Chapter 36

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Today were going back home. Kaitlyn and i grabbed our luggage and meet leayne and jillian in the hallway of our rooms . I can't  believe were leaving already. Its so nice and beautiful, i never want to leave. I check the time and its 3:24am. I wish we didn't  have to leave this early, but it's what our parents bought. I can't argue, i mean best vacation, with my best friends

I think we will be getting back to North Carolina around 6pm


We got to the airport, got checked in, went threw airport security and found our gate.

"Flight 972 to San Diego is now boarding."

We have to fly there first because NC Is to far from Hawaii so its easier (just go with it i actually

don't  know)


I walk up to her door. Cameron said this is were Jamee lives. I'm in a nice shirt and khakis pants. In my truck i have my gym clothes.


Jamee opens the door.

"Hi" i say

"Hii" she says blushing.

"Do you have like gym clothes that you wont get to hot in."

"Um yep in my bag!"

"Ok, you look nice by the way"

I say as i look at her outfit. Lightblue skinny jeans with a purple hang off the shoulder shirt with a white scarf.

"Thank you, as do you" she blushed

I have to admit she is pretty, but Aubrey is wow... but i have to give Jamee chance.

We walk to my truck and i open the door for her. I take her to boomers and we get a 2 hour session (a place with trampolines and foam pits) we both get changed and have fun flipping and doing trampoline tricks, races and much more.


..2 hours later...

We get changed back into our good clothes and we leave. I then take Jamee to Tutti Fruity(frozen yogurt place).

We had a good time, we got to know eachother, i cracked some pretty good jokes. I looked at the  time and its almost 7,

"Oh look its almost seven!" I say

"Can i stay with you till about 8:30 9:00? All my friends are busy and my mom kind of has her boyfriend over.. and im not allowed to be there when he is." She said shyly

"Of course! Do you want to come back to my house and watch a movie?"

"I would love to!"

We got back to my truck and drove to my house. Thats when i see there back... Aubrey and kaitlyn are outside playing with a basketball instead of unpacking. I sort of chuckle. Wow are they ever tan. Aubrey is gorgeous..


Kaitlyn and I are tired and dont want to bring our luggage in so we left it on the drive way kaitlyn grabbed her basketball and we played 21. She is a lot better then  me so when she got to 20 points  i would bump  in up to 30 and and then 29 points to 40  just then a truck pulled  into the house beside and i looked again and it was Nash's truck.

Im kind of excited to see him, i mean its been a long month he gets out but doesn't look at us he goes to the passenger side and opens the door. Out comes this beautiful blonde about our age.

They start walking towards his house and he looks over and smiles at kaitlyn  and doesnt even ignoladge me! And then they were in the house.

That made me mad. I then kicked  Kaitlyns ass and beat her when then game was all the way up to 100 points

K: You ok

A: Ya? Why wouldn't I be?

K: Nash? It looked like he was on a date with another girl

A: i guess he couldn't wait any longer, its pretty much my fault.

K: do you want me to stay with you tonight?

A: yes

We grab our luggage and head to kaitlyns we get her some fresh clothes

K: hey actually do you want to go see the woman in black 2? Its at 9:20 so we could leave about 9 and we can get ready right now?

A: ya sure ill go home and have a shower and get ready

K: ok how about  we we meet outside around  8:50

A: ok see you then

I go home and i have a quick shower i get out and blow dry my hair then do loose curls, i have to look good for the bæ, i put on my lulu lemon leggings with a grey hang over the shoulder shirt with a blue infinity scarf

I do my usual concealer and foundation. I spray on my lovestruck perfume and put on some red lipstick to top it off.

I look at the time and its 8:43 i grab a piece of gum and go outside.

I grab my own ball and practice for a bit  then Nash and that Girl come out of the house. Nash just looked at me,the girl smiled. It was a nice smile not a ha hes mine b*tch.

I felt myself tearing up but i pushed them back then someone tapped on my shoulders it was kaitlyn and she gave me the biggest hug

K:would you care to go to the movie with me?

I sniffled

A: I would love to

(Im so sorry i didn't update last night! I fell asleep as i was updating it but i did it this morning i hope thats ok?
Ok so i think i might have 1 more chapter for this book!! But i will have a Sequel im not sure what to name it so if you have any ideas please comment them. Love you all i will update soon)

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