Chapter Fifty-Four

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    Watching Isabel's aura glow behind her and her hair flow even though there wasn't wind, slightly terrified Daniel even though this was the woman he fell in love with. Everyone has their dark side that gets exposed for a certain reason, Daniel only hoped that he himself would never get her this mad. Isabel's gaze shifted over to the awestruck Fiona, who could only do what everyone else did and stare. A bold drake shot a lightning bolt at her. She blocked the bolt with a piece of the dome and then smashed it into the drake's head, cracking its skull and neck.

    "Fiona. Leave this city and do not bother my family." Isabel warned. Fiona scoffed, but everyone else immediately cleared the area including those that Isabel wouldn't consider a threat. At this point Daniel was the only one that be safe if the fight got nasty... Hopefully anyway.

    "Or what?" Fiona laughed. Daniel looked around to Alonso pick up a now unconscious Adrian.

    "Get them out of here." Daniel told him as he nodded and then looked up at Isabel, who stared down Fiona with pure hatred.

    "What about you?" Alonso asked with concern all over his face as Sakra picked up David with her claws clumsily.

    "I should be fine... I don't think anyone else who gets caught in the cross fire will though." Daniel looked at the now almost empty street. Nothing else needed to be told to clear out of the way. Daniel watched as Adrian and Sakra turned down the street and turned at a corner disappearing behind a tall half destroyed building with the interior exposed.

    With a huff, Fiona grew impatient and hardly moved her hand that glowed white, but small movement was enough to set Isabel off. Her large wings propelled her forward at a speed greater than Daniel could keep up with. As she flew over him, he lost his balance and nearly fell to the ground. Isabel circled Fiona like a supersonic vulture waiting to swoop in on its food. As Isabel flew a tornado of wood splinters from the dome got sucked into the column of icy air Isabel had created. Without success, Fiona attempted to hit Isabel with spears and shards of ice but Isabel was flying to fast.

    Finally Isabel stopped and returned to her floating state watching as the wood splinters and stakes circled the trapped woman inside. Isabel clamped her hands together as if she wrapped them around a ball, as she did so every splinter, stick, and stake rushed at Fiona. She screamed as she made a dome of ice that began to shatter under the pressure. When that dome was about to crack, Fiona made another larger one covering the already damaged one. Once the onslaught stopped, Fiona returned the attack and sent boulder sized chunks of ice as Isabel, who moved out of the way acrobatically. A green orb exploded next to Fiona's foot as she moved out of the way to not get hit directly. Isabel sent a mix of her own ice shards and green orbs. Daniel watched dumbstruck as he watched Fiona struggled to keep up with the aerial assault. Furious and frustrated, Fiona managed to clip one of Isabel's wings with a beam of ice sending her flying towards the ground after her wings vanished into thin air.

    Before she could hit the ground, Daniel caught her in his arms and lightly placed her on a bed of rushing water that encased her protectively. Both of Daniel's eyes turned blue before he charged at the already tired Fiona. With a wave of his hand a muddy mass of water snaked and twisted towards Fiona in a pipe like column that Fiona froze. In a last ditch attempt, a violent wind flowed from Fiona's aura filled with shark snowflakes and thick pieces of hail. Smartly, Daniel greeted the wintery mix with a wave of steaming hot water that melted everything that touched it. He pumped cobalt blue water into it as it began to cool off from the hail and snow. About to bring the wave into a giant orb to encase Fiona in it only exploded into snowy powder as Fiona morphed back into a dragon. She roared angrily as she flew away from the city looking back as her figure got smaller in the night's sky.

    "Are you alright?!" Daniel asked wrapping his arms around her as she got up out of the water bed, "Where's the baby?" Daniel asked and then turned his head to see one of the celestial elements cooing over the newborn.

    "I'm fine now that Fiona is gone." Isabel snuffed with a smile as the celestial handed her the baby and Daniel stood behind Isabel and watched the baby sleep.

    "Remind me to never get on your bad side." They both chuckled, "It's a boy." Daniel said with a smile stretching across his face as he nuzzled the back of Isabel's neck.

    "Yes he is. I already have a name for him." Isabel handed him to Daniel, who took him gladly and gently, "Elijah. Elijah the chosen one." Isabel said standing next to Daniel facing his side and her arms wrapped around his waist. She kissed him lovingly and they stopped when a flash startled them. Quickly Isabel's eyes turned back to her aura's colors. When she saw Daniel's mother standing there petrified with a camera in hand her eyes returned to normal.

    "I thought I was a protective mother." Margarita laughed, "But anyway there was no way I wasn't going to take a picture of that." She looked at the picture lovingly before showing the photo to Daniel and Isabel.

    "Savor this moment." Photina said as her face was filled with love and despair, "After today there may not be many of these moments. Best to take in what you can when you can." She said looking at Elijah as he slept in Daniel's arms.

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