Chapter Twenty-Four

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"I'm Daniel, the water pure elemental. He responded, it felt weird to say out loud. Something he was going to have to get used to. He wasn't sure how many people knew of his existence.

"I'm leader of the magic kingdom rebellion. I can't believe that you're able to help us get to the north." He said happily with a lot energy that made Daniel a little nervous as he laughed.

"I'm glad that I could help. What's the rebellion for?" Daniel asked curiously with his head tilted slightly.

"Our king is basically signing over our homes to be doomed. It's only a matter of time before this place becomes a disgusting wasteland as well." He seemed sad when he spoke, but Daniel wasn't sure if he believed him or not. There was something off about the man.

"Hey Jovan." A woman hugged his side without letting go, "Oh? Hi I'm Catalina." She went to give Daniel a hug but settled for a handshake after Isabel appeared next to him, "I'm second in command. You are quite handsome." She continued ignoring the daring glare from Isabel, who looked her up and down.

"Anyway, we have food and drink in the center of the camp so whenever you're ready we'd love to have you. Be careful and not to get lost, people will be filtering in throughout the night. We leave at sunup tomorrow." He and Catalina walked off as an orange tiger walked towards them.

Alise and Isabel attacked the man that morphed from the tiger with happy squeals, "I am so glad that you're ok." Isabel sighed giving him a giant hug as he did the same. He peered over her shoulder and stared at Daniel with an interested look.

"Who's this?" He asked walking up to Daniel. He looked strikingly like Santiago with a few features belonging to Isabel.

"Oh Daniel, this is Eric, my cousin." Isabel stated and Eric pulled him into a giant warm hug. He looked almost too identical to Santiago to be a cousin, but it wasn't up to Daniel to decide that.

"So, since when did you start hanging around handsome men?" Eric asked and Isabel's jaw dropped. Her cheeks flushed with red when she looked at Daniel again.

"When did you get down here?" Santiago asked as they hugged each other. Daniel looked back and forth; the similarity was almost exact.

"Not too long ago actually. Have to talk to the leaders of the camp in a few minutes." He stated before he noticed Daniel's frown, "What's wrong?" He asked and then Daniel pointed in the direction that the couple walked.

"I thought Jovan and Catalina were the leaders?" Daniel asked and this time Eric frowned.

"Umm... Never heard of them before... Catch you three later." He jumped into his tiger form and raced towards the edge of the growing camp.

After fooling with the tent, the four of them walked the maze of tents and huts towards the center. The whole campsite looked like a circus arena with many kinds of animals and people. Some people sparring with magic others entertaining children. Even though it wasn't the best situation, it warmed Daniel to see everyone so calm and relaxed. Finding the central area, there were many people walking around in the dead middle there was a huge campfire that lit up the whole area and kept the cold air at bay. Around it, there was a dirt path that people walked along to go to the various tents with supplies. Across from where they came from there was a house-sized tent with smoke rising from the top.

"That was quick." Jovan stated as they walked into the tent that was filled with the smell of food. Daniel looked at him suspiciously.

"We got hungry." Daniel said slowly, "Doesn't help that we've been on our feet all day long." Daniel laughed as he grabbed a plate and moved down the line of food on the buffet table.

"So, I hear Fiona was quite intent on killing you." Daniel and Isabel looked up at Catalina, but Isabel looked back down at her plate and kept moving down the line.   

    "Yeah she was we fought her, but even with all of us she was holding her own pretty well." Daniel said and then Jovan looked at him weirdly, "She grew up learning how to fight. I'm pretty sure as soon as she woke up, she started to practice with her powers." Daniel said.

    "You knew her?" Catalina asked and then Daniel nodded, "How exactly?" Catalina asked and then Isabel's ears perked up.

    "It's a long story," Daniel said.

    "It's a shame you're a nice fellow from what I can tell. If you and she were dating, you'd make a fine and powerful couple and then maybe we'd be able to end this war quickly. A powerful fellow like you deserves a powerful girl to date. I wouldn't waste my time chasing after a dual elemental, middle grade, ice fairy." Jovan said before Isabel left the table quickly without saying anything. Quickly, Alise and Santiago followed her, and Daniel sighed.

He thought about doing a few things, but in best interest he got to follow, "Lost her?" Alise had a fake smile as she nodded her head. She let out a deep sigh as Santiago walked back into the tent.

"You already know the drill." Alise was highly upset as she looked at the table.

"Try not to kill him please." Daniel laughed when she didn't say anything.

"I'll try not to." She responded before he went out into the city of tents.

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