Chapter Fourteen

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Isabel vanished back into the hallway and came back with a tall stack of movies. There was an echo from when she slammed them down onto the wooden coffee table. Daniel raised a curious brow, which made Isabel blush.

"This is just a few of the movies that I have. I've been hooked on Shakespeare lately though." She filtered through the pile as both cats ran through the open door, "You don't mind Shakespeare, right?" She paused to that she could ask.

"Not at all actually." He looked through some other contemporary movies. He wasn't acquainted with the sleek cases and discs when he opened it. He wasn't used to the color either, but it would be another thing he'd have to get used to.

"Julius Caesar or Othello?" She began picking up the clutter that she created.

"That's a tough one." Daniel rubbed the back of his while trying to pick. Isabel took the pile back to a room quickly.

"Pick one yet?" She reemerged into the living room. Daniel handed her Othello and her eyes lit up happily, "Yay, now sit." She demanded while pointing at a black recliner angled towards the television.

She began busily setting everything up. Not even a couple seconds after Daniel sat down, both cats were up in the chair with him. Isabel shooed them away so that she could sit down as well, but they jumped right back up. Both curled up into balls of fur as the movie started. Isabel placed her head onto Daniel gently and drifted off to sleep. Daniel wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer and fell asleep himself.

Something from the movie woke Daniel up. He groaned and shifted his numb arm so that he could get feeling back into it again.  He was starting to fall asleep again, but the front door opened. Both cats looked up, but neither of them bothered to move from their spots. Daniel closed his eyes so that he could try to go back to sleep.

"Are they asleep?" He heard Alise asked while the gate opened.

"Probably. They're watching her Shakespeare." Santiago complained before sounds of them kissing grossed Daniel out.

"Can you two not?" Daniel asked when he heard them lay down on the couch.

"Well they were asleep at least." Santiago sighed and sat on the floor in front of Alise, who began playing with his hair.

"Isabel still is." Daniel reported, but she moved and started to yawn. Both the cats moved in annoyance of her moving. She restarted the almost ended movie and drifted back to sleep.

About halfway through, Santiago cleared his throat to get Daniel's attention, "Do you like my sister? Are you going to date her?" Santiago asked. The random question made Daniel nervous as he wasn't completely sure himself.

"There's something there, but we only met today. I also don't want to say anything without getting her input on it first." Daniel replied honestly. He felt Isabel shift next to him about to wake up. He didn't think that Santiago knew that.

"Why do you ask?" Alise asked before Daniel could ask himself while she still played with his hair.

"Because you seem like a nice enough of a guy. You've been with her all day even though you technically didn't have to be. I just want you to know that you have my approval and blessing when it comes to that." Isabel woke up suddenly. She leaned over Daniel's lap so that she could look at her brother.

Um, excuse me?" She said seriously with her voice starting to get loud already, "That is not your decision and we aren't even in a relationship. Which again, is none of your business." She continued to scold loudly, "I'm not a child and I don't need you to act like my father." She wanted to say more, but she stopped when Santiago rolled his eyes. Daniel leaned back so that he wouldn't get caught in the crossfire. He knew how these sibling arguments go.

"You're right I'm not. I wouldn't leave my family to drown in the ocean. It's not my fault he abandoned us and had mom die." Her face got blood red as she gripped the arm of the chair.

"Don't you dare talk about him like that. He was trying to save us." She hollered, "How dare you hate him for no reason." She was becoming flooded with emotion.

"Yeah, saving us from all the women he was going to sleep around with once we were out of the picture." Everyone's jaw dropped open. Isabel froze for an instant without being able to get up.

"I hate you!" She shouted before getting up to leave. She ran out of the house with the door slamming behind her.

"Ow." Santiago shouted when he got slapped across the back of his head by Alise.

"That was way out of line. You know better than that." She shouted at him like an angry mother.

"I'm going to find her." Daniel flew up from the recliner and Alise joined him going out of the front door.

"Come on. Time to find out if you're mono-colored like you say you are. Should be able to turn into a dragon." Alise dragged him into the middle of the road from the porch.

"A dragon?" Daniel asked as the stood in the middle of the road. Daniel couldn't tell if she was mad at him, Santiago, or both. If she was mad at him, he had no clue why.

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