Chapter 8

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I woke up around 10:30am, so I went downstairs to have a bowl of cerial. I then

decided to watch the last 4 episodes of Pretty Little Liars, that I have missed. We're getting cable hooked up today to I have to watch the last episode before I can see the new one tonight.


Wow I have missed a lot, I can't wait till tonight's episode. I looked at my phone and saw 3:06pm. Wow there goes my day, I then see I have 7 text messages. 1 from my brother, 3 from my mom, 1 from Amanda, and 2 from Nash❤️ I quickly click on the conversation with Nash

Nash: Good morning Aubrey:)

Nash: I hope you had fun last night! I sure did!:) maybe we can hangout some time! But when ever you want a tour of around town just text me!:)

I quickly started thinking about what to say

Me: Hey Nash:) I had fun last night to! I'm glad you did to:) We should hang out sometime, that would be fun!

Me: And did you want to do the tour tomorrow?:)

Nash replied right away

Nash: Hey:) sure did you want me to pick you up tomorrow at 1? And Zack can come to if he wants

Me: Ok sounds good:) and I'll ask him! See you tomorrow:)

I put my phone on my bed and went on my laptop. I clicked facetime and hit Amandas name. It connected quickly. Amanda was in her bikini in the hotel room.

"Hey Amanda! Omg you look so tan already!"

"Hi Aubrey!, you look like you have a bit of a tan to!"

I laughed

"Anyways I have news, ok so last night zack asked mle to go to the movies right!"

"Ya?"she said confused.

"ok well Nash showed up at the door and zack didnt tell me we were going with him and Hayes!" "So anyways during the movie it got intense to Nash grabbed my hand. But he didnt let go for the rest of the movie! And when we got home Zack and Hayes ran off so Nash walked me to my door and he gave me his number and said he would give me a tour around town and he kissed my check!" I said a little to excited

"OMG Aubrey you are like the luckiest person in the world! Im glad  we could talk but were going snorkling right now so ill talk to you when I can ok!"

"Ok have fun for me to!" I smiled and waved goodbye then hung up the facetime.

*night time*


I walking towards the fair grounds with someone I look over and its Aubrey. Wow does she ever look beautiful, I then grab her hand. She looks up at me and its not Aubrey. It's my ex...Ivy she moved me quickly up against a portapotty and I could feel my body being tied up around the outside.

"what are you doing?" I asked worried.

"I came to win you back, and don't worry about your little friend Aubrey she doesn't have to know!"

Before I could say anything else Ivy smashes her lips onto me I tried to stop her but her friends were holding me back. Just then out of the corner of my eye, I see AUBREY! ?! she is crying and covering her mouth now and she is starting to run away. Seeing the sight of her sad because of this makes me sad, mad, and pissed off. I break out of Ivy's friends grips and break The attachment of Ivy's and my lips and push her to the side. I quickly run trying to catch up to Aubrey she is just about to go on the ferris wheel alone ok I quickly sneak in behind her and I pay the guy $10 to let me on since I dont have tickets. (its one of the ferris wheels where its like a circle shaped seat and an umbrella over top)I quickly sit befor Aubrey even turns and sits. She looks at me with the most sadest face and about to cry again. just as the guy locked the doors moved the ferris wheel so he can load the next cart.

"Aubrey! please listen"

"Nash I really thought you started to like me! for advice dont lead a girl on then dump her for some random girl. she said in tears

"No, she is my ex Ivy. I thought she was you so I held her hand and she looked over at me, and pushed me up against the portapotty, her friends tied me up around it so I could move and she started to kiss me I had no control. But I saw you in the corner of my eye and I had to try with all my might to get out and I did and thats why I had to come to you, because I really do like you Aubrey. I look out and were about half way up but slowly getting close to the top. I look back and Aubrey is looking at me with a half smile, but tears in her eyes. We just look into eachothers eyes and I cant resist I carest her face and kiss her sweet and gently. I back away and look into her eyes and say

"I love you Aubrey Abbott. And I always will!" she then smiles and kisses me, it was more than just a kiss, it got heated and went into a full out make out session,  I loved it.I licked her bottom lip asking for entrance, and she gladly excepted.  After a good 5 minutes she pulled away.

"I love you to Nash Grier!" and she smiled

"Aubrey will you be my girlfriend?" I smiled

"YES!" she smile and engulfed me into a hug

I hear a bunch of *Awes* and I look and were supposed to be getting off the ferris wheel and people just watched me do that. I then grabbed Aubreys hand and we walked of the ride.

Woah.  I just woke up. That was all a dream! that was the worst, butbyet best dream I have ever had. Oh I cant wait for tomorrow I have fallen hard for this girl and I fall back asleep.

hey im soo sorry I havent updated in 2 days I have just been busy, I got my braces off and everything  I will hopfully update tomorrow:) comment what you think:) I hope its getting better!

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