Chapter 7

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I'm so shocked right now! But I'm so excited, I'm like Nash's biggest fan.

"One sec, I just have to grab money!" I quickly run to my room and grabbed $10. Before I walked out of my room I reapplied my lipgloss and made sure I looked ok. Ok I'm good, I run to the stairs then casually walk down them not seeming like I'm really excited. When I got to the door it was just Nash, Zack had already went to the vehicle.

"I like your outfit, you look very nice!" Nash said

Did Nash just compliment me?! Oh my this is like one of the best nights of my life I have to tell Amanda all about this later!

"Thanks!" I smiled like a freak. We started walking towards the car after I closed the door.

" You don't look to bad yourself Grier!" I laughed and poked him in the side, making him laugh

"Well thank you Ms Abbott!" He quickly opened the car door for me

"Thanks" I said then smiled he smiled back and then closed the door once I got in. He walked to the other side and sat in the driver seat. Hayes was sitting in the passenger seat and I was behind him. I looked over at Zack and he winked at me

(Text messages)

Me: what was that for?

Zack: the wink?;)

Me: yes the wink!;)

Zack: For what just happened, I can tell he likes you Aub.:)

I looked at Zack and gave him a weird look.

Me: He was just being friendly, since we don't really know each other. He does NOT like me

Zack: ooook you just keep thinking that! :p

Me: I will because it's true! Haha :p

(End of conversation)

Nash turned on the radio and Shawn Mendes new song The Weight came on.

"Omg I love this song!" I cheered

"Good, because were gunna jam out to it! Hayes exclaimed


We arrived at the theatre and I was the first one out of the car.

"Come on slow pokes!" I joked

Then Zack and Hayes ran past me

" no that's you!" Zack yelled. They kept running until they got inside.

"I won't leave you behind" Nash said with a smile

" hah well thank you kind sir!" I smiled back

" So how do you like living here so far?" Nash questioned.

"Well I love my new house, and I got to meet you and Hayes! But I haven't really seen much or met any other people. But I do miss my friends from Moose Jaw!"

"Oh! Well if you want shown around I can be you tour guide!" Nash said great fully

We walked inside to see Zack and Hayes sitting at a table, so we walked up to them.

"We already got our tickets!"

Nash started walking toward the counter so I followed

" we're seeing Purge 2 right?" I questioned.

"Yup!" Nash smiled

Wow he likes to smile a lot, which make me smile even more!:)

I'm about to ask for my ticket when Nash buts in front of me,

"Here let me pay for you,I'll have 2 tickets to purge 2 please!" He said all before I could say a single word.

"Nash! You really didn't have to do that!" I said shocked

" I know, but I wanted to! He chuckled

I couldn't help but to smile.

We made our way over to Zack and Hayes.

"Hey were going to quickly go to the bathroom can you guys go find a spot for us to sit?" Zack asked

"Ya!" I said

Me and Nash went into the theatre and made our way to the very top of the seats. No one else was in the theatre yet so Nash decided to pull out his phone to make a vine. He grabbed my hand and was pulling me with him around in the theatre, while he did that he was vining and saying

"We have the whole theatre to our selfs!"

He raped his hand around my waist and pulled me close to him and we both smiled in the camera in front of the big screen. The posted it and smiled at me.

"What?" I asked.

"That was our first vine together!" He exclaimed

"Ha your a dork!" I laughed.

We walked back to the top and sat down beside eachother

"I hope you know I'm like your biggest fan!" I said shyly

Nash looked into my eyes and said " and I just want you to know I'm your biggest fan!" He smiled

I smiled back, then Zack and Hayes walked into the theatre room and walked up the stairs and say beside Nash

*later into the movie*

Omg this is intense, just then Nash grabbed my hand slowly and squeezed. He looked over at me and smiled. I'm like a melted candle that is almost dead. This boy sure know how to drive me crazy. Ever since then he never let go of my hand, I'm surprised our hands didn't get really sweaty. The movie ended and we got up Nash let go of my hand as we started to walk down the stairs. We all walked back to the car but Hayes made me sit in the front. I was a little shy coming back home, but I also was really tired. Nash kept looking over at me. I exploded with excitement every time he did. We pulled up into their driver way and Zack and Hayes bolted out of the car and into the Grier's house. I just finished unbuckling myself and was about to open the door, but it was already open. Nash put a hand out and I gladly held it coming out.

"Ill walk you to you door ok! I wanna make sure you make it home safely!" Nash smiled

We walked up to my door and I turned to Nash and I hugged him.

" thanks for paying for me tonight!" I said

" no problem, I'm glad I got to pay for you. Here's my number text me so we can have that tour around town ok?"

He handed me a piece of paper, then gave me another hug and kissed my cheek.

"Bye! I'll see you around!" He said

"Bye Nash!" I smiled.

I walked up to my room and put on some spandex and a basketball t-shirt and crawled under my blankets. I looked at the piece of paper Nash gave me and typed in his number into a new contact and typed in Nash❤️. I can believe I have Nash Grier's number! I then texted him

(Text messages)

Me: Hey Nash it's Aubrey!

Nash: Hey! Thanks for texting me! We can plan our thing tomorrow ok!:)

Me: ok:) thanks for paying for me once again! Goodnight Nash:)

Nash: Good night Beautiful!

I quickly plugged my phone in and layed back down. And drifted into a peaceful sleep once again.

I enjoyed writing this chapter☺ please comment what you think! I need to know if you guys like it or not! I hope its long enough to!☺

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