Chapter 32

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I was woken up by my mom yelling

"Rise and shine children! !!"

I look up and kaitlyn  is beside  me and zack is on the other couch. Were all slowly  getting up very confused.

"I have a suprise so you better get up!" She continued we all got up and followed my mom into the kitchen. Kaitlyns mom and dad were also in kitchen.

I looked at kaitlyn  and zack  and they both had the look of confusion

Our parents  looked at  eachother then back at us then yelled


I immediately  looked at Kaitlyn  and zack and we all screamed  and hugged each other

Mom quickly added in.

"Oh Zack make sure you call Jason and tell him to be here by 6, hes coming  with us! And pack enough for a while were going for a month!

"Now go get packing  were leaving  at 7 tonight!" Kaitlyn's dad added

Kaitlyn  and I  weny out in the hall.

"Ok call my cell we cant talk while packing!"


  I can't believe I'm going to Hawaii with my best friend. I have to call Cameron  and tell him and say good bye.

Me: Hey babe can you come over now i need to tell you something and i thought you should come help me.

Cameron: what is it?

Me:you'll  see

Cameron: Ok ill be right over

I'm so excited can't even get it through my mind, i just feel bad becasue  ill be leaving Cameron

...20 minutes  later..

Cameron  just  came into my room

"Hey beautiful!" He said

"Hiii" i replied  cheerfully

"Babe why are you packing?"

"Thats why i wanted  you to come  over... i wanted  you to help me  pack. Because  this morning  i got a suprise and its im going  to Hawaii tonight."

"Kaitlyn! Thats amazing  you have always wanted to go there before!"

"But the thing is Cameron, were going  to be there for over a month.."

"Y-y-your what?"

"I had know idea! Thats why im hoping  your  ok with it?"

Cameron  looked upset  and sad and mad and all emotions  at once

"Im just going to miss you so much!" He said embracing  me into a hug

"Im going  to miss you soo much to!"

Cameron  help  me pack, clothes 

Thats were cute but won't  pick  up any  others  guys.

..on the plain..


"Aren't you supper excited??!?!" I asked  Kaitlyn  full of excitement.

"Im soo pumped! The obly thing im sad about  is leaving  Cameron  for so long..."

"Awh.. well don't worry  he will be fine he will probably  be pretending  hes at the beach with you so he won't  be so lonely!" I said trying to cheer  her up.

She giggled

"Did you tell Nash?" Kaitlyn asked

"I...uh...umm..i forgot...." i replied

(AHHH!! IM A TERRIBLE  PERSON  i haven't  updated in soooooooo long!! Im soo sorry  i have just been sooo busy! And the only time i have to update is at like 1am which im normally  sleeping  by then anyways i will hopefully  update  tomorrow  night! MERRY CHRISTMAS :) love you alll

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