Chapter 13

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Did Nash just say I love You?

I dont know what to think about this. I mean we havent been dating for that long, only about 3 weeks just a bit longer. But I really do like Nash alot. I honestly think I love him to.

I sit there in shock for a bit and I start to say

"Nash.. I honestly think-" then my phone rings. Its My Mom.

Way to ruin the moment.

"Hi, mom!"

"Hey Aubrey, so remember how when we first moved here grandma drove me around looking for places to work?"

"Um ya?"

"Oh well I have got a job but it requires me to go to New York for 2 weeks and get trained there,"

I cut her off by saying...


my mom replied" But the thing is they are only giving me one plane ticket so it will only be me going! Im sorry sweetie. But I talked to Elizabeth and she said you and Zack can stay there while im away!"

"Ok love you! Ill talk to you about it when I get home!" And she hung up before I could say anything.

I put my phone down and looked at Nashs eyes. He looked worried, I leaned in and kissed him passionately

After about a minute or 2 I back away and looked into Nash's eyes again and said

'I know it has only been 3 weeks, but I can honestly say I Love you to!


Oh thank god, Aubrey just said she loved me to!! We then noticed that the guy was waiting for us to get off and everyone saw what just happened that was in line. They all started clapping and cheering. Wow. It was just like my dream.. but the best thing was my ex wasnt here to ruin it.

After the day went by and we went on a whole bunch of Roller Coasters, we decide to head home. On the way Aubrey and I told Kaitlyn, Zack, and Drew about Hayes peeing his pants on the very first roller coaster.


We finally got back and we all came My house and went to the theatre room. We all wanted to watch If I Stay so we did, .

...... the movie just ended and I teared up a bit! I cant lie, I then noticed everyone fell alseep and their faces were puffy and red also so I turn and layed beside Aubrey and fell asleep to.

Im sooooooo sorry I havent updated in over a week! Ugh the first week of school and I was just so busy and I would always want to go to bed early and I would never have time! Im really sorry! Also sorry for the short chapter it was quick because how long I have updated ago.OMG thank you so much for reading my fanfiction tho! 178 readers so far! I thought I wouldn't get any! I will update again tomorrow night ok!:) Love you all

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