Chapter 24

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I get woken up by my brother shaking me.


"Aubrey seriously get up! I want to do something with you and its like noon!"

My eyes shot straight open. I never sleep in this late if i go to sleep that early..

"Ok so how about in 2 hours we do something so i can at least get ready!"

" alright fine!" Zack chuckled


Ok so Elizabeth  told everyone that we should get out of the house today, because Nash seems upset and just wants to be left alone all day today. So i want to hang out with Aubrey. We would hang out eveyday untill mom left and we had to live here for now. Hayes is my bro but i also miss my twin sister.

I want to go to the fair. We love going together because we are the only ones who actually take risks and have a great time in our family.

.....11/2 hours later......


Im just putting on some leggings and my thunder basketball sweater.  I put my galaxy vans on and then sprayed some lavender perfume on. I looked in the mirror and noticed i missed a piece of my hair so i curled it. I looked good amd went into the living room to find Zack and hayes. No Nash.

"Hey dude! So were we going?"

"Um i was thinking the fair!" He replied

I love going to the fair with my brother its so much fun.

"Sound good, ill go get my money!" the car...

Zack always has to drive when its just us two. Im not sure why thats just how it is.

We got to the fair and each got a bracelet which was $40.

We went straight to the first roller coaster we could see. We waited in lined for a good 20 minutes untill we finally got to go on.

We were enjoying ourselves alot. I love hanging out with my brother. Im glad we did this. After a while I checked the time and its already 6:21pm

"Do you want to get food and eat it on the ferris wheel and talk? I asked zack

"Thats sounds good to me! Im hungry!"

We go buy a bag of cotton candy and also mini doughnuts to share and hide them in our pokets so it doesn't get taken away.

We waited a good hour and a half untill we got into our cart. We started having a heart to heart when my phone started to ring.

Its nash!

"Hey Babe!"

"Don't babe me.." he replied

"Nash whats wrong?"

" i need to talk to you now!"

"I cant right now,  im out with my brother!"

"You know what, forget it Aubrey.. IM DONE!"

"NA.." he hung up.

I can feel tears brimming my eyes. Almost full on waterworks...

"AUBREY WHAT HAPPENED? !" zack asked concerned.

" nash... he *sniffle* called and he was like dont babe me and i asked whats wrong and he said we need to talk now and i said i was with you right now *sniffle* and then he was like forget it and he... he broke up with me.

We are at rhe top of the ferris wheel right now so everyone can hear me crying.

"OH HELL NO! He isnt going to hurt you like that and get away with it!" He said furiously

"Zack *sniffle* dont... i want to try to talk to him first ok?"

"Fine. But if anything goes wrong im kicking his ass. We will go on the last roller coaster and then we will go ok?"

"Ok...." i said with a slight smile.

Zack then pulled me in and gave me the biggest hug ever and just held me in his arms rubbing my arm says "its going to be ok!"

We went on the biggest roller coaster here which is Rockin Rollercoaster.

I did enjoy the ride zack really does know how to cheer me up thats why i love him so much and is like a bestfriend.

Zack drove all the way back to the Grier's and its only 8:46pm! Normally we would have stayed till it closed but what ever Nash's problem is has to be fixed.

We arrived at the house and im nervous... i honestly have no clue whats going on.

"It will be ok!" Zack said incourageingly.

"I hope so!" And i sighed.

Everyone was in the living room except Nash. I walked downstairs to his room. I stood outside his door thinking.  I then nocked on his door.

"Go away.."

"Nash please! I don't understand whats going on!" I start to tear up again.


I open in door and walk in slowly.

He was laying on his stomach on his bed. So i sat gently on the corner of bed.

"Nash please tell me whats going *sniffle* on?!"

He then looked at me. His face was all puffy and red. He just starred at me then said

"AUBREY WERE DONE. YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE. " after that he kicked me off his bed using full force.

There was a big bang and everything went fuzzy for a few seconds. 

"OWWW!" im now bawling from the pain. I hit my head while falling.

"Stop trying to make me feel bad. I know your just faking..."

I run out of his room bawling and holding the right side of my head. I run as fast at i can to my guest room and pact my charger and important stuff and zack then shows up out of breath.


I have now lost feeling on part of my head. I look down and my hand is all bloody. My brother comes and carries me bridal style. I drop everything and we head to the car.

Elizabeth came and drove the car going fast.

Everything started going blurry.

All i could see is faint lights on and my brother and Elizabeth both saying its going to be ok.

I can hear my brother crying.

I then feel myself being lifted up and layed down. I hear faint voices then everything went black.

(Sooo?? What did you guys think! What happened to Aubrey!  Im happy that i kept my promise and updated when i say i was going to i will probably update friday next! Love you all♥♡)

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