Chapter Forty-Seven

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"How are you?" Daniel asked his father, who rolled his eyes still in the hospital bed.

"I'd be better if these damn fairies would let me out of this damn hospital." He spat in agitation.

"Roberto!" Daniel's mother scolded and his father just looked at her.

"Margarita!" He scolded back and she looked at him challengingly. For a moment the two of them just looked at each other like two jungle cats fighting over a kill, "Have you checked with your brother yet?" She asked looking away finally. Daniel nodded and looked down at his father, who grumbled to himself.

"No, I haven't made all of my rounds yet. Just got done in the next building over with Isabel. Good thing that the hospital buildings are connected its sizzling hot outside." Daniel exclaimed and then his mother chuckled.

"They don't call it the fire kingdom for no reason. I think we're in the desert part. How is she doing?" She asked rubbing Roberto's hand.

"Ready for it to be gone. She won't stop complaining." His mother smiled and then looked down at his father, who had a smirk on his face.

"That sounds like you with all four of them." He laughed with a soft chuckle before Daniel noticed a small window with a bench in front of it. Neatly folded was a stack of blankets and a small pile of clothing,

"Did you sleep here last night?" Daniel asked and then his mother nodded looking at her husband with worry that washed onto her face instantly.

"Not much there were a few times last night when your father's aura started draining without warning. They were able to stop it from draining away completely, but fortunately, we don't have to worry about it at this point. He should be ready to go in a few hours." She said holding his hand.

"Yesterday morning was pretty demanding on everyone. That was my first time fighting in a battle of that scale." Daniel admitted and then remembered about his younger brother in the other room, "Speaking of which I'm going to go see David. I doubt he's noticed that I'm not there considering he has his entourage with him." Daniel grinned and his mother rolled her eyes.

"They need to leave him alone as far as I'm concerned." She said angrily and Daniel studied her face.

"Why?" He asked simply.

"Because ever since you three left he's slowly stopped himself. It's been hard to watch, but when you left... Something snapped inside of him. He stopped eating. He never left his room. He pulled away from everyone... Even Alonso." She started and her eyes got watery, "Then to have them down his throat every minute is just ridiculous. He needs his brothers not them." She said angrily accidentally strengthening her grip on Daniel's father's hand.

"Umm sweetheart? Circulation gone pain getting stronger." His father said looking down at his hand and she did the same.

"Oh shit sorry miel. Didn't mean to." She said and kissed him on the forehead, "He's more likely to open up to you. Carlos was here earlier, but he was asleep then. I don't know if he is still." She said worryingly, "Between these two I've been pacing back and forth between the two rooms." She said. Daniel could see the bags under her eyes when she turned into the sun to walk towards the window bench.

"I'll go see him. Get some rest mama." Daniel kissed her on the forehead before leaving the room gently closing the door behind him. He looked to his left and walked down the hallway ten feet or so away peering into the next room to see David in a hospital bed asleep with his leg wrapped and two men arguing amongst each other. When Daniel knocked on the door and cleared his throat two pairs of blue and violet eyes looked at him quickly.

Adrian sat at the end of the bed fiddling with his black spiked hair that was starting to get a bit long. Immediately they went back to their argument where Alonso's mother's French accent started to faintly reappear. Adrian flicked his violet eyes in agitation pretending to listen to Alonso, "Daniel can you get him to listen?" Alonso asked, his beige arms flailing in the air dramatically.

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