Chapter 10

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*3 days later*


So moving trucks came to the house right beside us. I went outside to practice basketball, but I  also went out there so I could check things out. And see who is moving in beside us. For a while It was just movers unloading stuff. So I walked over to Nashes house, and knocked on their door.

"Hi Aubrey!" ELizabeth smiled

"Hi is Nash here?" 

"Ya he is just in his room, I think!" she chuckled as she let me in.

I'm sort of glad we have really told Elizabeth, or my mom that we are dating yet. I'm not sure what my mom would think about me dating yet. And my mom and her have been talking alot. And I think they are becoming good friends, so I'm afriad if Elizabeth knows she might say something to my mom. I just think I should wait a bit. Because I'm not sure how my mom will react tomy having a boyfriend. She knows I'm Like in love him though so that helps:)

I walked upstairs to Nash's room and quietly knocked on the door. there was no anwser so I slowly opened it. Awh Nash is still sleeping shirtless, maybe I should let him sleep. I check my phone and its 11:49am. Maybe I should wake him up. I'm not sure if he would get mad or not. just then nash started to move and was about to wake up. I decided I was going to scare him, so I quickly hide in his closet. Nash got out of bed and left is room. I am assuming he is going to the bathroom....Nash walked back into his room and headed for his closet. Ok heres my moment I was hiding behind his close hanging. Its going to be hilarious. Nash opened his closet door, I moves the close and pop and and say boo. Nash sort of jumped.

"Oh girl its on!" he smirked.

He then picked me up and put me over is shoulder he carried me over to his bed and quickly but gently layed me down. He sat on top of my legs, and grabbed my wristed and held them up above my head. He sat there hovering over me, as he starred into my eyes. He then leans in and kisses me softly, He licks my  bottom lip for entrance, I gladly accept. He then released his grip off my arms while not once breaking the kiss and grabs my cheeks gently. I can feel his hands slowly starting to slide down my sides. His hand are around my beely bottom and he stops. He then starts to tickle me like crazy. I broke the kiss, by bursting out laughing.

"Naaaaash s stop!" I managed to get out while laughing 

He wouldn't stop tickling me. I was squirming like crazy. Just then Elizabeth walked in the door. Nash stopped and looked up, he then got off me

"Oh! Hi mom, when did you get there?"

"Oh just now, I was just checking to see what all the niose was! She chuckled and left.

"Anyways I came Here to see if you wanted to come over and like play basketball or something, and then watch a movie?

"Of Corse I will!" he smiled. He headed to his closet to get a t-shirt and basketball shorts.

We went and Hayes came out of his room and wanted to get zack. We all went in my front yard and played a 2 on 2 basketball game. Me and Nash against Hayes and Zack. After about 20 minutes 2 Cars showed up at the house that the movers were at earlier. 2 Parents got out of 1 car, and A Guy that is about 19, and a girl that is about 13 and then next car. We decidied to go over and introudce ourselfs.

I walked up to the girl. "Hi I'm Aubrey!" I smiled

"Hi I am Kaitlyn

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