Chapter 22

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So we are meeting the guys at the beach at 4, so i have to get drinks for when were there. the store...

Ok so i think everyone likes strawberry pineapple palm bays. So i grabbed a 24pack. I also grabbed lemonades in glass bottles. I go to pay for the drinks when then lady asked for my ID. im not 18 yet so i called Will. I bought the lemonade then Will went back in and bought the plam bays for me. I gave him the money back.

"Thanks bro! Do you want to come to the beach tonight? "

"Nah thats ok i have a big football game tonight!"

"Awh ok well i hope you win, thanks for coming and helping me out!"

"Ya no problem!  anytime! See you later Will replied

I got in my truck and drove home. When i got home i put the drinks in the fridge and went upstairs to go find Aubrey. She was sleeping peacefully. I set my phone up so i could record i grabbed a big bucket of water and poured in on her.


I woke up with a big thing of water on me, gasping for air.  I open my eyes to see Nash laughing and going to his phone

"Nash i have to sleep in here!"

"Well i guess your going to have to sleep in my room with me!"

"We cant do that your moms going to be home tonight!"

"Oh right! Hm we can figure it out. But you should get ready were going to the beach with all the guys except shawn and Taylor at 4."

"I cant i already have plans with the girls for 4:30!"

Nash sighed"allllllright we can watch movies tonight!" He gave me a kiss and walked out down stairs.

I decided to have a quick shower. ......

I got out and put on my lulu leggings on and just a t-shirt. I blow dried my hair and curled it loosely.  I then took my shirt off and put on my ten tree grey and blue sweater.  I put some foundation and mascara on then lipgloss. I checked the time and it was 4:12. I sprayed my Lovestruck perfume and grabbed my wallet and phone. I headed down stairs to see Elizabeth and the boys and Skylynn coming to the door. i opened it and helped then with there bags

"Im hanging out with some friends so ill be back around 9 is that ok?" I said making sure it was ok with Elizabeth

"Ok thats sound good sweetie! See you later!" She smiled and i waved good bye.

i walked out the door. I drove my car over to pick Kaitlyn up, im so happy i just got ny license before we moved here. i waited for a good 5 minutes so i went into the house.

"DUDE WHERE YOU AT DOE?"i yelled through out the house.

"Gurl you talking to me like that!" And she put her finger up moving it sassily. We both laughed and went to my car.  We went to the mall and met up with leayne and jillian.  We went shopping for a good 2 hours when we decided to put out clothes in our cars and go have supper at Boston Pizza.  While we were waiting in line to get seated Shawn and Taylor came in

"Hey guys!" I smiled and waved

"Oh hey! Funny seeing you guys here!" Shawn said

Kaitlyn then said "do you guys want to join us and we can all eat together?"

"We would love to!" Taylor said in a British accent .

We all started laughing  we got seated and it was Taylor, Jillian and leayne on one side of the table then Shawn, me, then Kaitlyn. We ordered 2 large pizzas one pepperoni and one cheese. We were having a good time when some fans came wanting pictures with shawn and Taylor.  After that we payed for our meal and left

Leayen asked "what are you guys doing now? to Shawn and Taylor

"Nothing!" Taylor said

"Do you guys want to come to the movies with us?" Jillian asked

"Sure!" They guys both said.

We went to the theatre and bought our tickets for Annabelle.

It was Taylor, Shawn,  me, kaitlyn, Jillian, then leayne.

The movie got really scary and i accidentally jumped and hid my head into shawn not thinking at all.

"Im so sorry!" I said to hin

"Its ok!" Shawn said chuckling.

There rest of the movie every scary part i made sure i hid myself into Kaitlyn.  Shes my scary movie buddy when Nash isnt around.

Once the movie ended we said good bye to the guys and jillian and leayne and iz drove kaitlyn home and dropped my car off at home then walked to the Grier's. 

Nash, Zack , and Hayes were on he couch playing video games i sat beside Nash but he completely ignored me

"What movies are we going to watch i smiled?" He didnt say anything


"I dont feel good.. im going to bed please leave me alone..!"

Nash walked down to his room. I heard his door slam. I looked at zack and hayes. They both shrugged. 

"Hes been like this for like the past hour." Hayes said

"Oh" is it ok if i sleep on the couch while you guys play? Nash dumped water on me and so now my bed is soaking wet?

"Zack you can sleep in my room so Aubrey can sleep in your bed if you want!" Hayes suggested

"Ya that works!" Zack agreed

"Thank you guys!  Im tired so im going to go to bed night!"

"Night" they both said

I went upstair got changed and went into zacks room i plugged my phone in and went straight to bed thinking what Nash's problem is.

(Omg k so i have to fix this. I have been so busy with other things that i havent made time for for updating. But thats going to change!  I wont be able to update untill Wednesday but i will! And im also have a 5 day weekend coming up so i will try to update every day! Love you guys i hope it was ok!)

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