Chapter 16

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(Nash's POV)

Ok, ok so I know I kind of lied to Aubrey a little. Yes Leayne  was my bestfriend before and she moved away but, we had a conection and started getting feelings for each other  over the year before she left. So when we hung today i did kiss her. OK maybe more than once but i completely forgot, it felt like old times.


So im back in my room and now i can't sleep. So i decided im going to look on instagram.  I go onto Nash's profile and find that Leayne girl. Sure enough she is Gorgeous. In her profile pic. I look at her newest picture, i can't quite tell who it is, But its two people kissing. I click on it.

ITS NASH AND LEAYNE... omg i feel like crying again..  it was posted over 5 hours ago and it says 'reunited with my boy missed him' I can fell my eyes building up with tears. I put my phone down and just force myself to sleep, hoping its only a dream. 


So I'm just posted my picture with Nash. I'm not really sure what we are at th moment. I completly forgot about my boyfriend, well man friend that I wheel.(flirting but not dating). I click on Nash's profile and see look at his pictures I see He has pictures with this girl. Her name is Aubrey. The last picture he pow with her was 26 hours ago and it says "i have the best girlfriend in the world, so glad ur staying at my house for 2 weeks"

GIRLFRIEND! ! oh my god what have i done!?! Just then my phone died. I wait untill i can go on my phone again and i quickly delete my photo with Nash. I close my eyes thinking this threw. Ok so tomorrow I have to go to Nash's house and talk to Aubrey. She seems like such a sweet girl I can't believe i just did this to her. Im the worsr person in the world. I drift of thinking about what I'm goomg to say tomorrow.


I get woken up to someone knocking on my guest room door. I quickly get up to open it.

"Hey Aubrey sorry to wake you! But someone is at the door for you!"

Im shocked but follow Elizabeth to the door. We walk by the kitchen and its 7:12am.. Elizabeth leaves to the kitchen as i go to the door. I look closely and its.... LEAYNE!!

( OH MY GOD IM SOOOOO SORRYY!! I havent updated in so long, i have just been so busy will homework and everything im truely sorry! I will update again later tonight or if not then forsure tomorrow!! I luhhh you guys!!)

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