Chapter Twenty-Seven

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When they were far enough away, there was a moment for them to take a break, "Is everyone alright?" Carlos asked as he got off Daniel's back. Daniel morphed into a human and collapsed to the ground.

"You need to lose some weight." He panted heavily in the dense jungle.

"I think so." Bestienna replied after morphing and both fairies flew into the treetops before coming back down, "We need to get to Metringa." Bestienna stated looking to Daniel.

"I don't know if I want to now." He replied honestly, sitting up on the ground. If they knew about that camp, then they probably know about the one in Metringa. He didn't feel like dealing with Fiona again.

"Hey!" They heard Sydney's voice before she landed on the ground. Eric and Kristen walked up to them from the dark forest and sat down tired.

"What happened?" Eric looked behind him and glared at the direction of the camp.

"It was a trap basically. They learned about the location of it early this morning apparently. Good catch on Jovan and Catalina by the way Daniel." Eric stood up, almost falling again from exhaustion.

"I don't think we should go to the checkpoint at all then." Bestienna exchanged looks with Daniel and then they looked at the group,

"I don't know why you're looking at us. You're the royalty here." Kristen said with a slight jab that made Daniel throw his hands up in defeat. He wasn't used to one person having that much of an attitude.

"Might be better to just skip it." Bestienna nodded her head in approval. Daniel walked a few paces to the left and noticed a small trail behind some bushes, "Eric, do you know where this goes?" Daniel asked and he nodded.

"Give me a moment." Kat stated and then rested her hand on the exposed path. Her eyes turned green and then lilac, "It goes right into Metringa, but it goes to the capital." Bestienna winced.

"We can just follow it to Metringa, fly by the checkpoint, and head northwest to Quadra City." Bestienna sighed as she turned into a dragon again. Justice and Carlos both sprouted bat like wings and flew into the air.

Isabel and Kat both sat on Daniel's back after he morphed. He yawned and groaned when the temperature began to dip bit by bit. It was gradual enough so that he could get used to it, "Daniel why is your body getting hotter?" Isabel asked looking at his cobalt colored scales.

"He can change the temperature of his body with the water in it. Typical merfolk trait." Alise answered while on Santiago's back. He thought about being cooler and then his body changed to bright turquoise.

"Hey, don't go cold." Isabel complained as he walked on.

"Everyone get on my back; I don't want to be in this kingdom long." Isabel and Kat flew off as he grew to his original size. Everyone slowly shuffled on as the fairies and vampires helped the other get on, "Hold on." He announced and he took into the cooler air into the artic freezing air.

His body turned cobalt and got even darker as the air around him got colder, he was glad he decided to fly. Daniel didn't know if he would have been able to make it in this kingdom. When they flew over the checkpoint, it looked already abandoned. Bestienna pointed the way to Cavaroon and he dashed over the snow-covered landscape.

After hours, the landscape melted back into the mixed forest of Cavaroon, where they finally caught up with the convoy from the abandoned camp. The white covered trees turned into a carpet mixed with hues of red, orange, and brown.

"We're almost there." Isabel whispered into his ear; he was glad to be able to get some rest.

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