Chapter 33

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I actually thought about telling Nash... but part of me just didn't want to so i didn't.. I mean it's not like we're together anymore....right?


I decide to get out and try to surf.  I've always wanted to learn but never have.

*ring ring*

I look and its Nash

Me: Hey dude

Nash: Hey do you want to hang out right now and i can ask the girls to come to?

Me: uhhh the girls can't hang out...

Nash:why can't  they?

Me: meet me at Denny's we can eat and ill explain there.

Nash:uhhh alright? What time?

Me: um in 30?

Nash: alright ill see you soon!

Me: bye


I made myself look presentable and made sure i smelled decent. I grabbed  my penny board and was on my way to Denny's.


Nash is waiting  in the parking lot so i caught up to him and we went inside.

We got seated and i ordered and ice tea. Nash ordered a lemonade we also ordered  our food. I got the chicken enchiladas, Nash  got the grilled chicken sandwich.

"Ok so what did you want to tell me?"nash questioned

"Ok so don't get mad... but the girls aren't here.. and are gone for a month"

"There what!" Nash said kind of loudly

"Shhhhhhhhhh! Not so loudly! People are starring!" I chuckled

"Their parents suprised them yesterday morning, with them going  to Hawaii together for a month and they left last night."

"I cant believe Aubrey never  told me...." nash then started  to get teary eyed

"Hey man... don't  worry just talk to her tonight  or tomorrow, im sure theres a reason"

"Your right man, maybe she was just so excited  she forgot!"

"Ya maybe!"

I feel pretty bad for Nash, i sort of got it out of kaitlyn  on how Aubrey is feeling about Nash apnd i understand what she thinks if i were her i would probably be a bit scared of Nash to.. but even thought their not technically together right now she still  should have told  Nash.


After lunch we went back to our houses  and we grabbed our swimsuits then went to the lake to go water skiing.


Im trying my best to make Cam think im ok. I honestly dont think i am though. I don't  understand why she never told me. Im making sure i facetime her tonight, and see why she never told me.

........night time.....

Ok i think im ready, i look at myself in the mirror  and i look  half decent, i go ask Hayes

"Hey bro how do I look?"

"Your looking goooooooood!" He said then smirked

I went back downstairs thinking  about what im going  to say, i sat on my bed up against my wall. I went to her name and hit facetime.


She didn't answer...

I don't want to bother her maybe ill wait a little bit

Just then i got a facetime call from Aubrey!

I quickly  answered it and she was on the beach with kaitlyn  in their bakinies laying on their towels.

(Im going to put A for aubrey and Nfor nash im to tired for quotations)

A: Sorry we were in the water and i just heard my phone going off, then i just missed you

N: oh thats ok! I thought you were busy anyways, since your in HAWAII???

A: hahah ya...

N: why didn't  you tell me you were going?

A: well i found out the day of, and i had to pack and i was really  busy!

N: i understand that but kaitlyn made time  to tell Cam. You could of at least texted me! Somthing, anything is better then this agony

I made a dramatic sigh, and she giggled

A: I'm  sorry Nash...i thought  about it, but i didnt  think you would care since were not together anymore

N: oh..well i would have liked it if you did.......But hey! We can still facetime right?

A: ya i guess lets just hope im not busy all the time.

N:ok, and Aubrey?

A: ya?

N: you might not think were together, but in my heart your always going to be mine, I love you

There was an awkward silence

N: ok well it looks like your busy

I can feel tears building up

A: oh ya right haha i forgot  where i even  was, ok ya there begging  me to come  back so i should  make there wish come true.

N: haha ok well have fun! Don't  miss me to much

A: haha ok bye nash

She smiled

A: ill talk to you later ok?

N: ok, sounds good, bye!


And with that i ended  the facetime.

I cry for about 20 minutes

I can't let this get to ne i have to be strong. I get up and go to the bathroom i make sure i dont look like i have been crying. Im good

I walk to the kitchen and make some popcorn.

I call hayes down


He came running down the stairs


"Were watching a movie so grab your popcorn sir"

"Oh my dear lord, you yelled at me like that for this?"

I chuckled "yup i needed you down here somehow"

We both laughed  and sat down on the couch. I grabbed the remote  and scrolled throught the movies. We found That Awkward Moment. I hit play and dug in to my popcorn.

......Half way through....

"Man your lucky you have a woman, i need to find one.." hayes said

Ya so lucky...

(Im sorry i NEVER  updated again  im so bad for that! I know i Know i will updat a lot more this week:) i hope this chapter  was ok? Love you alll )

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