going to the movies with Nash?!?! AH i'm am screaming on the inside!

Hey sorry its sort of short. I will hopefully update later tonight!:) Comment your opinion. and if you have any ideas comment or message me:)

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